46 Dives

I found Lopez sitting on the bench in Peach Park today. It’s a shame this bench doesn’t get used more often! It’s cute to see villagers sitting there…even if it’s just Lopez.

Lopez: Well, if it isn't slick! So glad to hear your voice.

When I visited Hornsby, he asked about my hobbies. He knows me too well! 😉

Hornsby: Is it true that your hobby is annoying Rizzo?

Tia had plans to move out of Forest, but obviously, I made her change her mind.

There was a meteor shower tonight, so I stopped to wish on several shooting stars. Fortunately I didn’t get run over, even though I had my eyes closed while on Rainbow Road. 😉

Jeff wishes on a shooting star while standing on Rainbow Road.

I toyed with the idea of moving Louie’s house near the entrance of Donkey Kong Country. I expanded the cliff, moved some things around, and imagined what it would look like…

Is this a good spot?

But I didn’t like how it partially blocked the view of the waterfall. And because of the bridge and the relative closeness of Rainbow Road, moving the waterfall wasn’t feasible.

The other alternative would be to first move Midge’s house (the house in the lower-left corner of the above pic) further west… and then make more room for Louie’s house on the cliff. But I wasn’t sure I wanted to do all that. So I just put things back the way they were. (Besides, moving Louie would create a vacancy on Apple Lane, and I’d have to move a third house to fill in the gap).

After a short break, I went diving so that I could catch a scallop and get a reward from Pascal. So I swam, and dived…and dived. Again and again. A scallop did not appear until literally my 46th catch of the night! That’s 46 catches, and 31 minutes, all for a single pearl from Pascal.

But there was something good that came out of it. I caught something new, an umbrella octopus. And because it was my 30th sea creature in my Critterpedia, I earned 2,000 Nook Miles for it. So I’ve caught 75% of all the sea creatures in the game now.

I got an umbrella octopus! Too bad I'm already soaked.

After that, I wrapped up my game for the night. See you all next time!

Never Stop Crossing!

Donkey Kong Country

Today I finished up my new part of town, a Donkey Kong themed bamboo jungle. The entrance is marked with a DK design.

The entrance to Donkey Kong Country.

The area consists of a winding path through a jungle, with Donkey Kong themed items along the way, including barrels and a black boom box playing K.K. Safari. The rock-head statue and Moai statue fit in well with the theme, so I moved them here from other parts of town.

Jeff's new Donkey Kong Country part of town.

Jeff's new Donkey Kong Country part of town.

After winding back and forth, the torch-lit path leads to a peninsula where a gong symbolizes the end of a Donkey Kong Country level. (The gong is also a throwback to the Donkey Kong 64 sound effect when DK picks up a golden banana. “Oh, banana!”)

Jeff's new Donkey Kong Country part of town.

And this is the new view from the sumo ring area.

The new view from the sumo ring.

I updated the dream of Forest this afternoon, so you can visit it now (dream address 6717-1633-3682). I like updating my dream in the daytime, but this new area might actually look better at night.

The new Donkey Kong Country area at night.

Anyway, I received a letter from Gullivarrr in the mail today, and he sent me a sideways pirate barrel. I’m fairly happy with it, although I was actually hoping for the shirt so that I could (essentially) complete my pirate outfit.

Jeff shows off his new sideways pirate barrel from Gullivarrr.

K.K. Slider was hanging out at the plaza, so I asked him for a random song. He performed K.K. Adventure for me and Hornsby.

I posted Wi-Fi Moments #11 today, so I hope you’ll check it out. 🙂

Word History

Lopez asked me to go on a treasure hunt, and I agreed to play. The only bad thing is that I hadn’t yet found today’s fossils, so there were a number of buried items around and most of them weren’t treasure. 😛 But still, it only took me about two and a half minutes to find the treasure. It was near the well, south of the arches.

I found treasure!

I took it back to Lopez, and he gave me the treasure: a school jacket. Oh joy.

I forgot to mention this when I first noticed earlier in the week, but Nook’s Cranny now sells the items you could previously get from Redd at the fireworks festival, such as balloons and sparklers. Just check out the cabinet, and there should be one item each day. Unfortunately, you can’t buy them in bulk. But I’m really glad to see them sold in the shop, because fireworks and balloons are fun year-round!

I was happy to see Gullivarrr on the beach today. I found his communicator for him (on my very first dive of the day), and he’ll be sending me a pirate-y reward in the mail tomorrow.

Gullivarrr: S-such a storm... This is it, mateys! We're headed for Davy Jones's shoe cubby! Zzz...

As you can see in that screenshot, I also had some star fragments on the beach. I gathered up eight of them in total.

Agent S surprised me with a long rant about the history of the word “sentimental.” It was…awkward.

Agent S: It's from 1749, which sounds like a low score, not a year--but they don't let me make the calendars! Anyhoo...
Agent S: 'Sentement' is the French spelling from the 1400s! And THAT'S from the Latin 'senti,' aka feel, B-T-dubs.
Please stop.

Most of my play time today was spent working on my new area. I made a new design, I made my cliff larger, I extended the path, and I added more items. It’s essentially done now. I might reveal it tomorrow, but I’m not 100% sure yet. If it’s not tomorrow, it’ll be Sunday.