First Villager Photo

When I stopped over at Hornsby’s house today, Apple was also there visiting. But the weird part is that they were both standing by the door, but facing away from the door, looking to the far corner of the room. What were they staring at??

Hornsby and Apple stare into a corner of the room.

I’ve been noticing something interesting about my daily glowing spot. Very frequently, it shows up in Sudden Valley. In fact, it seems to be there nearly half the time!

The daily glowing spot appears in Sudden Valley.

I found Rizzo sitting on the chair next to Agent S’s house. So I (temporarily) dug up the flower in front of the chair, and buried a pitfall seed. I had to wait about two minutes for him to finish reading the sentence he was on, but it was worth it. He eventually got down and fell right into the pitfall. 😀

Rizzo falls into a pitfall in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Update: I just realized that I wasted a pitfall seed there. Since he was on the chair, he would’ve had the same reaction just falling into a hole. Oops!

There was another meteor shower tonight, so I wished on several shooting stars.

Up on the cliffs, I started my island designer app. I’ve decided to recreate a landmark that’s in some old Zelda games, A Link to the Past in particular. No, it’s not a Triforce pond; it’s something more subtle that not everyone will remember: Spectacle Rock.

Spectacle Rock in Forest (Animal Crossing: New Horizons). It is a recreation of a landmark in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

I know this isn’t the most exciting addition, but I’ve been struggling to figure out how to use that previously bare spot of land. And I like the Zelda reference. As a bonus trivia fact, it’s in roughly the same spot on the map as the Spectacle Rock in A Link to the Past. 😉

I destroyed two rocks to put Spectacle Rock there, but if any rocks reappear on top of Spectacle Rock, I may leave them. They could represent the eyes in the spectacles! 👀

Just to let you know, Spectacle Rock wasn’t the only layout change I have planned. More changes are coming.

I ran into Tia tonight, and she asked me to catch a violin beetle for her.

Tia: Could you catch me a violin beetle?

Since I have two tree stumps between my house and Nook’s Cranny, I end up seeing violin beetles pretty often. Less than four minutes later, I had the bug for her. I took it over to her, and I was shocked by my reward: Her photo!

This is my first villager photo in New Horizons, and I’m glad it’s from Tia! I put it in my house and hung it on the wall. The quote on the back is “Tea is a cup of life.” 🙂

Tia's photo in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

Back outside, Louie asked me if I ever visit Apple’s house. He said she makes the best hot cider! 🍎😂

Louie: That hot cider drink she makes... It's really, really good, oh banana.
Does she make it when you give her a squeeze?

After a few minutes of fishing, I wrapped up my game for the night. See you next time! 🙂

Keaton the Prognosticator

Keaton sent me an interesting letter postcard in the mail today. Basically, he was wondering what this island will look like ten years from now. That’s an interesting question to ponder.

You know what's fun? Making predictions! Like, what will this island look like in 10 years? Who'll win Best Hair on Forest this year? --The prognosticator, Keaton

Last night, I wished on some shooting stars during Friday Night Forest, as did my visitors. Today, I found eight star fragments and one Gemini fragment on the beach.

And speaking of last night’s visitors, several of them left money bags from betting on the ping pong match (which is still scoreless). 😛 I asked last night if anyone wanted them, but they didn’t take them. They were just small amounts (1k bags), so I went ahead and picked them up…and used the money to stock up on party poppers. 🎉

Over by the stone arches, I found a lost item (a book) on the ground.

I picked up a lost item!

When I investigated it, it said “mi diario secreto,” which means “my secret diary.” I asked Lopez about it, and he said it was Keaton’s style. So I took it up to Eagle Mountain, and Keaton thanked me for returning it.

Keaton: Wait, but... That's my notebook! I guess I must have lost it.

He gave me a cordless phone as my reward.

K.K. Slider was in town, and he played The K. Funk for me and Hornsby.

K.K. Slider performs for Hornsby and Jeff in Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch.

After catching some fish, I earned some new Nook Miles…for earning Nook Miles! Apparently I’ve finished 1,000 Nook Miles+ goals!

Nook Miles for Miles! 1,000/1,000

I really like how this game keeps track of your progress for goals. In New Leaf, you didn’t have a way to check on your badge progress (with a few exceptions), so you had no clue how close you were. I’m glad this is different…although I do miss having a single badge screen to show all of your progress on one screen. I’d love if they added something like that in the future.

That’s all for today, but I’ll be back with another entry soon. I’m thinking of making some more layout changes to the island… probably not tomorrow, but perhaps in the coming week. Have a great day, and Never Stop Crossing!

Shark Pit

I was surprised to see red rose seeds for sale at Nook’s Cranny today. That was the first time I’ve seen them in my shop! I bought a pack, because I’ve been lining Apple Lane with red roses. It’s been a slow process breeding them all (after buying some initially in another town months ago), but I now have all that I need.

Hornsby was sitting under a tree when I went up to talk to him. He asked if I could guess what he was doing. He then informed me that he was sitting. That’s New Horizons dialogue for you. 🤦

Hornsby: Can you guess what I'm doing? huh huh huh... I'm sitting, schnozzle!

Saharah was in town, so I bought some mysterious wallpaper and flooring from her. They turned out to be the ringside seating and white-chocolates flooring. I ended up keeping the ringside seating, and I put it in my basement. I also brought in my judge’s bell, which I previously had by my sumo ring. The ringside seating is already animated, but hitting the judge’s bell makes the photographers in the audience start taking pictures (with visible flashes).

The ringside seating wallpaper in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I set up some jail bars and pushed Rizzo in. Finally, I’ve imprisoned the rat!

Rizzo stands in his jail cell.

Near town hall, Shari taught me the “confident” reaction.

About 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Logan, Timo, Alex, and Ryan came over to visit. Even though Rizzo had been in jail when I opened my gate, he somehow escaped as everyone arrived!

We posed with our sharks, tried to catch the duck in my plastic pool, and then my visitors placed bets on who would win a game of ping pong, with the hula doll playing against the garden gnome.

Ping pong: Garden gnome vs. hula doll.

Even though I didn’t bury any pitfall seeds prior to opening my gate, I did bury a few just outside of doors as people were inside visiting villagers. 😀 Even though you can’t bury them as close to doors as you could in City Folk, I sometimes got an assist from an accomplice, who stood in a spot to block the view of the pitfall. Or in one case, some sharks did the trick. 🦈

Sharks hide the pitfall in ACNH.

We jumped around on pillars, hung out in my house for a while, played on the obstacle course, checked out the amusement park, beat up Rizzo, ran through arches, played a few rounds of museum tag, and then had a quick sumo tourney. Ryan was plotting to push me into a pitfall after the sumo matches, but it didn’t work. 😛

When I revealed that there was an arched tile path under my sumo ring, everyone seemed shocked. 😛 But putting that under the patterns makes sure that the sumo ring shows up on the map.

Everybody is shocked to see a stone path under the sumo ring.

Shortly before 12:30 a.m., I ended the session for the night. Even though town didn’t fill up, I had a good time. Thanks for coming, everyone!