Fireworks in Moonscar

Even though I don’t really play Pocket Camp, I decided to at least link my accounts so that I could unlock the Pocket Camp items in New Horizons. So I can now order from this list. 🙂

The list of Pocket Camp items that can be ordered after linking accounts.

I found a letter from Flick in the mail; he sent me a bronze bug trophy. I put it in my exercise/trophy room, which is getting a bit crowded and unorganized. 😛 As I get more furniture, I’m really starting to hate these 6×6 rooms. It’s fine for a bathroom, but it’s too small for just about anything else.

My exercise/trophy room as of August 2020.

I also got a letter from the Happy Home Academy, and my HHA score is now 88,712. That’s an improvement, but it’s not enough to trigger the next reward. Rizzo mailed me a skull doorplate, like the one I gave him that’s still on his door. I gave it to his next door neighbor, Lopez.

When I went diving, I found a scallop on my 2nd dive. Pascal gave me another pearl for it.

Logan invited me over to his town, so I joined him in Moonscar for fireworks. Alex, Nami, Jed, and Jj were also there. Logan had a bunch of cool firework designs including Blathers, Tom Nook, Mario, Tortimer, Squidward, and more.

A Mario fireworks goes off in the sky.

Logan has an obstacle course in his town, and I competed against Alex on it. I was able to jump over the first two buried items (which I assumed were pitfalls), while Alex fell into the first one on his side. I thought that lag had helped me out, but looking back, I realize maybe they weren’t all pitfalls. Logan may have buried something else just to mess with us. 😛

Jeff takes a lead in the obstacle course.

Anyway, my lead disappeared when my 3rd landing spot actually did have a pitfall (and Alex’s did not). Alex took the lead going up the cliff, but lag evened us up. But I was first to vault my way to the finish line.

Jeff vaults to victory in the obstacle course.

After the race, Logan had a surprise for me: He recreated Spectacle Rock!

Spectacle Rock in Moonscar.

We hung out in Logan’s house for a while, and Alex disconnected without warning. It kicked us all back to the airport. I thought I saw something unusual flash by, but I wasn’t sure what it was. Fortunately, I was recording, and when I went back later to look at the footage, I saw a balloon with a very long string, flying horizontally, from the ocean into the airport!

A balloon flies horizontally into the airport.

It only appeared on three frames, two of which were all string. That may be the weirdest graphical glitch I’ve seen in New Horizons so far. Alex wasn’t in the ocean to begin with, and he couldn’t have been holding a balloon there anyway, so I don’t think it was simple lag.

Anyway, those of us that remained were about to play some sumo. But that’s when Alex tried to return, and we all disconnected.

Logan didn’t reopen, so I just went over to my plaza and got a bunch of items from Crazy Redd. Several minutes later, I wrapped up my game for the night.

See you all next time! Have a great day, and Never Stop Crossing!

Apple’s Photo

TZ sent me a letter today, along with a pretty tulip wreath. She said I should give it to one of my villagers. Thanks, TZ.

Dear Jeff, You should give this to one of your neighbors their doors need a sprucing up for a change :P -From T*Zelda

The August Bug-Off was held today, and I participated by competing in five rounds of bug-catching action. I scored 13, 5, 15, 8, and 6 points. After the last game, my net broke. Between that and back-to-back single-digit scores, I figured that was a good time to stop. 😛 But at least that 15-point game was my personal best of all three Bug-Offs so far.

Flick: Well done. You earned 15 points!

Flick told me that my total points from all Bug-Offs surpassed 100 points, so he will be sending me a prize in the mail. Of my 48 (current) points, I redeemed them for an artisanal bug cage, a bug wand, a butterfly backpack, and a spider web.

During the Bug-Off, I caught my first robust cicada and my first walker cicada. I donated them both to the museum.

After the competition was over, I gave the pretty tulip wreath to Apple. She seemed to like it, and in return, she gave me her photo!!

Apple: Hey! I wanted to say thanks, but with, like, an object? It's Apple's photo! Enjoy!

I just got Lopez’s photo yesterday, so I was surprised to get another one today! I put it on the wall in my bedroom (with my other villager photos). The quote on the back of Apple’s photo says “One rotten apple spoils the barrel.”

The quote on Apple's pic: One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

Back outside, Hornsby said that since the Bug-Off was over, it’s time to let the bugs go home. Nice idea, I suppose…but Hornsby didn’t catch any bugs. And I already sold mine to Flick. 😛

Hornsby: Guess the Bug-Off is over, huh? It's time to let the bugs we caught go home.

On my 6th dive, I found a scallop, and Pascal found me. He gave me a pearl in exchange for the scallop, and he wondered aloud if otters should be called Bob.

Pascal: We call them rams because they ram into stuff, so shouldn't otters be called Bob?
You, sir, are no Bob.

I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow night. Hope to see you then!

Lopez’s Photo

In the mail today, I found a letter from Lopez. It was a thank-you note for the birthday present.

The thank-you letter from Lopez to Jeff.

He must have liked the gift more than I thought, because he actually sent me his photo! I was shocked! I put it on the wall in my bedroom. Lopez’s favorite quote is “Always look both ways before crossing the street.” I guess that’s a different message from my quote, “Never Stop Crossing.” 😉

Jeff's villager photos: Tia, Keaton, and Lopez.

Lopez is the 2nd newest villager in town, and he’s not one of my favorites…so I have no idea how I got a photo from him before Agent S, Hornsby, Apple, Midge, or even Louie. I generally don’t talk to him more than once a day, and I rarely give him gifts (other than his birthday gift). But I do give gifts to some of the others, especially Hornsby and Agent S. The villager photo thing just seems so random.

But on the bright side, I guess I can feel free to let him move out whenever he asks. He’s never really grown on me, despite living here for almost three months.

Saharah was in town today, so I bought several products from her. I ended up with a yellow vinyl sheet, magma-cavern wall, yellow checked rug, and paintball flooring.

Rizzo was itching because of a flea, and he said he nearly asked me to help him scratch! 😮

Rizzo: Urrrgh... Why'm I so durned itchy? I'm THIS close to askin' you to help me scratch, itch itch!

No way I’m scratching you, you flea-infested rat! But I did use my net to catch the flea for him.

In Nook’s Cranny (the shop, not his actual cranny), I gave Agent S an espresso maker as a gift. In return, she gave me a cavalier hat because she had heard that I love them.

Agent S: Here, I'll trade you! It's a cavalier hat and I hear you LOVE those!

I actually did like the cavalier hat a lot in ACCF, but I’m not feeling this one. I liked the original dark blue color.

Jeff tries on the cavalier hat in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I went diving in the ocean, and I found a scallop (and Pascal) on my 14th dive of the day.

Pascal: A bonfire is a big fire, right? So is an ocean just a bonlake?

He gave me a mermaid princess dress, but it’s different from the one he already gave me with the same name.

In an unrelated note, I had a dream that New Horizons had a power-up that allowed you to see fish in the water. So instead of seeing just a shadow, you could see that it was a sea bass or red snapper, etc. And in the dream, I found a brand new fish that I had never seen before. 😛 The power-up only lasted a few minutes, but it was cool to see!

Remember, there is no Friday Night Forest tonight. But I’ll be back with another blog entry tomorrow for the Bug-Off. See you then, and have a great weekend!