More Dreaming Thoughts

Late last night, I tested out the dreaming function for myself. I visited Daniel’s town of Outset at dream address 6987-5499-2084. It’s a beautiful town with lots of flowers, great scenery, and a really good lineup of villagers (including some of my favorites like Savannah, Butch, and Drago).

The town of Outset.

Daniel also has some great rooms, and I particularly loved this space arcade. The stars on the wallpaper move, as if the arcade was inside a really fast-moving spaceship.

The space arcade in Outset.

As for my own dream island, I actually got a violation from Nintendo! I had previously set my blog address as the comment on my passport…and in dreams, that comment shows up as something your character says. So Nintendo deleted my dream and gave me a warning!

So be careful about using your blog, site, or social media on your passport or bulletin board! I don’t know if someone actually reported my town, or if Nintendo detected the address automatically, but beware!

I changed my comment and re-uploaded my dream once the new day began. Fortunately, I still have the same dream address.

Later on this evening, I checked my mail. I had a letter from Luna, and she sent me a “Dream Bell exchange ticket.” At first, I was wondering if this opened up something new…but apparently not. It can be sold for 5,000 bells, and it’s basically your “reward” for uploading your dream (or perhaps for having a dream visitor?). This is is basically the same as Luna giving you 5,000 bells for updating your dream in New Leaf. You just have to wait until the next day to get it.

C.J. was in town today, and I easily completed his challenge of catching any five fish in a row. I then grabbed most of my sharks from storage, and sold a bunch of fish to C.J.; he gave me nearly 135k for everything.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 134,775 bells. Deal?

Celeste showed up tonight, and she gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a Leo sculpture. I made one, and it’s a wall-mounted item.

Celeste: I would like you to have it. Do let me know if you try building it, would you?
Okay, I made it!

Additional Thoughts on Dreaming

As someone who loved the Dream Suite feature in New Leaf, it’s only natural for me to compare the dreaming in New Horizons to the dreaming in New Leaf. And here are some differences I’ve noticed:

  • You can view bulletin board posts left by town residents in New Horizons (but you couldn’t in New Leaf). On one hand, you’ll want to be careful about what you post. But used correctly, this can be a very helpful tool to explain things to dreamers, or let them know what to look for.
  • Dreamers do not change into pajamas in dreams. They wear whatever clothes they already had on.
  • You can not search for dream towns by town or name.
  • You can not visit random towns. You need the dream address.
  • Lloid is not present to allow dreamers to borrow tools. So if your town requires ladders or vaulting poles, you’ll need to leave them out in town somewhere.
  • You can’t see your dreamer count or latest dreamer in-game. But apparently, you can see them by using the Nintendo Switch Online app. I don’t see why a smartphone should be required to access this information, when New Leaf showed it in-game…but that’s how Nintendo works these days.

Dreaming is a great feature and an excellent addition to the game. But when you compare it to the Dream Suite in New Leaf, the ACNH dreaming system seems rushed and unfinished. Perhaps it will be improved in future updates, but it could be argued that they should have waited another month or two (until the autumn update) to do it right. What do you think?

I’ll be back tomorrow with another entry. But FYI, there will be no Friday Night Forest this week. It should return next week, though.

Let the Dreams Begin!

Yesterday, Gulliver sent me my latest reward for helping him out. It was a sombrero. That’s better than the pigtail he sent me last time, but I’m just getting disappointed that so many of his items are hats or accessories instead of furniture. In the older games, he gave out nothing but exclusive furniture.

Jeff wears a sombrero from Gulliver in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Today, I saw a bug on a tree that looked different. So I got my net out and caught my first cicada shell!

I found a cicada shell! I'm glad the little guy came out of it!
Ignore that green thing in front of me. I grew a pear.

I went diving to find a scallop, and Pascal had these words of wisdom about flowers. This is one of his better sayings in New Horizons, in my opinion.

Pascal: Flowers are just gizmos that turn dirt and sunlight into pretty colors.

But unfortunately, he only gave me another pearl for the scallop.

Nintendo announced that the latest summer update will be released July 30th, which is tomorrow. (But it’s actually available early…as in right now!) Watch this if you haven’t seen it yet:

Dreaming is returning! Even though Luna doesn’t have her own building (the Dream Suite) this time, we’ll still be able to upload our islands and visit dream versions of other towns, like we could in New Leaf. I’ve placed a frog costume in my town, so that dreamers can dress as frogs while hopping across the frog race course.

