Keaton’s Photo

With Shari gone, it was weird seeing a vacancy on Apple Lane for the first time.

Sign: Plot available. -Nook Inc.

So I went on four mystery island tours, searching for new potential villagers. I met Willow on a money rock island, Bruce on a bamboo island, Soleil on a waterfall island, and Broffina on a spiral island. I did not want any of them. But at least I had some fun by pitfalling Soleil. 😛

Soleil falls into a pitfall in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Unfortunately, my capture device glitched right as Soleil was falling into the pitfall, so I don’t have a video clip of the sun setting on Waterfall Island. 😛

When I returned to Forest, Keaton asked me to catch a horned dynastid for him.

Keaton: Say, have you ever hunted the mighty horned dynastid?

Flick was in town, so I used his bug-buying services a number of times throughout the day. I was actually looking for him before starting my horned dynastid search, but I ended up running into the dynastid first! So that was an easier task than I expected. I took the bug over to Keaton, and he gave me his photo!! Yes!

Keaton: I splurged a little bit, but i didn't think you'd mind. Go on, enjoy. It's Keaton's photo!
You splurged on your own photo?

This is my 2nd villager photo so far (Tia’s photo was the first). I hung it up on the wall in my house. Keaton’s favorite quote is “Even in a room full of fools, someone is the smartest.”

Keaton's photo on the wall of Jeff's House in ACNH.
*Wii Sports announcer voice* Nice eagle!

Thanks for the photo, Keaton!

If Shari’s old house plot is still unclaimed tomorrow, I may go on some more mystery island tours. See you all next time! And for people on my Switch friend roster, I am planning on having Friday Night Forest this week.

Shari’s Last Day

Today was Shari’s last day in town, so I went to say goodbye to her.

Shari: Um, I wish I could leave you with a smile, but...yeah, I'm really gonna miss you, you chimp.

Midge told me she had a fight with Hornsby, and she bought a gift to make up with him. She asked me to deliver it.

Midge: Maybe you've heard, but I had a fight with Hornsby over something unimportant.

I took it over to Hornsby, and it was a kung-fu tee. 😀 Hornsby loved it, and he said he and Midge would be able to make up now. He gave me a globe for helping out.

Later on, Braxton from Nettle (aka Hedgy) came over to adopt Shari. I hope you enjoy having her, Hedgy! And I’m sure Shari will enjoy her new home! 🙂

Shari: I finally made up my mind! I'm moving to nettle!

Down on the beach, I caught my first horned hercules beetle! It took out my eye! 😛

I caught a horned hercules! Guess I was stronger!
Of course, I donated it to the museum.

I’ve finally decided to move Tia’s house (again). I’m putting her house next to Lopez’s house, near the entrance of my “secret” path to the north beach. I didn’t originally think there was enough room here, but there was. I did trim the cliff above though, just so there was space to walk behind her house.

The new location of Tia's house.

I never came up with a name for this street. I once toyed with the idea of calling it Rizzo Road, but I decided against that. But it will now have three residents, just like Apple Lane. These houses are closer together than the homes on Apple Lane, however.

Moving Tia’s house will give me more horizontal space on the west part of town where I make multiplayer games. Even though this won’t affect the frog race, I’ll be able to use the extra space for the next thing I have planned.

That’s all for today, but I’ll be back again with more soon. See you then! Never Stop Crossing!

Starter to Exit

Shari told me she was thinking about moving out of town today…and I decided to let her go. So she will be moving out tomorrow.

Shari: Well, it's been a blast living on Forest. No regrets! Rockin' memories, you chimp!

She was one of my starting villagers (along with Louie), but it’s time to let her go. She’s been my 2nd-least favorite villager (behind Rizzo), and she’s had a good four months in town. I wish her well, but I’m ready to get someone new on this island.

C.J. was in town, and he wanted me to catch three small-time fish in a row. But that wasn’t going to stop me from catching this arapaima.

Animated GIF of Jeff bouncing an arapaima in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Putting the “air” in arapaima.

It took me a while to find the small fish I needed. It’s actually easier to find large fish than small fish in New Horizons. But I completed C.J.’s challenge, and I was able to sell him all my fish at a good price (including my arapaima and a dorado I also caught).

Celeste was also in town, and she gave me a recipe for an iron wand.

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for an iron wand!

I made one, and it just looks like a pipe! Maybe I could use this as a weapon against any rabid rats I may encounter. 😛

An iron wand in ACNH.

One of my Nook Miles+ goals was to go diving and catch three sea creatures. So I did just that. One of the critters I caught was a vampire squid. That’s a new one for me, so I donated it to the museum.

I got a vampire squid! A lot was at stake.

A few other quick notes:

  • My 5th gold rose appeared today.
  • I had a bunch of new black roses, but I just started selling them. I already have more than I need for now.
  • My town rating was (temporarily) down to 4 stars, thanks to the leftover frog suits I forgot to put back up after yesterday.

I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow. See you then!