Wise Eagle

Alex from Pawnee sent me some items I wanted in the mail today, so thank you, Alex! Logan also sent me a spare frog suit in case someone accidentally takes one with them. Thanks, Logan! Even though a couple people have taken frog suits home, they both came back to return the suits. But it’s good to have a spare anyway.

I had a 4th gold rose budding today. I also used some gold rose petals to make myself a gold rose crown.

Near the frog course, there were a couple of pocket modern campers and pocket vintage campers that Nami left me. They are little vehicles, and I really mean little! Here they are on the roadway part of my frog race.

Some campers on the highway portion of my frog race.

I’m not sure if I will keep them here or not, but thank you Nami. Interestingly, these items do not show up in my catalog, not even as “not for sale” items.

K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and he offered a little love. K.K. Love Song, that is. It’s one of my favorites, and I believe it was also the first K.K. song I ever heard. Hornsby, however, wasn’t in the mood for love, and he walked away as the song began.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Love Song?

After the show, I checked Nook’s Cranny for wet suits, but again, there were none!

Outside, I heard some shooting stars and I stopped to wish on a few of them.

Later on, I went diving in the ocean. I caught another scallop, and Pascal again popped up. I gave him the scallop, and he informed me that studying astronomy and taking up space in school are not the same thing.

Pascal: Studying astronomy and taking up space in school...two totally different things, maaan.

He also gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a mermaid rug. I later caught another scallop, and I was finally able to donate that one to the museum. 😛 I’ve now caught (and donated) 17 of the 40 sea creatures. Not a bad start for just the first few days of diving.

I ran into Keaton, and he informed me that he has always made the right choices throughout his life. Lucky him. 😛

Keaton: When I look back at the choices I've made throughout my life, I have to admit...they were always right.

Check back tomorrow for Wi-Fi Moments #7!

Pascal, Fun FNF

Just after 4 a.m. last night/this morning, I caught my first evening cicada. Seemed like a weird time to find an evening cicada, but a new catch is a new catch, so I’m not complaining. 😛

A few minutes later, I ran into Wisp! Since an Animal Crossing day doesn’t start until 5 a.m., that meant I had Leif, Celeste, and Wisp yesterday! After collecting Wisp’s spirits, he gave me a sailor’s hat.

I also caught my first blue weevil beetle. Donating it to the museum resulted in one of Blathers’ finest lines of dialogue I’ve seen yet. 😛

Blathers: But I say it looks like a weevil...and weevil rhymes with EVIL. Draw your own conclusions from there.

This afternoon, I checked Nook’s Cranny for another wet suit…but there wasn’t one on sale today! I was assuming they’d have a different version every day, but that’s not the case. However, Breezy sent me a leaf-print wet suit in the mail, so I’ll be using that for now. Thanks, Breezy!

Nook’s Cranny had a (wet) floor sign for sale, so I bought one for the main room of my house. 😉

A wet floor sign on my wet floor.

Hornsby taught me the “pride” reaction. That is my 40th reaction, with only four blank spots remaining on my list.

At Agent S’s house, I was quite surprised (and happy) to see that Agent S was displaying the heart doorplate that I gave her for her birthday! I didn’t even think there was a chance she would use it, since villagers don’t display wallpaper or wall-mounted items that you give them.

A heart doorplate on Agent S's house.

I caught a couple of new fish, a puffer fish and this mahi-mahi.

I caught a mahi-mahi! It's all mahine-mahine.

While diving, I caught my first scallop. And that caused Pascal to pop up and demand ask for it! I gave it to him, and in return, he gave me a recipe for a mermaid wall. He also gave me some words of wisdom about lost socks. 🧦

Pascal: Do lost socks end up in a sock dimension? Maybe that's where they meet their perfect match, maaan...

He swam away, and I followed him. I now know what Pascal does with scallops: He eats them!

Pascal eats a scallop in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (animated GIF).

At 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Timo, Sacky, Logan, Bran, Alex (from Pawnee), and Ryan (from Petal Burg) came over for a visit. We headed over to the bog for a frog race. To my surprise, I actually won the first race! After I won, I announced the prize was one billion bells. 😉 And now I’m in debt to myself.

By the way, I figured out a way around me having a party popper in my hand after firing the starter pistol (popper). All I have to do is grab a single party popper, instead of holding the whole stack. So after firing it, my hands are free. And that probably helped me out.

We got set for a second race, but Sacky wasn’t interested this time. That’s when T. Zelda showed up. I invited her to join us, but at first she was just visiting villagers. She then changed her mind and joined in the next race. This time, I had a lead again, but I was a bit slow taking out my ladder at the end. Ryan passed me up for a last-second win.

Ryan wins the frog race.

I then suggested that we go for a swim…while still wearing the frog caps. I suggested going to my pier, so I led the way. And that’s what it happened. I fell into my own pitfall! I knew it was there too, but I wasn’t far enough out of the way.

Jeff falls into his own pitfall.

