Fireworks Festival

The fireworks festival was held tonight (it’s the first of five this month). But earlier in the day, Isabelle was already standing outside of town hall to collect designs to use as fireworks. I gave her a few of my designs: a pitfall seed, banana, Apple Lane, and “Win Prizes.” I also gave her a couple of default patterns to use.

Share your fireworks design idea!

The fireworks didn’t start until 7:00 p.m., though. In the meantime, Lopez became the latest villager to call me his bestie. Everyone will say I’m their bestie, but they don’t prove it by giving me their photos. 😛

After 5:00 p.m., I uploaded a new version of my dream town. Now, visitors can have some proper daylight. You can also see my newly-redesigned house. I’m still not totally happy with it, but I think it’s better than it was. The dream address is 6717-1633-3682 if you’re interested. Note: There’s only one pitfall this time.

At 7 p.m., the fireworks festival began. Keaton gave me a sparkler, and Isabelle gave me a bulb bopper. Redd was also on-hand with a raffle. For 500 bells, you can reach into a box to pull out a ticket. The number on the ticket determines what prize you win. I won a bubble blower, a tweeter, a blue balloon, and a pink balloon.

Jeff blows a tweeter at the fireworks festival.

I then stopped at various spots around town to watch some fireworks.

Watching fireworks from the campsite.
Watching the fireworks from Hornsby's swing.

My item from Pascal today was a mermaid fishy dress.

While fishing, I caught my first moray eel. I didn’t even realize it was my first one until I saw the little notification light on my Critterpedia app. Fortunately, I hadn’t sold it yet, so I was able to run it over to Blathers and donate it.

At about 9:15, I opened my gate for some Sunday night fireworks. Logan, Alex, Nami, Alex, Sacky, Bran, and William came over to visit. However, Sacky left almost immediately.

I noticed that the bubble blower I was using (as people were entering) was suddenly no longer in my hands, nor my pockets. At first, I thought it was a glitch. But I was informed that the bubble blowers can be used up after blowing a few bubbles! The bubble blowers in City Folk and New Leaf didn’t do this. I was soap disappointed.

William fell into a pitfall that I buried behind Tummy (the raccoon figurine). 😛 We headed over to the plaza, and that’s when Timo (wearing a King Tut mask) showed up. Several people bought raffle tickets from Redd, and we soon headed over to the amusement park to watch fireworks…while holding balloons.

Balloons and fireworks in Forest.

We went to various locations around town to watch the fireworks. Rainbow Road, Spectacle Rock, the campsite, and the frog race course to name a few. I just coincidentally took a screenshot right as Timo murdered Alex.

Timo fires a party popper off, which seems to go through Alex's head.

Later, we went to my house. In the basement, Logan said he was hacking my computer…and he turned the power off! 😉 By the way, wouldn’t a Metroid fit the theme of this wallpaper perfectly?

Nami: You hacked the power!

Once we were done in my house, we went swimming from the dock up and around to the north beach.

When we went back to the plaza, I was shocked at how crowded it was. There were eight villagers there, two NPCs (Isabelle and Redd), and eight players as well! Even though not quite everyone was in this screenshot, it gives you an idea of how crowded it was!

A very crowded plaza during the fireworks festival in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Just before 11:00, I ended the session for the night. Thanks for coming, everyone! It was fun. 🙂

As for the fireworks festival, I do have one complaint about it: the music. The fireworks music in City Folk and New Leaf was so happy and festive; it added to the mood. But in New Horizons, the fireworks music is subdued and almost a bit boring. I’m not saying it’s awful, but it doesn’t seem like the right fit for fireworks. Ehh, well maybe it will grow on me.

I’m going to try to put a video up tomorrow with highlights from the fireworks festival. Keep an eye out for it! 🙂

Redecorating My House

When I went diving this evening, I caught my first flatworm. This is the start of a new month, so there are new things to catch (and donate to the museum). But this was the only new thing I caught today.

I got a flatworm! Guess it forgot its spareworm.

Nook Shopping has three new seasonal items available for August: This rodeo-style springy ride-on (for Brazil’s cowboy festival), the Hikoboshi outfit, and the Orihime outfit (for Cowherd & Weaver Girl Day in Asia). Grab them while you can!

The rodeo-style springy ride-on, Hikoboshi outfit, and Orihime outfit available in August in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

When I chatted with Tybalt, he apologized for “forgetting” my birthday yesterday. He said he was busy doing backflips all day…

Tybalt: Sorry, I was doing inverted backflips ALL DAY to increase my mid-body strength and totally forgot!

But the truth is that he was seated at K.K.’s show yesterday. And that decision cost him a yummy cupcake. 🧁

Speaking of K.K. Slider, he had a stool set up at the plaza for the 2nd day in a row. I joined Apple, Agent S, and Rizzo for a performance of K.K. Jazz.

