Nook Shopping App

Able Sisters had this cow skull (hat) for sale today. I was amused that they felt the need to point out it was an imitation cow skull. I used my tailors ticket to buy it.

The imitation cow skull in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Hornsby taught me the D.I.Y. recipe for a windflower fan, and it’s really cool. Literally. 🙂 I made a couple of them (using flowers from near Rizzo’s house) and later put them in my house.

The D.I.Y. recipe for the windflower fan in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Leif was in town, and he was selling mum flowers. I haven’t had any mums before, so I bought one of each color. I know I have at least one recipe that uses them, so it’ll be good to have some around.

After placing orders for more items I need for my race, I was informed that I’ve now placed 100 orders through Nook Shopping! As a reward, I got the Nook Shopping app on my NookPhone! I can now place orders from anywhere; I don’t have to go into town hall to do it.

Now I've got the Nook Shopping app on my NookPhone! I can shop whenever I want, wherever I want!

Unfortunately, the upgrade did not include an increase in the daily limit. I still can’t order more than five items per day. The app is a nice thing to have, although it isn’t a huge deal, since town hall is open 24/7 anyway. It saves a trip there, though.

Breezy came over for a visit tonight. I just don’t want to post any screenshots, because her outfit would ruin the surprise of my race’s theme. 😛 She helped me get some of the items I needed for the race, so I gave her a sneak peek of the course. She also drew a really cute picture for the bulletin board.

Today’s glowing spot was again in Sudden Valley. I’m not going to keep providing updates about it every day though, but at this point, I do think it’s appearing there more than half the time.

With a new blue pansy bud popping up today, I now have enough of them to go around the edge of my fountain. I previously had yellow hyacinths here before, but I started switching over after I found several blue pansies popping up elsewhere in town. Even though I love the hyacinths in general, blue pansies are also among my favorite flowers in the game.

Blue pansies surround the fountain in Forest.

I then spent way too long trying to find a drone beetle for Shari. Once I did finally track one down, Shari only gave me a fishing vest as my reward.

If you’re interested in my video episodes, check out my latest one, #24:

I’ll be back with more tomorrow, hopefully with pics and a video of my race! See you then! 🙂

New Exterior

As of Monday morning, my house has been remodeled with a new exterior. I like it! I’m just starting to get tired of all the rain lately! 😛

My newly-renovated house exterior.

When I visited Hornsby, he gave me some pixel shades for free. He said they would match my skull tee. Not bad.

Jeff wears some pixel shades in Hornsby's house.

I put some red hyacinths around my diner neon sign, and I like how it looks. I know I probably overuse the red hyacinths around town, but I can’t help it. 😛

Red hyacinths around the neon sign in the Forest amusement park.

Kicks was in town selling shoes, socks, and bags, and I bought a random item just to be nice. Some of my villagers also mentioned Kicks, with Keaton saying that shoes don’t go with his look. Those would need to be some big, wide, ugly shoes to cover his big bird feet!

Keaton: Shoes don't really go with my overall look, but I've got a lot of respect for that guy's style.

About My Upcoming Race

My race is just about finished…except for a few items I’m waiting to arrive via Nook Shopping. This could still change, but I’m tentatively planning on having the race at some point on Thursday in the late afternoon (Eastern U.S. time), unless it’s raining in my town. I may end up changing it to Friday, but Thursday is the goal right now…

People who are already on my friend roster will have the first chance to join in. I will post on Twitter, and ask which of my friends are interested and available at the time, and then I’ll DM the Dodo Code.

If anyone does not have Twitter, but is a regular visitor to my Friday Night Forests (or visited me regularly in CF or NL), please let me know where you would like to be contacted with a Dodo code (if I don’t get enough responses from Twitter alone). If I still am unable to get a full town, I will post the Dodo code publicly on Twitter.

We may run the race twice (and perhaps pose for a group photo at the end). After that, there will be some time for shopping or visiting. But doing the race first will be my priority, so don’t go wandering off until it’s completed. If you are not willing to be a good sport and participate with the race, please do not come. If all goes well, I will be posting a video of the race, perhaps later that same day.

The race will be themed, and I will ask that you wear a certain outfit. The outfit will be provided, but I ask that you return it after the race. The race itself is simple and short, but it should be entertaining. 🙂

Have a great day, and I hope to see you all again soon! 🙂


Label was in town today, and she wanted to see me in a goth outfit.

Label: How about you show me your very best goth outfit? Thank...dark and moody!

She gave me a skull tee, and I put it on. I didn’t really have anything else to go with it, so I just spoke to her again. She said she liked my outfit (but she clearly wasn’t overly impressed), and she said she’ll be sending me a gift in the mail. That will be another tailors ticket.

When I visited Hornsby, he told me that “the bugs” heard me walking towards his house. So he apparently has bugs that spy on me for him? 👀 And this isn’t the first time he’s made a weird comment about his bug friends. Hornsby seems a bit weirder in New Horizons than he did in New Leaf or on GameCube…

Hornsby: Hey, sunflower. The bugs said they heard you walking this way! And now you're here! Yay!

Agent S was thinking about moving out of town, but I convinced her to stay. She’s my favorite villager in town, after all!

It was raining again in Forest today, thanks to it being the rainy season. I took advantage of the weather and caught a coelacanth. It, along with a couple of sharks I also caught, helped me make enough money to reach my goal: Paying off my final loan to Tom Nook! That’s right, I’m finally free and no longer in debt!

Sweet! I finally finished paying off my very last home loan!

As for my reward for fully paying off debt? (Spoiler alert: Skip the rest of this paragraph if you don’t want to know what the reward is). Tom Nook doesn’t give us a statue like on GameCube, or a flagpole on our house like in City Folk. But he does offer free exterior renovations for life! That’s nice to have, even if it’s not something tangible.

I decided to finally remodel my house, and this is the look I went with.

The new look I picked out for my house.

I’ve been working on my race course and it’s coming along. But at this point, I’m mainly waiting on some items to arrive. It’s going to be a few more days until I have everything I need, because Nook Shopping has a five-item daily limit.

And just to let you know, I’m not sure if there will be a Friday Night Forest this week. I’m leaning towards not having it, but I’ll try to update later in the week.