Meeting Gullivarrr

Label must have really liked my outfit the other day, because she didn’t just send me a tailors ticket…she sent me two tailors tickets! She also sent me some Labelle socks.

Pirate Gulliver was in my town yesterday for the first time. Even though his speech bubble was labeled “Gulliver” at first, it later changed to Gullivarrr after he introduced himself.

Gulliver: I be Captain Gullivarrr, legendary pirate, feared for all manner of dreadful gullduggery! Arrr!

Gullivarrr has lost his communicator, and this works quite differently compared to regular Gulliver. I have to dive in the ocean to find his phone; it took me exactly five dives to find it.

I found the communicator! Now to bring it to that pirate.

I took it back to Gullivarrr, and he was able to call for help. He will send me a reward in the mail.

Gullivarrr: Be quick about it, or I'll buckle your swashes for good! So says Captain Gullivarrr! ARRR! Winky face, send.

Rizzo was examining an analog kitchen scale in Nook’s Cranny, but then I also found him in his house a few minutes later. He told me that he doesn’t like sweet things, except for apple cider vinegar??? I don’t even know what to think about him any more. He’s a weird guy…and not in a good way.

Rizzo: Me, I don't like sweet things. Except apple cider vinegar. Gahaha!

Celeste was in town, and she gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a wand. Not a certain type of wand, but a basic wand that’s just called “wand.” 😛

While diving, I found a scallop and gave it to Pascal. But in return, he didn’t give me a recipe or a pearl…he gave me a mermaid tiara. Even though I’m not much of a tiara wearer (lol), it’s good to see that he can give physical rewards besides just pearls. Otherwise, he would feel very useless once we had all the mermaid recipes.

Today, I received a letter from Gullivarrr in the mail. He sent me a pirate eye patch. It has a skull on it, which seems like overkill in my opinion. An eye patch already looks like a pirate item on its own, it doesn’t really need a skull on it.

The pirate eye patch in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

But I’m also a bit disappointed the pirate costume has become an NPC-exclusive outfit instead of being regular clothing you can buy at shops.

The fishing tournament was held today, so C.J. was in town. On my first attempt, I scored just 6 points. However, C.J. told me I had 12 points in my pool, so that means the points from the previous fishing tournament have carried over. That’s good news. I was able to redeem points for a prize, a fish doorplate.

C.J.: THERE's a keeper! Your very own fish doorplate. Nyuk nyuk!

I tried the tourney two more times, scoring 7 points each time. I was able to score another prize, a tackle bag.

When I visited Louie, he was trying to make up a new word. Brainial?

Louie: Did you know strength training is actually a deeply spiritual and, um, brainial activity, oh banana?

After shaking a tree, a studio wall spotlight fell out. That was my 100th piece of furniture from a tree, so I earned a whopping 5,000 Nook Miles!

The Shady Shakedown achievement in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Pascal appeared again today (after I caught a scallop, of course). He gave me some words of wisdom about putting your philosophy on a T-shirt. 😛

Pascal: If your philosophy can't be summed up in three words on a T-shirt, maaan, it's just too much work.

Interestingly, there was no K.K. Slider in town tonight. Last time there was a tournament, K.K. was moved to Friday. But now, he’s apparently being moved to Sunday. Nintendo needs to give K.K. his own venue instead of bouncing this poor dog around like a ping-pong ball.

Note: I plan on opening my gate at approximately 4:00 p.m. Eastern time (U.S.) tomorrow. Anyone already on my Switch friend roster is welcome. I may only be open for an hour or so, though. But we can do a frog race, and possibly some sumo if enough people are interested.

See you tomorrow!

Ocean Sunfish, 7th Ramp

Late last night, I did some diving and I caught a scallop. Pascal popped up and asked for it, and gave me a pearl in return (no mermaid recipe this time). He also had some words of wisdom about funny bones.

Pascal: Everyone knows the funny bons isn't funny, maaan. So when are we gonna start calling it the ouchy bone?

I also spotted Wisp in town. I collected his spirits for him, and he gave me some white honeycomb tile (flooring).

Early this morning, I attended the completion ceremony for my 7th ramp. Most of my residents were sleeping, but they were forced to attend the ceremony anyway. 😛

The completion ceremony for my 7th ramp.

In the afternoon, I caught my first ocean sunfish! This thing is colossal!

I caught an ocean sunfish! Good thing I'm wearing ocean sunscreen!

After making my final preparations, I recorded my town tour! Here it is; I hope you enjoy it!

Label was in town, and I spoke with her tonight. She wanted to see me in an outdoorsy outfit, and she gave me a sleeved apron to base my outfit on. I put it on and spoke with her right away; I never put much effort into these things. But she seemed to approve of what I was wearing. She said she’ll be sending me a tailors ticket, as well as something else that she made herself. (She was going to give it to me right away, but my pockets were full).

I won’t be having Friday Night Forest this week. But instead, I may open my gate for a short while on Sunday afternoon. I’m not sure of the time yet, but check the blog or Twitter once it gets closer for details.

Have a good day, and I’ll see you all next time!

Feeling Jolly

I received my jolly painting from Jolly Redd in the mail today, and I jollily rushed it over to the museum. Blathers informed me that it was the real deal. 🙂

It doesn't take a particularly sharp eye to see that the entire portrait is composed of fresh produce.

The three large items at Nook’s Cranny were all bathroom-related. Well, sort of. There was a squat toilet, a simple panel (okay, this one is a stretch, but it could work as a screen to provide some privacy), and a cypress bathtub. I bought all three for my upstairs room, which has basically become a large bathroom. 😛

Today's selection at Nook's Cranny includes a squat toilet and cypress bathtub.

Saharah was in town, so I bought mysterious wallpaper and flooring from her. They turned out to be a white-chocolate wall and berry-chocolates flooring. As sweet as they may be, I didn’t keep either one of them. I’m afraid the steam from the bathtub may melt the walls and floor. 😉

The white-chocolate wall and berry-chocolates flooring in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I found 10 regular star fragments on the beach today, along with one large star fragment, and two Cancer fragments. That’s one of my largest star fragment hauls yet.

I visited Rizzo today, and I gave him a special gift.

Rizzo: Oh! Some holey socks?

Holey socks. He said he appreciated the gift, but it seemed like he could tell it wasn’t exactly the greatest gift. 😛 But that’s okay, because he’s not the greatest mouse.

Just seconds after the clock struck 7 o’clock (the exact time that scorpions start spawning), a completely hidden scorpion came out from behind one tree, as I was shaking a different tree (while holding a net). I didn’t even see it coming, so I was quite surprised when I collapsed!

I’m just about ready to make my town tour video, and I’m planning on recording it tomorrow (if it’s sunny in Forest). As I was planning out the path I’m going to take, I decided to add in another ramp on the east end of Eagle Mountain. Getting around on my cliffs is going to be so much easier now, thanks not just to this ramp, but also the other ramp and bridge I’ve added recently.

There were some more shooting stars tonight. But when I stopped to wish on one of them, I accidentally shook a cherry tree! I was trying to keep all the fruit on my trees for my town tour video, but I won’t let one fruitless tree stop me. 🍒

Update: I’m probably not going to have Friday Night Forest this week. But I might do something on Sunday afternoon instead. Stay tuned.