Now that dreaming is in full-swing, I decided it was time for me to redecorate my house. I moved my bathroom stuff out of the upstairs and into one of the side rooms. And I turned my upstairs into a space/sci-fi room, at least for now.

My space/sci-fi room in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Except for the gym/exercise room, I made changes to every room in my house. Some rooms still feel incomplete, but I think my house looks much better overall. I plan on uploading a new version of my dream town on Sunday afternoon (if it’s sunny), so check it out tomorrow if you’d like.

I went diving again tonight, until I found a scallop. Pascal showed up with some interesting thoughts about roosters.

Pascal: Do roosters go back to sleep after they wake everyone up? I mean, they're pretty much done for the day.

He gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a mermaid closet in exchange for the scallop. 👍

If you’d like to see Vandy323 on Youtube check out my dream town, watch this video. He visits a few dream towns, but mine is the first one. He was not familiar with me or my town when he visited, so he didn’t realize what everything was… and I laughed at his reaction when he realized my obstacle course was basically Frogger. 😂

He said that people usually make their basements their coolest rooms, so he saved it for last…and then he walked into my basement, which was basically empty. 😂 In fact, that is kinda what inspired me to finally redecorate my house. 😛

Anyway, the fireworks festival is tomorrow night. And I might be opening my gate at some point… I’m not sure of the time yet, though. It may be somewhere around 9 p.m. Eastern time (U.S.), but that’s not a sure thing. If you’re on my roster, I recommend checking my Twitter tomorrow night for more exact info.

See you tomorrow! Never Stop Crossing!

Party Time

Today was my character’s birthday, and Agent S appeared outside my house to kidnap me. I ended up at her house, where she, Keaton, and Hornsby wished me a happy birthday.


Spoiler warning. If you haven’t experienced your birthday in New Horizons yet, and you want everything to be a surprise, you may want to skip today’s blog entry. Otherwise, feel free to continue.

Agent S told me to make a wish and blow out my birthday candles, so I did. She gave a present from the three of them; it was some party flooring. Next, I was given a stick and told to beat up a pinata! I whacked it repeatedly, and eventually cupcakes fell out!

Cupcakes fall out of a pinata on a birthday celebration in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

There were ten of them; I ate one and held on to the rest.

I returned home and checked my mail. Mom sent me a birthday letter, with “Mom’s homemade cake” attached. I realized Nook’s Cranny was about to close, so I rushed there. Just before getting kicked out, I was able to buy the throwback rocket and colorful wheel. This version of the wheel resembles the wheel in Desert Island Escape.

The throwback rocket and colorful wheel for sale in Nook's Cranny in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

At the plaza, I was quite surprised to see K.K. Slider here! I was wondering why they keep bouncing him around from Saturday to Sunday to Friday. And then I realized he was here because of my birthday. So he performed K.K. Birthday for me (and Tybalt). But the weird part is that birthday letters appeared on-screen as he sang!

To my BFF, superstar! You're not just my BFF, you're my CBHBFFAEY too! That means, My Coolest Birthday-Having Best Friend Forever and Ever, YAY!... -Agent S

These were not letters I received in the mail, so it’s a bit confusing as to why they’re popping up in the air as K.K. sang. But I had “letters” from Agent S, Rizzo, Blathers, and Orville. It was nice, I just don’t understand it. 😛

There was a tent at the campsite, and I was wondering if I would have a great camper to adopt. But instead, I found Tiffany inside.

Tiffany: Ah, do you live here? I'm Tiffany. A pleasure.
Yes, we’ve met in City Folk. I pitfall’d you so many times you apparently lost your memory.

She was wearing a tuxedo dress, which seems like a weird article of clothing on its own…and an even weirder thing to wear while camping. 😛

I went around town, offering cupcakes to my villagers. They would typically give me a birthday present in return.

Tia: So nice of you to share your birthday cupcake with me!

Here’s a list of what they gave:

  • Louie: birthday cake
  • Lopez: birthday table
  • Tia: birthday hat
  • Keaton: birthday sign
  • Midge: birthday shades
  • Hornsby: birthday candles
  • Apple: party wall
  • Rizzo: cycling shirt

Leave it to Rizzo to break up the birthday gift trend. 😛 I couldn’t give one to Tybalt or Agent S because they were sitting down (Tybalt at K.K.’s show, Agent S in the chair by her house).

But I had a good time overall. The pinata and cupcakes were a surprise to me, and it’s nice to get these birthday items. I’ll keep them in storage.

Hornsby: Hey, I got an idea. Let's be friends forever. I mean, if you don't have anything else on your schedule?
How about giving me your photo first?

Have a good night, everyone! I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow, so I’ll see you then!