I downloaded the update tonight, which is version 1.4.0. I had two new letters my mailbox: The first one was from Nintendo, thanking me for downloading the update. A fireworks-show wall was attached. This is what it looks like:

The fireworks-show wall in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

The other letter was from Luna, telling me about the dreaming. All we have to do is lie in a bed to start the process. She attached Luna’s bed to the letter, so you’ll be all set even if you didn’t have a bed already.

One word of warning though: The game warns that the information in your town…including bulletin board posts…will be shared with visitors. Bulletin board posts were not shared in New Leaf, so it may be something to keep in mind if you (or a family member) posts anything personal that you don’t want the world to see.

This data includes your name, your passport info, the look of your entire island, rooms in homes, your custom designs, any bulletin-board posts, and more.

Another great feature is that the photo app now allows you to turn off the HUD (heads-up display) guide when taking photos and videos! No glitch required! Finally! Just press the R stick to turn it on or off. 🙂 🙂

After Nintendo’s maintenance period ended, I uploaded my dream! My dream address is 6717-1633-3682. Check it out!

Luna: Your dream of Forest is filed under the Dream Address DA-6717-1633-3682.

Louie asked me to make a delivery to Hornsby, so I agreed to help out. The item was a rugby shirt, which Hornsby wasn’t sure about at first. But once he tried it on, he seemed to like it. For helping out, he gave me a tube top…the same item he gave me on Sunday!

Enjoy the update, and I hope you enjoy your dream visits to Forest! Forest looks better in the daylight, so I’ll update it again soon with a daytime version. See you next time!

Smock From a Jock

I found some star fragments on the beach today, including two Leo fragments since we’re now in Leo season.

Gulliver was washed up on the shore today, so I helped him out by collecting his communicator pieces. He will send me my reward in the mail tomorrow.

Gulliver: Nnnn, don't wanna be flotsam... Can I be jetsam? It just sounds... more rugged...
You poor, unfortunate soul.

Nook’s Cranny had a marimba (which looks like a xylophone) for sale, so I bought it and placed it near my airport. I’m sure my visitors will enjoy playing it as they arrive on my island.

A marimba in my town.

In an example of villagers knowing too much, Keaton approached me and told me he knew about my wasp sting yesterday. He said he could relate, because he played a character called Wasp-Sting Victim #3 in a movie called Samba Vampire.

Keaton: I played Wasp-Sting Victim #3 in Samba Vampire, so I know a thing or two about treating stings.
Is that anything like Frightened Inmate #2?

He said that was a movie that he filmed in his basement. That just struck me as odd for multiple reasons. For one thing, he doesn’t have a basement. And if he made the movie himself, why did he give himself such a small role? Why couldn’t he be Victim #1? 😛

When I visited Rizzo, he told me how he used to be awful at crafting when he first started out. He tried to make a jackhammer, and it came out as a screwdriver. Ha. What a tool.

Rizzo: It was supposed to be a jackhammer, but it came out as a screwdriver!

Lopez asked me to take a gift (a fishing vest) over to Tybalt, so I made the delivery. Tybalt thanked me and gave me his kids’ smock. I didn’t even know he had kids! 😛

Tybalt: It's a small reward for the big favor you did, but I'd like you to have my kids' smock.
A smock from a jock.

Pascal’s message for me today was about day and night getting along. He gave me another pearl in exchange for my scallop, which is always a bit disappointing.

Pascal: Maaan. If night and day could just work out their differences, we'd always live in golden hour.

I’ve been catching quite a few sharks lately, and I’m just hanging onto them for now. I’ll probably sell most of them when C.J. comes around again, but I put them in storage for now. It seems ridiculous that we can keep living creatures like sharks in our storage, and yet, we can’t do the same with flowers.

After I caught a jewel beetle on a tree stump by Nook’s Cranny, I heard my phone beeping. That was my 2,000th bug caught, and that earned me 2,000 Nook Miles.

Near the campsite, I made some minor layout changes. Between the campsite and the ramps, I had three trees that were right in the way. So I moved the trees, and extended the path west to both ramps.

My campsite area with extended paths to the west.

That serves as a reminder that Forest is not “finished;” I’ll continue making changes to my island. In fact, that’s a big part of the fun of New Horizons. Once I acquire one particular D.I.Y. recipe, I’ll be completely re-doing one part of my island. But I have other changes in mind as well. And I’m already looking forward to Halloween season. 😛