5th Villager Photo

Today, Lopez was crafting in his house again. That makes four days in a row! Today’s recipe was an ironwood cart, which was another one I didn’t need. 😛

There was a camper at the campsite, so I went inside the tent to see who it was. Unfortunately, it was Ursala! One of my biggest enemies from my GameCube town! No thanks!

Ursala: Oh! Hope I'm not interrupting you or nothin'. I'm just out here campin'!

I found a lost item on the ground near town hall. When I investigated it, the clue said that it was an exercise book. So I was pretty sure it belonged to a jock, which could be Louie or Tybalt. But since the last one belonged to Louie, I decided to ask Tybalt about this one. And sure enough, it was his workout journal.

Tybalt: Huh? You had...my workout journal!
Pay no attention to the blacked-out areas. 😛

As a reward, he gave me a flashy hairpin.

Flick was in town, so I got some bugs out of storage to sell him. But I only had six bugs, although most of them were goliath beetles. He gave me 63,000 bells for them all.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 63,000 bells for the bunch of them?

But Flick wasn’t the only animal in town that wanted bugs; Rizzo asked me for a bell cricket. Since it’s a fairly common bug, I agreed to help him out. It ended up taking me a bit longer than I expected (since I kept finding regular crickets instead of bell crickets), but it didn’t take too awful long. Rizzo was happy to have his bug.

Rizzo: Yep! That's the one I wanted. The bell cricket!

My reward was a business suitcoat.

After that, I thought I was done playing for the night. But later on, I realized I didn’t give out any gifts today. So I started the game back up and crafted a kettlebell for Tybalt. I gave it to him, and he loved it…a lot. I was shocked when I saw my reward: his photo!!

Tybalt: Gotta give as much as you take! Please take Tybalt's photo!

I was not expecting to get his photo this soon! He hasn’t even lived in town for two months yet! And I only recently started giving him gifts! So it’s mind-boggling that he gave me his photo before Hornsby, Agent S, or even Midge. Maybe he just loves it when I speak French to him. 😉 But I’ll take it! I proudly displayed it in my bedroom.

My villager photos on my bedroom wall: Tia, Keaton, Lopez, Apple, and Tybalt.

His favorite quote is “There’s no excuse for half-baked potatoes.”

I posted my latest video today, Dream Island Hopping #2. I hope you’ll give it a watch, and visit the dream islands for yourself if they interest you. 🙂

See you tomorrow!

No Walls

Yesterday, K.K. Slider was in town and he performed K.K. Folk for me. Rizzo, Louie, and Hornsby were also at the show.

I made some changes to Rainbow Road: I removed the walls and replaced the half-width designs with full-width ones. (I previously used half-width designs on the sides, so that the patterns didn’t bleed through under the walls).

Rainbow Road, now with a wider road and no walls.

I have mixed feelings about this. I like how the road is wider now, but I also kinda miss the wall. But this change will be helpful, because it frees up a whopping 14 design slots that I can now use for other things. And when you consider my pattern slots were basically full, that is a big motivator for the change.

Lopez has been on a crafting kick lately. Friday night, he was crafting a tulip crown. Yesterday, he was crafting a golden flooring. And today, he was making an ironwood chair. I already knew how to make all three of those, but it is interesting that he was crafting three days in a row.

Keaton was shopping at Nook’s Cranny today, and he told me he could shop all day…if not for all the non-shopping activities required by life. 😂

Keaton: I could shop all day if it weren't for all the pesky non-shopping activities required by life.

I ran into Wisp tonight, but I was a bit surprised at where I found him. He was at the arcade, which is near the center of town. Normally I find Wisp in the northern part of town.


It took me four and a half minutes to find and catch all of his spirits. When I returned them to him, he gave me a corkboard for helping him out.

I spent much of my play time today working on a new part of town. It’s not as elaborate as Donkey Kong Country, so don’t expect anything too fancy. 😛 I’m mostly done with it already, although I still need to decide if/how I’m going to use a couple of items. I’ll probably unveil it in the next day or two (along with a dream update).

Visiting the Jungle

Gulliver sent me a letter in the mail today, along with my reward for helping him yesterday. That reward was…a milkmaid hat. Like…. seriously? I hate what they’ve done to Gulliver in New Horizons.

One of my Nook Miles+ goals for today was to catch three sea creatures. That was the only reason I went diving, and I actually found a scallop (and Pascal) on my very first dive. He actually compared a pizza delivery guy to a knight in shining armor. 🍕😂

Pascal: Sometimes a delivery guy in a pizza hat is so much better than a knight in shining armor, maaan.

He gave me a mermaid fishy dress, which was another duplicate. I just sold it at Nook’s Cranny for 1,000 bells.

At 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Ros, George, Ryan, Logan, Timo, Alex (from A-Nation), and Alex (from Pawnee) joined in. After not opening the past three Fridays, I didn’t think I’d get a full house. But I was pleasantly surprised by the turnout. 🙂

After everyone checked out the free DIY recipes scattered on the ground, we headed over to Donkey Kong Country. They got to see the new area, and they all seemed to like it.

Heading through Donkey Kong Country.

Although when I sat on the bench, they apparently thought I meant for them to go across to the other side, so they ended up taking a shortcut instead of going around the loop the long way. 😛

We climbed up to the rock-head statue to take a group photo.

A group photo near the rock-head statue.

Further west, there was a pinecone on the ground that nobody could pick up! It apparently got glitched (or permanently lagged) somehow. 😛

When we went over to the frog race course, we encountered some weirdness there as well. Ros was stuck on one “lily pad,” and couldn’t jump off. There was also a spot that none of us could jump to. Everyone was just bopping in place, trying unsuccessfully to jump. I joked that maybe the pinecone’s ghost was on that spot.

Everyone tries to jump to the empty spot, unsuccessfully.

Ryan had to leave, and once he did, Ros was set free and the ghost was gone. 😛

We went over to Lopez’s house, and he was crafting a tulip crown. But something gave me a splitting headache… 😛

A shark head appears to come out of Jeff's skull.

When I went outside, Mario was sitting on a toilet, applauding, as a frog was hitting him with a net and a humongous fish was blocking the moonlight.

Mairo applauds on the toilet.

After that, we kinda just wandered around a bit. Alex from Pawnee left, and I put my King Tut mask on and ran around.

King Tut (Jeff) starts to fall on his face, as Mario looks on in shock.
He has no style, he has no grace.

After I buried my first pitfall seed of the night (and fell into it myself), Ros returned, and Calvin tried to enter. But then we all got disconnected. I reopened, and Ros, Calvin, George, and Timo came over. I trapped Rizzo, and we went to visit Tybalt.

George left, but as he was leaving, we all got disconnected again. At that point, I called it a night and I did not reopen. But I had a good time tonight, so thanks to everyone who came!

I’ll be doing some dreaming this weekend, so maybe there will be another Dream Island Hopping episode coming up in a couple days. See you next time!