Jumping Change?

I found just three star fragments on the beach today. But there was another meteor shower tonight, so I wished on a bunch more shooting stars.

Apple informed me that she played single-player hide-and-seek, and she won! Well, I would sure hope so. 😛 But this is the 2nd day in a row that a villager has mentioned hide-and-seek. Could this be a hint that hide-and-seek is coming in a future update?

Apple: Guess what! I was playing single-player hide-and-seek, and I won! I am so bored.

After I caught a spider from a tree, Keaton saw it and really wanted it!

Keaton: Whoa, whoa, whoa... You have a spider on you right now?

He offered me a mesh cap for it. Getting anything at all for a spider is a good deal, so I agreed to the trade.

Redd was in town, and I checked out his works of art. One of them was clearly fake, and another looked just like a fake one that I bought before. I wasn’t sure about the other two, but I took a chance and bought a jolly painting from Jolly Redd. I’ll find out tomorrow if it’s real or not.

Redd: My offer's still good, y'know. For only 4,980 bells, this magnificent jolly painting is yours!

Near my jumping pillars, I noticed something odd. I have one space of land in the water that allows me to hop across the river (at ground level). But when moving from east to west, I could previously jump to two possible places: north of the pillar, or south of it.

The two ways I could previously jump.

But today, I could not jump to the southernmost spot! I’m not sure if this is a temporary glitch, or if last week’s update changed the jumping mechanics. Anyone encounter something similar?

Agent S taught me to make a log stool, which seems like such a basic recipe that it feels like I should have learned it months ago. 😛 But I made a couple of them for my campground area; they fit in with the log stools better than the stone stools I was using.

I have a new path that goes by Spectacle Rock, and I was surprised to see Tia up there today. I don’t normally see any villagers in that area, but maybe they can sense the new path somehow? 😛 Of course the new bridge probably helped too, but my villagers typically avoid the cliffs (except for Keaton, who lives on one).

Midge told me that she accidentally bought an extra swimming cap. So she wanted to trade it for my great white shark!

Midge: Do you think I could trade you for your great white shark?

I agreed to it, just to be nice. But why is it always Midge that wants to do these super lopsided trades? (Last month, she gave me some glasses for my scorpion).

Have a good day!

The 35-Minute Search

Late last night, I went on and paid off my new ramp, so it was completed today.

Nook’s Cranny finally had another wet suit today, a black horizontal-striped one. Even though I’m not a fan of the stripes, black is much better than yellow. But when I checked the option for redeeming Nook Miles, I found an even better one. This Nook Inc. wet suit is black and green, with no stripes or leaf patterns on it. It’s the best one I’ve seen yet, although I’d still prefer a blue one.

The Nook Inc. wet suit.

I attended the completion ceremony for my new ramp, but I’m not posting a screenshot of it right now because it completely gives away my new area. 😛 But if anyone wants to see it later on, just ask me after my tour video is already up and I’ll go back and add it to this entry retroactively.

My third lily-of-the-valley (aka Jacob’s ladder) showed up today…right above Godzilla! But I’ll probably stop mentioning every new one that pops up now. 😛

A new lily-of-the-valley (Jacob's ladder) appears under a cherry tree, just above Godzilla.

I got stung by a wasp today, and I was surprised when Lopez actually gave me some medicine for it! Well, it’s nice to know he’s capable of being nice once in a while.

After I bought some bubblegum at Able Sisters, I stopped to speak with Midge. For a moment, I thought she was about to ask me to play a game of hide-and-seek! But she was actually just suggesting a book about hide-and-seek to me. As far as I know, actual hide-and-seek isn’t in New Horizons.

Midge: You've just got to make time to read Pro-Level Hide-and-Seek!

I didn’t do any diving today, but I did snare some new fish and bugs: I caught the sweetfish, horned elephant beetle, and horned atlas. They all now reside in the Forest Museum.

After shooting down a balloon present, my golden slingshot broke. 🙁 This is something that should never happen.

Oh no! Thank you for your service, faithful golden slingshot...

Agent S had a thought bubble above her head, and then she asked me to catch a sea horse for her.

Agent S: I tried really hard...but I can't catch a sea horse. Like...at all.

