Blob, Grilling, Werefish

Poor Punchy was sick with a cold today, and he felt like a “total blob.” 😛

Punchy: My brain's foggy...legs are wibbly... head's all clogged up...I'm like the living definition of total blob.

So I bought some medicine for him, and he started to feel better. He rewarded me with a light-up flower crown.

Louie, Midge, and Ankha were grilling some vegetables in the plaza. The food smelled delicious, but they didn’t offer me any. 🙁

Louie, Midge, and Ankha grilling some Jeff can only sniff.

I caught an ocean sunfish, and that will probably be the last one I get before they go out of season this weekend. If you don’t have one to keep in storage, you only have a few days left!

Pippy the bunny was camping at the campsite. She’s nice, but I did not attempt to adopt her.

Pippy: Hi there! I'm Pippy, and I'm totes camping on your awesome island!

Ketchup was talking about the moonlight tonight, and I’m not sure if this dialogue was about the full moon coming up soon or not. But she was afraid of “werefish” and vampires coming out at night. 😛

Ketchup: the thing about all this moonlight is, you so have to watch out for all the werefish...and vampires!

When I saw this patchwork low table at Nook’s Cranny, I knew I just had to buy it for Bob. It’s colorful (and blocky), so it reminded me of the kiddie furniture that Bob loves throughout the series.

Tommy: Seems like you're interested in a patchwork low table.

Bob appreciated the gift, and he gave me a checkered sweater vest in return. One of these days, he’s going to give me his photo. Just not today.

Bob: Is this...for real? Am I really getting a patchwork low table?!

Visiting Farmington

Yesterday was Ankha’s birthday, and I attended her party; Midge was also there. But when I gave Ankha a gift, things got awkward in a hurry.

Ankha, at her birthday party: Ooh...this IS a bit awkward.

That’s because I gave her some golden dishes. And apparently, she already had some. Oops.

Ankha: I suppose you couldn't have known that I have some golden dishes already.

She said it was the thought that counts, and she tried to be nice about it, but I could tell she was disappointed. Oh well, I’m sure it wasn’t the first time she’s been disappointed in the past 3,000 years. 😛

Flick was in town, and I sold him 16 bugs for 105,750 bells. It would’ve been more, but I accidentally scared off a goliath beetle.

Today, I spoke with Agent S with a vaulting pole in my hands, and she had a whole bit of dialogue about a vaulting pole she owned before. It was called StickThing, and she sang me the whole jingle. 😆

Agent S: STICKTHING! StickThing Inc. is not liable for slivers, dampness, or mounting ennui about a StickThing-free life.

I headed over to Jesse’s town of Farmington tonight. I was the first guest to arrive, but we were soon joined by Nicky and Jac. But Jac spent a long time on “brb,” since he was eating. So he ended up eating dirt, and some fire too. 😛

Jac in a pit, and on fire.

Jesse had a pumpkin patch in his town, and it reminded me that I should decorate at least a small part of my town for Halloween as well.

Jesse's pumpkin patch.

After a while, Matthew also arrived in Farmington. Jesse had lots of food, and we all stuffed ourselves.

Feasting on food in ACNH.

But I must have choked on something I ate, because I turned blue!

Blue Mario
Or did I just hit a Wonder block?

After that, I died (or at least disconnected). When I rejoined everyone, we got some coffee at the Roost, and then we went over to the sumo ring. We started off with a 5-player match, and Nicky won. Congrats, Nicky!

Nicky wins a five-player sumo battle.

After that, we had a few one-on-one battles, tournament style. Matt beat me, Jesse defeated Nicky, and then Jesse beat Matt for the championship. (Jac sat out because he was afk again.)

After some of us visited a few villagers, we went up to Jesse’s house. We played 1-2-Switch…by switching Switches on and off. Such a great game. 😉

Playing Switch in a Switch game.

We hung out in Jesse’s basement casino for a while. But when we tried to leave his house, we got stuck on black loading screens for several minutes. After that, I returned home for the night. But thanks for hosting, Jesse! And thanks to everyone who came, it was fun! I need to host my own party at some point…maybe in October if I ever finish my obstacle course. 😛

Home in the Sky

On Monday, Ketchup gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a shell music box. It was one that I didn’t have yet, believe it or not!

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a shell music box!

Midge asked me to visit her house, and I don’t normally bother with these requests. But this time, I was nice and I accepted the offer.

Midge: To my place we go, in the sky!
Let me craft a hot-air balloon first.

We played a game of High Card, Low Card, and I won a plain paperboy cap from her. I stayed a couple minutes, and then as I was leaving, she gave me her photo!

Midge: I hope now's a good time to give you Midge's photo.

Even though I’ve earned Midge’s photo before, that was the previous Midge (that lived in Forest from 2020-2021). This was the first time that this Midge gave me her photo. 😛

Out on Lottie’s Island, there were lots of yellow-and-white flower petals falling from the sky! I’m not sure what this was all about, but I don’t remember seeing it before.

Yellow and white petals falling from the sky on the Happy Home Paradise island.

I had another good camper yesterday: Ribbot the robotic frog! It was tempting, but I ultimately chose not to kick anyone out. I wouldn’t mind having Ribbot in the future, though!

Ribbot, at the campsite: I'm on a quest to find a new rival. My last one flexed so hard they got stuck like that. It was awesome!

Tonight, I went diving and caught a scallop. Pascal popped up and started talking about bones and fossils.

Pascal: Are fossils bones that turned to stone, or are bones just rocks in denial about their true nature?
That’s a boneheaded question. 😛

Here are a few other quick notes about the last few days:

  • Celeste gave me a large star fragment on Sunday night.
  • Wisp gave me a checkout counter.
  • Bob was sick with a cold on Monday, so I gave him some medicine. In return, he gave me a rumba costume.
  • I helped out Gullivarrr, and he sent me another pirate outfit yesterday.