We made our way to the pier and kept diving off repeatedly. For something that’s so simple, it sure was a lot of fun. 😀

Jeff gleefully dives off the pier.

After several minutes of that, I swam to my “private” north beach, and a few frogs followed me. We then had a bit of a revolving door sequence: TZ left, Alex (from A-Nation) arrived, Bran left, and Nami arrived. We headed over to the museum to look at the fish exhibit and see some of the new creatures. Sacky then left, Bran returned, Alex left, and Sacky returned. We hung out in the aquarium for a while, and then Sacky left again.

Valentine arrived wearing a fancy-looking dress. I commented that our outfits were all so random…a frog, a baby, an astronaut, etc. It was like a costume party (although Valentine changed outfits prior to this photo).

A costume party in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons museum?

We then headed over to my house, and Ryan suggested that we recreate the thing from my old ACCF Wi-Fi Moments series where we’d clap when the lights were turned out, and then act shocked when the lights were turned on.

Around midnight, Logan left. The rest of us did one final frog race for the night, and I won fairly easily. Maybe the lag was preventing the others from doing as well tonight, but it felt weird for me to win this race, especially twice in one night. 😛 After the race, we took some group photos.

A group photo with frogs.

We visited the campsite, Spectacle Rock, and the north beach. I had a lot of fun, and I got some good video clips…enough that I may be posting Wi-Fi Moments #7 on Sunday. Around 12:50, I ended the session for the night. See you all next time!

Going Swimming!

Agent S had a birthday today, and I made sure to stop by her house to attend the party. Hornsby was also there for the occasion. Agent S didn’t waste any time in asking for her present. 😂

Agent S: Can I have my birthday present now? Like, right now? Please?

I gave her a heart doorplate that I bought at Nook’s Cranny, and she seemed to like it a lot. I hung out for a couple minutes before leaving the party. But Agent S (and Hornsby) seemed to be having a really good time. Happy birthday, Agent S!

When I returned home, I checked my mail. Gulliver sent me a tubeteika, which is a type of hat. I wish Gulliver’s gifts were all furniture, like in the older games. I’d like some more large monuments to decorate my town with, like the Stonehenge he sent me months ago.

Able Sisters had some sports tanks for sale, numbered one through eight. I wondered why there wasn’t one with a nine on it, but then I realized it’s probably for online play. If you were having a race of some sort, each player could wear a different number.

Sports tanks number 1-8 appear in Able Sisters.

My 2nd Jacob’s ladder…or lily-of-the-valley…appeared today, up on Spectacle Rock. I kind of like having it there.

A Jacob's ladder (aka lily of the valley) appears on Spectacle Rock in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Regarding visitors, Leif was in town today…but I didn’t buy anything from him. Celeste showed up later on, and she gave me a recipe for a Cancer table.

The game update for July went live tonight, and I promptly downloaded it. After starting the game back up, I had a letter from Nintendo waiting for me. It thanked me for downloading the update, and a snorkel mask was included.

Nook Shopping informed me that new seasonal items were available. I only saw one new item though, some bamboo grass, which is a Japanese item for “Tanabata.”

But most importantly, there was also a letter from Nook Inc. It informed me that the waters around the island are safe for swimming, so wet suits are now available. I rushed over to Nook’s Cranny, and I bought the only one: a horizontal-striped wet suit. It’s ugly as sin, but it will have to do. 😛

Jeff tries on the horizonal-striped wet suit.

I ran to the pier and dove in. Swimming is officially here!

Jeff dives into the ocean.

The controls are similar to New Leaf swimming. You can press A repeatedly to swim fast, or hold A to swim a bit slower. You press Y to dive, but this is where the differences begin. While underwater, the camera angle changes to an overhead view.

Diving takes place from an overhead viewpoint.

Catching sea creatures seems considerably easier here than it does in New Leaf. I didn’t have any trouble at all catching anything I found. Maybe I just haven’t encountered any fast critters yet. Of course, I only spent about 15 minutes swimming, but to this point, catching sea creatures seems easier than, say, catching a fish or bug. Just in those ~15 minutes, I’ve already caught nearly one-fourth of the sea creatures in the game.

Jeff has caught 9 out of 40 sea creatures.

You can catch other things besides creatures, too. I found myself a pearl!

I found a pearl! Could today get any more pearl-fect?

It can’t be donated to the museum, but it can be sold at Nook’s Cranny for 10,000 bells! Not bad!

I swam all the way around my island. But as you can imagine, the game doesn’t let you swim up the rivers. But hey, I had to give it a try!

Swimming may not be something you’ll want to do for hours at a time, but it is fun in short bursts. It is certainly a welcome addition to the game. Have a good time swimming, everyone! I’ll be back with another entry late tomorrow night. 🙂

Animated GIF of Jeff swimming in Animal Crossing; New Horizons.

One other note: I uploaded a new video today, taking a look at a number of typos and mistakes in New Horizons and some older Animal Crossing games as well. “Kindess” isn’t the only mistake around. 😉 Check it out!