Using a thought bubble and then asking for a specific catch is the same thing that Tia did the day she gave me her photo. So I had a feeling Agent S was doing the same thing. So I stopped what I was doing to search for a sea horse!

Unfortunately, it look me much longer than I anticipated. In fact, it took me 35 minutes to catch one! However, it would all be worth it if she gave me her photo. But instead, she gave me…

Agent S: A striped shirt!

…a striped shirt! All that work for a shirt! Ugh. Just…ugh. 😒

After that, I got back to work on my new area. In fact, I basically finished it up! But once the designing bug bites me, I want to keep going! So I made some new layout changes that make it easier to get around on the cliffs. In fact, I’m putting in a new bridge! It’ll be my 8th bridge, but the first one on the cliffs. I paid it off right away, and then added some new paths connecting the area to an existing path.

I like my new additions, but the other end of the path is basically a dead end. I think I need to add something else there, even if it’s just some benches. But I’ll think about that more tomorrow.

A few other quick notes about today:

  • Flick was in town, and I sold him many bugs throughout the day.
  • I collected nine star fragments on the beach.
  • There was yet another meteor shower tonight, and I wished on several more shooting stars.
  • Apple wanted to move out, but I convinced her to stay.
  • I caught six sharks today: four great whites, one whale shark, and one hammerhead.

See you all next time! 🙂 Never Stop Crossing!

Catch 22

I said hello to Lopez today, and he was happy to see me. Wait…or was he lying?

Lopez: Yo! Good to see you, so I lied!

On my beaches today, I found four star fragments and one large star fragment.

There was a camper at the campsite today, and it was Snooty the snooty anteater. Snooties are my least favorite personality, so Snooty won’t be getting an invitation to move in anytime soon.

Snooty: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Snooty. How kind of you to stop by.

There was another meteor shower tonight, so I again wished on several shooting stars.

I did some more swimming and diving tonight. I caught another scallop, but my pockets were full at the time, so Pascal didn’t pop up to ask for it. But I did see a different NPC as I swam…Wisp! He was watching me from the rocks near Sudden Valley!

Wisp watches me swim.

I continued my swim around the back of the island, and I was a bit surprised to see Keaton hanging out on the northern beach! He even said he was going to take up diving this summer!

Keaton: THIS year--THIS summer--is going to be the one that I finally take up diving! You can bet on it.

But he clarified that he meant diving into his fluffy duvet after playing a game of lacrosse. How disappointing. It would be hilarious and amazing if we could see animals dive into the ocean!

I scored a several new sea catches, including a sea pineapple, slate pencil urchin, horseshoe crab, and gazami crab. But I also caught one creature that was actually quite difficult. The giant isopod was outswimming me, teasing me, and making a fool out of me. I chased it all around the island, back and forth.

But once I got it near a corner of the swimming area, I was finally able to grab it. Forget what I said the other day about sea creatures being easy to catch. At least this one really put up a fight!

I got a giant isopod! It's the crustodian of the sea.

And with that, I have now caught 22 different sea creatures. That’s more than half of the creatures in the game! With that little milestone completed, I took a break from swimming and decided to help out Wisp. It took me a full 15 minutes to find all of his spirits, and he gave me an orange camo wall for my trouble. Sometimes I wonder if Wisp is even worth the effort.

After that, I decided to get busy working on my town’s next attraction! It’s not an interactive thing like the frog race, nor does it involve reshaping the land dramatically. So it may not be super exciting, but it’s probably more interesting than Spectacle Rock. 😛

I did need to use the island designer tool for some minor adjustments, though. I’m also putting in a new ramp for easier access to the area, though I haven’t paid it off just yet. Once this new thing is done, I think I’ll be about ready for a town tour video. I need to stop picking fruit though, so my trees will look nice for the tour. If all goes well, perhaps it’ll be done later this week.

But just to be clear…even when I post a town tour video, it doesn’t mean my town is “done.” I still have some long-term ideas in mind, and some parts of town may be changed from time to time. Even today, I basically decided that I’m eventually going to move Tia’s house (again). That will give me extra room in the western part of the town for future games and races.

I posted Wi-Fi Moments #7 today, so I hope you’ll give it a watch if you haven’t already. 🙂

Update: I did a little more diving and ended up seeing Pascal after all. He gave me a recipe for mermaid flooring in exchange for my scallop.