Two Places at Once?

On Thursday, Mira the bunny was camping at the campsite. I liked her a lot in New Leaf, but I’m not so sure about the way she looks in HD.

Mira, at the campsite: Hey, thanks for stoppin' by. everyone here, like, SUPER friendly?
We’re both red zap superheroes. 😛

Her yellow eyelashes look a bit weird, and her mouth is…diagonal? I know she looked like that in New Leaf too, but the low resolution made it less noticeable. I still like her, of course, but I didn’t kick anyone out to adopt her.

Tonight, K.K. Slider was at the plaza, warming up with a (sad) song that I liked. I wasn’t sure what song it was, though. So I just told him I was feeling blue, and he performed “Two Days Ago” for me, Punchy, and Ketchup.

K.K. Slider performs for Punchy, Ketchup, and Jeff.

Good song, but that wasn’t the one he was practicing moments earlier. I wish there was an option to tell him to play what he was just singing!

After the show, I went straight to the Roost for some coffee. But somehow, Punchy was already there! 😛

Punchy, at the Roost: But...then why do grown-ups always look so tired, at the Depot?
Punchy beat me to the Roost.

After completing my daily tasks, I put some money into the bank. My account balance reached 68 million bells.

Good night, everybody!

Bones: Nighty-night! Sincerely, Bones!

Deep Duck

On Sunday, I found some spoiled turnips in my pockets! Oops! That meant I forgot to sell those last 700 turnips from last week. Oof.

It was Rio’s birthday, so I headed up to her house for her birthday party. I gave her a water bird for her gift. It’s the one that I had in front of her house, but don’t tell her! (I later replaced it with another one.)

Rio: Whaaat?! You got me a water bird?!

Ankha was also there for the celebration, which is a lot better than the “friend” she had at her party last year. 😉 Rio said today was her happiest day of the year, so I’m glad it went well for her. 🙂

On Monday, I saw Bob in Able Sisters. He asked me to pick something out for him, so I bought him some bubblegum. It’s too bad villagers won’t actually wear this, though.

Bob: Oh! This is some bubblegum!
Who knew bubblegum made you taller? 😉

I helped Gulliver out, and he sent me an alpinist hat yesterday.

Tonight, Flick was in town. I grabbed 25 bugs (most were from storage, of course), and Flick paid me 196,500 bells for them all.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 196,500 bells for the bunch of them?

With summer winding down, this was likely my last big payday from Flick for a while.

Up in the Roost, I had a deep, philosophical conversation with…Ketchup? 😉 She was talking about the importance of taking things slow. She said it helps you unwind and find your inner peace.

Ketchup: Sometimes life is so slow, I start to feel bored. But then I come here, and I realize slow is important.

I recovered Wisp’s spirits for him, and he rewarded me with a sailor skirt. 😛

And just before wrapping up my game for the night, I saw a very large fish shadow in the ocean. It didn’t have a fin, so I almost ignored it. But since it was raining, I gave it a shot…and I caught a coelacanth. 🙂

A Recording Studio, or Five

While diving yesterday, I found another scallop…and Pascal. This time, he was talking about the number 13…and donuts. 🍩

Pascal: If 13 is an unlucky number, why do they call it a baker's dozen? That's a free donut, maaan!

In exchange for the scallop, Pascal gave me another pearl. I had been saving my pearls in storage, even though I almost never actually use them. In fact, I currently have 80 of them in storage. So I decided to sell this one, and the Nooklings paid me 10,000 bells for it! Not bad!

Vivian the wolf was at the campsite, and I like her a lot. If I had an empty spot in town, I probably would have asked her to move in.

Vivian: Ah, do you live here? I'm Vivian. A pleasure.

Agent S said she was impressed by the Nook Miles I’ve been racking up. She said she’s been saving up her own points to buy a recording studio, or five. 😛

Agent S: I'm working on my own point totals. I want to use them to buy a recording studio, or five.

The “or five” part is a catchphrase I gave her, but it fit in perfectly there. 😛

Tonight, K.K. Slider was out playing music in the rain. I joined Agent S, Louie, and Ketchup for a performance of Soulful K.K.

K.K. Slider performs in the rain for Agent S, Louie, Jeff, and Ketchup.

As you probably know, September is salmon season. This makes the Nook Miles+ cooking goals easier. You can create a dish (carpaccio di salmone) with just salmon; no other ingredients required! It comes in handy when those cooking goals pop up on your daily list.

I posted my latest Wi-Fi Moments video today, and it includes highlights from the three parties I attended in July and August. Check it out if you’re interested!

See you next time!