Saturday Night Forest

Yesterday, Jolly Redd was in town with four works of art for me to choose from. The famous painting appeared to be fake, and the flowery painting appeared to be real (but I already have it in the museum). So that left a quaint painting and a beautiful statue, both of which I had not seen before in New Horizons. I took a chance and bought the quaint painting.

Today, I received the painting in the mail. I took it over to Blathers, and he informed me that it was a fake. 🙁

When I went diving for a Nook Miles+ goal, I found a scallop and Pascal showed up to ask for it. Pascal wondered why people used to try to turn lead into gold instead of just accepting lead the way it was. 😛

Pascal: People used to try to turn lead into gold, but did they ever think about just accepting lead the way it was?

K.K. Slider was in town, and I asked him for a random song. He performed Café K.K. for me, Keaton, and Lopez. Now if only K.K. could perform in a café. 😉

I made a special Halloween mural that’s on my beach near the graveyard.

A Halloween mural that shows Jack in front of a haunted house.

At 10:00, I opened up my gate. Logan and Alex from Pawnee came over…and surprisingly, that was it. I know this was my first time opening on a Saturday night, but I expected more visitors than that…so I posted to Twitter to remind people. Three people replied that they were trying to get in, but were getting an error message.

So I closed my gate and reopened around 10:30 or so. This time, Maria, James, Logan, and Alex from Pawnee came over. As you can see in this screenshot, I also made a pattern for K.K. night.

K.K. Night

Logan told us that Alex from A-Nation was also trying to come over, but he was getting the error message as well. We noticed that both times, nobody joined in after Alex from Pawnee. So we thought maybe he was locking the door behind him when he came in. 😉 But he offered to leave and return to see if the other Alex could get in…and it worked! So we had both Alexes.

We headed over to the plaza, and I asked everyone to go crazy as I watched K.K.’s show. People running around during a show provides some funny moments, as some of you may remember from my ACCF Wi-Fi Moments.

K.K. sings through a fish.

After a few shows, we walked through Donkey Kong Country and Alex did some fishing.

An ocean sunfish obscures the view of Alex's face, but you can still see his glasses.

A bit later, Maria was trying to catch a shark, and Alex stole it away. It turned out to be a whale shark, too! 😮

We went to my house and merged in the basement. It’s a shame that stairways seem to be the only place where merging still works. I guess it’s so that people don’t accidentally push each other up/down stairs or out a door.

Merging in my basement.

After we were done hanging out in my house, we visited Apple. She was crafting a cabin wall, which I don’t think of us needed. 😛

Shortly after that, I ended the session (just after midnight). Thanks to everyone who came, it was fun!

That’s Orange?

Yesterday, I received a letter from Gullivarrr in the mail. He sent me a pirate-treasure chest.

Jeff displays the pirate-treasure chest in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

I like the item overall, but it’s a bit disappointing that it can’t be closed and opened; it’s always open. And the gold doesn’t look particularly shiny…even my golden roses look shinier. 😛

I finally bred my first orange rose, and I was planning on using black and orange roses to decorate for Halloween. However, the orange rose is very pale and it almost looks pink to me. So I may just use orange windflowers to decorate instead.

My first orange rose in ACNH.

Louie informed me that he lost his training notebook. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time a villager has informed me of a lost item before I’ve found it myself. The book wasn’t far away, so I quickly returned it to Louie. He gave me some rimmed glasses to thank me.

Louie: Yes! You found it! I've been looking everywhere for this! It's my Manual for Expert Bodybuilding!

What’s with the jocks losing so many items lately though?

Today, Saharah was in town. I made some purchases and ended up with a snowflake rug, blue dotted rug, flowing-river flooring, and blackboard wall. The snowflake rug is the only one I kept (in storage). But I noticed that picking up a rug sure stirs up a lot of dust!

Stirring up some dust when picking up a rug in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I posted a New Horizons Q & A video today, so check it out if you’d like. I answer about 50 questions about the game, features, villagers, my play style, and more.

There won’t be a Friday Night Forest this week, because I’m going to be playing some Super Mario 3D All-Stars. 😛 However, I plan on opening up on Saturday night instead, probably at the same time.

New Halloween Area

Gullivarrr was in town today, washed up on the beach and ranting about raisins in cookies.

Gullivarrr: SNRRK, snrrk... Arr! If I find even a single raisin in these cookies... I'll keelhaul the lot of ye! Zzz...
Very relatable.

I went diving for his communicator and returned it to him. He’ll be sending me a gift in the mail tomorrow.

In the southeast part of town, I took this picture of my new Halloween-themed area. It’s a graveyard, with six gravestones, black and orange flowers, a skeleton, a scarecrow, a throwback skull radio playing K.K. Dirge, and an ominous message that also appears on the map.

My new graveyard area for Halloween.

I may still make some changes to this area, but I went ahead and updated my dream. So you can check it out for yourself, if you’d like. Just go to dream address 6717-1633-3682.

Tybalt asked me for a new greeting, so I told him to say “Hi other Jeff.” 😛

Tybalt: Hi other Jeff! Yeah! That gets me pumped!

When I visited Agent S, she told me she brought home her catfish. Was she talking about Rizzo? 😉

Agent S: Which is why I brought home my catfish here...

Up on Eagle Mountain, I was thrilled to run into Celeste!

Celeste: Oh, good evening! Aren't the stars just exquisite tonight?

I was even more excited when she gave me a DIY recipe for an asteroid! That was one of the items that I most wanted from her! 😀

In Apple’s house, I noticed that her hamster cage was replaced with a skull! Does that mean her hamster died? Oh no! 🐹💀

Apple has a throwback skull radio where her hamster cage used to be.

Nook’s Cranny had another pinball machine for sale today (a blue, pirate-themed one). So I bought it and put it in the amusement park. This was after I updated my dream, though.

Just FYI: If you leave a comment on this blog, the website and e-mail are optional. Please don’t put JVGS for the site, just leave it blank if you don’t have your own site you want to link. I’ve just been seeing it a lot lately and I don’t want people to think that’s necessary.

See you all next time! 🙂