Little Wisp, Big Statue

I found Gulliver washed up on the shore today…just one day after finding the same sight on GameCube.

Gulliver: T-the waves... The waves are...guh! Ready th' pool noodles! Zzz...

I helped him out by digging up his five communicator pieces that were buried in the sand. He will be sending me a gift in the mail tomorrow.

Since it rained last night (for the first time in a long time), I had a bunch of new flower buds today. That included a new gold rose!

A new gold rose starts to bud.

Louie wanted to apologize to Tybalt for something, by giving him a gift. So he asked me to deliver it. I agreed to help out, and the gift was a dotted raincoat. I told Tybalt it looked good on him (even though it didn’t). 😂

Tybalt: Whaddaya think, oh banana?

He rewarded me with a flashy jacket.

Wisp was in town tonight, and I found him in a surprising spot: on the eastern cliff above Donkey Kong Country, next to the stone idol! 😛

Wisp appears next to the rock-head statue.
Wisp looks so tiny next to the statue!

I wished on a few shooting stars, but I missed out on many more. When you’re holding a tool and using the higher viewpoint angle (like I typically do), that means you have to do three things before you can wish on a star: Put the tool away, and change the angle twice. Once you do all that, the star is already out of sight and it’s too late to make a wish. D’oh.

Louie gave me a new nickname tonight, “racer.” I guess it’s better than “slick,” which is what they’ve been calling me. 😛

I’m in the process of making small changes to my fountain area in front of the plaza. I removed the 2nd row of seats, since I mainly had them there for the fireworks festival. That also gives me room to add blue pansies all around the fountains (instead of just on three sides).

My fountain area.

But with that said, I’m still not totally happy with it. It still needs something else in my opinion, but I’ll have to figure that out another day.

There will be an entry late tomorrow night for Friday Night Forest. I have a lot of recipes available near the airport, and they’re free for any of my visitors that need them. See you all tomorrow!

Bogus Bubble Blower

Celeste showed up in town yesterday, for the time time in nearly a month! She gave me a DIY recipe for a Virgo harp. That’s fine and all, but I really want more of the space items/recipes!

Celeste: Oh, good evening! Aren't the stars just exquisite tonight?

I found a lost item on the ground outside, and it mentioned “xtreme xercises.” That sounded like Louie, so I asked him about it in Nook’s Cranny. Sure enough, it was his training notebook. He thanked me by giving me a cycling shirt.

While I was there, I checked out the cabinet and saw a cute frog umbrella for sale! I just had to buy it, even though it wasn’t raining.

Jeff holds a frog umbrella in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for Nintendo Switch.

Today, Louie sent me a letter (with a fossil attached) in the mail, talking about dinosaurs. He was wondering how much they could deadlift.

A letter from Louie, wondering how much (weight) dinosaurs could deadlift.

But the fossil he sent me was coprolite. In other words, dino poop! Why is he sending me this 💩?!

Nook’s Cranny had a bubble blower available from the cabinet. It was 150 bells, so I bought it.

Timmy: A bubble blower would be 150 bells.

I took it outside and blew it once…and it was gone. It’s just a one-time use item! Even the ones from Crazy Redd could be used five times! What’s worse, is that you can’t even buy them in bulk! You have to buy them one blow at a time. What a joke.

Label was over at the plaza today, and she wanted to see me wearing a goth outfit: something dark and moody. She gave me a vampire costume to use as an example. I put it on, and then I went home to check my storage.

There, I found a skeleton hood. It should match the “dark and moody” theme, even if it’s not exactly a vampire thing. So I put it on and returned to Label. She liked the outfit, and she gave me a Labelle hat. She’ll also be sending me a tailors ticket (or two) in the mail.

Label: Yes, this is what I mean when I say I'm looking for a goth style.

I posted a new video today, and it shows 65 things you can do in New Leaf, but not in New Horizons. Don’t take it the wrong way, I love New Horizons…and not all features are equal. Many of the features shown are minor things. But still, I think it’s fun to look at the differences between games. I hope you enjoy it!

As for this blog, I am making a small change to the frequency of new posts. I’ve been posting 6 times a week, but I’m now changing that to 5-6 entries per week. So some weeks will only have five entries, other weeks will have six. This just gives me a little break on days when not much happens.

By the way, I am planning on hosting Friday Night Forest this week at the usual time (10pm Eastern time) for people already on my roster. I may not have any new activities planned, but at least everyone can see the Donkey Kong Country area “in person.” 😛

Eraser Dust

A letter from Nook Shopping informed me that there is a new seasonal item available. It’s a moon rug for “Moon-Viewing Day,” and it costs 2,000 bells. It’s available until October 8th, so you may want to order one while you can.

Moon rug: 2,000 bells.

C.J. was in town, and he wanted me to catch three big-time fish in a row. So I caught a puffer fish, a salmon, and a red snapper to complete the challenge. After selling him those fish, I returned home and got 16 other fish out of storage. They sold for 180,000 bells.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 180,000 bells. Deal?

Tia wanted a new catchphrase to replace “in my tea,” so I told her to say “I’m a hot tea” instead.

Tia: I'm a hot tea, I'm a hot tea...

If you’re wondering, that balloon present contained five pieces of clay. Exciting, I know. 😛

Hornsby had a secret confession to tell me: He said he collects eraser dust!

Hornsby: Ready for this? I collect... Blibliblib... That's a drum roll noise... Anyway! I collect...eraser dust!

That sounds odd enough on its own, but he also said that it’s fun to smell it!

Hornsby: Anytime I erase a thing? I save the dust. I've got a few jars full now! They're real fun to smell.

Apparently, it reminds him of his previous ideas that have now been turned to dust. It almost sounds deep, if it wasn’t so crazy. 😛

Hornsby: I smell 'em and I think these were ideas I had...and now those ideas are dust.

I found nine regular star fragments and one Virgo star fragment on the beach.

Today is Labor Day in the United States. But unlike New Leaf, City Folk, and the GameCube version of Animal Crossing, New Horizons does not celebrate the holiday.