July Bug-Off

The July Bug-Off was held today, and that was the first thing I did (before even checking my mail). I participated in four rounds, and I scored 7 points, 9 points, 8 points, and then 11 points in my last round. So I actually did worse than I did last month. But my accumulated point total was up to 41, so I was due for a few prizes.

Flick: So far, your point total is... 41. Good work!

For ten points apiece, Flick gave me a ladybug umbrella, a toy cockroach, a termite mound, and a bug cage. The bug cage isn’t furniture, though; it actually functions like a backpack. The ladybug umbrella is pretty cool, and the termite mound is really tall. This could actually function as a natural-looking pillar in an obstacle course or something. I’m going to keep it in storage just in case I come up with a way to use it in the future.

The termite mound in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I then checked my mail, which included my art from Jolly Redd. I took it to the museum, where Blathers informed me that the informative statue is a forgery. It still looks cool though, so I’m hanging onto it anyway.

Later tonight, Rizzo told me that he did pretty well in the Bug-Off. But how do I know if he’s telling the truth? Unlike New Leaf, there’s no ceremony for the winners…and in fact, there are no winners at all. It’s not really even a competition (not even a phony one). So I’ve just decided that Rizzo is lying. 😉

Rizzo: In case you haven't heard, ol' Rizzo did pretty well in the Bug-Off.

I went diving until I found myself a scallop. Pascal popped up and told me it’s not all about the bells. But this didn’t seem to be a deep discussion about money and life; he seemed to be talking about Animal Crossing: New Horizons specifically!

Pascal: It's not all about the bells, maaan. There's also weeding, and fishing, and crafting, and bug catching, and...

I posted a new video of game highlights and funny moments today. Here is New Horizons Moments #1:

See you all next time!

New Clouds?

Gullivarrr sent me a letter in the mail with a pirate’s hat attached. He signed the letter as “Dread Pirate Gullivarrr,” which is surely a reference to Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride. I took this picture wearing the pirate’s hat, standing on the pier, with these unusual clouds that I don’t think I’ve seen in the game before!

Pirate Jeff stands on the pier under some unusual clouds in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Louie asked me to catch a zebra turkeyfish for him, and I thought this might be my chance to get Louie’s photo. Unfortunately, it took me nearly 40 minutes to catch the fish! But once I finally had it, I rushed it over to Louie. In return, he gave me…a swimming cap!

Louie: You helped me, so I'm helping you! here, you can have a swimming camp!

I was not happy about it. So I used the aggravation reaction repeatedly to let him know. 😛

Jeff shows Louie that he's aggravated.

Keaton told me he had been meditating, and he came up with a new nickname for me: Hashtag.

Keaton: Alright, brace yourself... It's hashtag! Pretty cool, right?

I shook a tree near Tybalt while he was fishing. Some wasps came out, so I wanted to speak with Tybalt before I got stung.


I tried to run behind him so that he would get stung instead (haha, I wish), but that didn’t work. Tybalt did run away from the area though (as I was getting stung), and he started fishing a bit further down the river instead. 😛

There was a camper at the campsite today, and it was Tasha the snooty squirrel. She is a villager I’m not familiar with at all, and she certainly has a unique look to her. But I was not interested in taking her in, especially with a full town already.

Tasha: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Tasha. How kind of you to stop by.

Redd was in town, so I entered his ship/shop. Two of his paintings looked fake, and one was real but I already had it. The other was a statue that I haven’t seen before, the informative statue. That’s the one I bought.

Redd: Yep, it's all there. Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of an informative statue!

I went diving and caught a scallop. I gave it to Pascal when he showed up. In return, he gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a mermaid wall clock.

The Bug-Off is coming up tomorrow! See you then. 🙂

You’re Not Midge!

Yesterday, I caught my 2nd gigas giant clam…but it wasn’t easy. It took me six minutes to track it down and finally grab it!

When I went into Midge’s house, I was not just surprised by what I saw…but also legitimately confused.

Tia stands in Midge's house.

I saw Tia there…but not Midge! It turns out Midge was just standing behind Tia, and completely out of view. 😛

I found my daily scallop, and Pascal popped up to share his wisdom about change.

Pascal: Everything changes. Sometimes it's scary, sometimes it's a relief, and sometimes it means dinner's ready.

He gave me some mermaid shoes in exchange for the scallop.

It seemed like everyone wanted me to change their catchphrases yesterday. Apple, Midge, and Louie all asked me, but I told them all to stick with what they’re using.

Flick was in town, so I sold him every bug I caught last night.

Today, Gullivarrr was washed up on shore, and even he lampooned the infamous C+ sea bass “pun.”

Gullivarrr: Zzz... Ye call that a sea bass? I give it a C- at best...arrr! Nyah, nyam...

I went diving for his communicator, and I actually found it on my very first dive this time! I stayed in the water because I wanted to get Pascal’s item too, and I found a scallop on my 3rd dive! Talk about efficiency! In return for the scallop, Pascal gave me a D.I.Y recipe for a mermaid screen.

I returned the communicator to Gullivarrr, and he should be sending me a reward in the mail.

Since I don’t need bells as much as now, I haven’t been selling all my fruit in recent weeks. So that has allowed me to use my fruit for crafting. I’m going through and making all the fruit-related recipes I have. I’ll be keeping one of each fruit hat in storage, too. Ever since the ACCF days, I’ve always enjoyed having a variety of fun hats to wear during online play.

I ran into Wisp tonight, and he was not happy to see me.


But I collected his five spirits for him, and he gave me a green molded-panel wall. Wisp has become one of my least-favorite special characters to see in New Horizons. Tracking down all five spirits is a time-consuming process, and the reward generally isn’t worth the trouble.

Apple had another bad trade for me. She gave me a concierge uniform in exchange for an arapaima I caught earlier. I accepted the deal, because I’m still at the point where I’m sucking up to everyone so that I can get their villager photos. 😛 Well, not Rizzo. If he asked for an arapaima, I would say no in an instant. 😛

Apple: Can you trade me your arapaima for my concierge uniform?

Just a heads-up for people on my friend roster: There won’t be a Friday Night Forest this week, and I won’t be opening up on Sunday either. But I’ll still have blog entries tomorrow and Saturday, and perhaps a new video Saturday as well. See you soon! 🙂