Forgot My Pants

Late last night, I caught my first giant stag beetle. I think I saw one of these at Friday Night Forest, but I failed to catch it then. But this one now resides in the museum, where it will freak out Blathers until the end of time.

I caught a giant stag! I'm gonna need way bigger pockets...

Today, Rizzo sent me a letter in the mail, along with a heart doorplate (like the one I gave Agent S). Yikes. I think Rizzo is getting the wrong idea about us. 😛

I ran into him coming down the steps near Rainbow Road, and he told me he wanted the two of us to go sailing! He said he would be the captain, and I could be his first mate. Uh, no thanks.

Rizzo: Of course I'd be captain, but you'd be my first mate, champ!

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in some theatrical clothes. She gave me a morning coat, and I put it on and spoke to her again. Butt, you see, there was a problem. Because I previously had a zap suit on, putting the shirt on meant that I wasn’t wearing pants. Oops.

Label: Um... Please wear at least a top and bottom.

So I just put the zap suit back on, and she said it fit the theme exactly. She gave me some Labelle shorts, and she’ll also be sending me a tailor’s ticket in the mail.

I posted my latest video, Wi-Fi Moments #8 today! It features highlights from my last two online sessions. Check it out!

See you all next time!

Gigas Giant Clam

Hornsby sent me a table lamp in the mail today, along with this letter. Apparently he is just now discovering that electricity exists.

Question for you, superstar... You know the way the sun goes away and everything gets real dark and boring? Well, how about if everything didn't need to get real dark and boring? Think about it! G'night! -Hornsby

Nook’s Cranny had an arcade combat game (a space shooter) for sale, so I bought it and placed it in my arcade at the amusement park.

Claude the rabbit was over at the campsite, so I said hello. But I had absolutely no interest in asking him to move in.

Claude: It's a buncha fun camping on this island. The air smells good, like food. I wanna bite it, hopalong!

Saharah was in town, and I bought an imperial wall and crop-circles flooring from her.

Lopez asked me to participate in a treasure hunt, and I agreed to play. For a moment, I thought it was going to be the easiest treasure hunt ever!

Start the treasure hunt!

But that buried item was a fossil, not the treasure. 😀 It took me just over three minutes (of the six-minute time limit) to find the actual treasure, but it ended up with me scoring some free fishing waders.

Lopez: You got to do all the searching, and I just sat here and rubbed my hands together like an evil mastermind.

Celeste showed up later on, and she gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a flying saucer! Yes! It’s nice to get something besides wand and Zodiac furniture recipes from her for a change. I was starting to wonder if the space items were even in New Horizons, so I’m glad to see they do exist after all. 😛 I made sure to craft my first flying saucer. It seems to hover higher in the air than it did in the older games.

The flying saucer beams up an alien in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

While diving, I encountered another really fast sea creature. It was tricky to track it down, but I eventually did. I caught my first gigas giant clam!

I got a gigas giant clam! It's kind of a big deal.

After donating it to the museum, I continued diving. My first scallop of the day did not trigger Pascal for some reason (even though my pockets were not full and I wasn’t close to shore). But the 2nd one did trigger Pascal. He gave me a pearl for the scallop, and he mentioned whales (but completely devoid of context).

Pascal: WHAAAAALES. (An extended pronunciation of whales).

Shortly after that, I wrapped up my game for the night. See you next time!

Hornsby’s Snack Stash

Even though I’ve been trying to keep a shark in my pockets (mainly for fun during multiplayer sessions), my villagers don’t want to let me do that. They keep asking for the sharks. Today, it was Hornsby’s turn.

Hornsby: I've been looking all over,, nobody's got any great white shark.

But at least this was a better deal than some others I’ve had lately. Hornsby gave me 19,500 bells, which is a really nice payday! I’ll just have to catch some more sharks to keep on hand. 😛 Plus, Hornsby was thrilled that I agreed to sell it. He said he’ll even draw a picture of me and put it on the door to his snack stash.

Hornsby: Seriously? Amazing! I'm gonna draw a picture of you and put it on the door to my snack stash!
Wait…are you calling me a snack?

After chatting with everyone, I went diving with the sole intention of finding a scallop and seeing Pascal. To my surprise, I found it on my very first dive! I gave it to Pascal, and he shared some words about cats landing on their feet.

Pascal: Cats always land on their feet, but that's just because feet are, like, the bottom part of cats.

Hmm, that’s probably not the wisest thing that Pascal has said. But everybody has an off day from time to time. 😛 In return for the scallop, he gave me a pearl.

Not much else was going on today. I played again later tonight, to see if Wisp or Celeste would show up, but no such luck.

However, I did post my treasure hunt video today. I hope you enjoy it!