Friday Night Fish

Yesterday, the Nooklings were buying turnips for 144 bells apiece. That may not be a huge price, but it did provide a solid profit. I sold all 1,000 of mine for 144,000 bells.

I caught my first rainbow stag on the beach, and later, my first arapaima in the river. I donated both catches to the museum.

I caught an arapaima! How did it get here? Arapaiknow!

In the southeast part of town, I replaced my bamboo noodle slide with a plastic pool. Agent S immediately stated her approval on the matter.

Agent S: That plastic pool... is some solid placement.
Actually it’s liquid placement. 😉

On Harv’s island, Reese wanted reception pictures again. Cyrus provided two additional items, a wedding head table and a wedding cake. I just threw the room together quickly just to complete the task. 😛

Today, I changed into a six-ball tee I ordered from Nook Shopping, and I bought some green bubblegum at Able Sisters to go with it. But Label was at the plaza, and she wanted to see a theatrical outfit. She gave me a flashy jacket, and I (temporarily) put it on before talking to her again. She didn’t seem very enthused about my outfit (probably because I still had the bubblegum in my mouth), but she still said she would send me a thank-you gift in the mail.

About 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Timo, William, Ryan, and George came to visit. Most of them starting showing off sharks right away. Too bad I didn’t have one, or I would have joined in too. 🦈🦈🦈

Three of my visitors hold up sharks.

Note: The Ryan was from Eventide, and he is the Ryan I’ve played with in City Folk and New Leaf with before. But then another Ryan joined in (the usual Ryan that comes, from Petal Burg). Since he was wearing a No. 2 shirt, we called him Ryan #2.

Town wasn’t filling up, so I went on with my scheduled tour for my visitors. 😛 Of course that tour led everyone towards a few pitfalls I planted ahead of time, and George fell into the first two.

George falls into a pitfall during Friday Night Forest.

Sitri soon joined in, and I took everyone over to the jumping pillars. We jumped around, trying to avoid Godzilla’s fire breath. But it was no use; the fire apparently burned off everyone’s fingers! 😉

Jumping on pillars near Godzilla.

I had planned a new spot for everyone to fall into holes, but Ryan #1 didn’t want to participate. I’ll have to try it again another time. 😛

At 10:48, Forge joined in and my town finally filled up. We held an obstacle course tournament, since I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be keeping the course up. Forge, Timo, Ryan #2, and I won our first battles. Ryan 2 beat Forge, and Timo beat me in the semifinals…and then Timo beat Ryan 2 in the finals. Timo won a flowing-river flooring as the prize.

Timo wins an obstacle course race.
I feel so small.

Ryan #1 left, and the rest of us hung out in my house for a while. And a fish ate Ryan #2’s face.

Hanging out in Jeff's house.

Then we had some changes: Forge left, Valentine joined, William left, and then Sitri left. Valentine suggested a fishing competition to see who could catch the most valuable fish in five minutes. Since there was no prize, I joked that the most valuable fish gets a non-prize, and whoever catches the most fish also gets a non-prize. 😛

After the 5-minute time limit was up, Valentine and Ryan tied for the most fish (eight). And we determined that George had the most valuable fish.

We then decided to play some outdoor hide-and-seek. I was the first seeker; I found Timo hiding behind Lopez’s house, which was fitting (Lopez apparently moved from Timo’s town). I then found Ryan behind Tia’s house…and that was it. The timer went off, and I failed miserably. 😛

Ryan volunteered to be the next seeker. He found me first (I was behind Hornsby’s house), and then he found everyone else except George. But by then, it was 1 a.m., so I decided to end the session for the night.

Special thanks to everyone who posted art or messages on my bulletin board!

Yesterday, I posted my latest New Horizons video episode.

I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow. Have a great day!

Reese’s New Groom

Last last night, I caught a few more new fish to donate to the museum. That included the arowana, giant trevally, and the saddled bichir.

Today, Agent S told me that her favorite musician is K.K., and her favorite song is the bonus track on the purple vinyl edition of his third album. In other words, K.K. Synth. And yet, that’s not the song she plays in her house.

Agent S: My favorite song of his is probably the bonus track on the purple vinyl edition of his third studio album...

Today’s message bottle contained a DIY recipe for a pitfall seed. I’ll leave this by airport, so that if any visitors need it, they can take it.

Leif was in town today, and I bought one shrub and four five-packs of flower seeds from him.

Out on Harv’s island, Reese again wanted photos of a wedding ceremony. While that was a repeat of the first day, there were still two new items added: a wedding flower stand and a wedding candle set.

But I wasn’t interested in decorating a serious wedding ceremony again. So I did things a little differently. For one thing, Reese is marrying Zipper T. Bunny this time. Or at least, the wobbling Zipper toy. Reese was tired of Cyrus trying to change her, under the guise of making “customizations.”

But for the ceremony, Cyrus has returned to his early-New Leaf status of sleeping through everything. So while he’s dreaming of tools and nails, and sandblasting pails, he’s missing out on the most important day of Reese’s life.

I also included some evil dollies (guests of the groom) to attend the ceremony.

Reese stared deeply into Zipper’s blank, soulless eyes, knowing that Zipper will always be there for her. He’ll never take his eyes off her…mainly because he can’t physically blink, but still. I’m sure they’ll live happily ever after, and make some lovely Reese’s peanut butter eggs. Good luck to the new couple!

Zipper and Reese look deeply into each other's eyes as they prepare to get married.

When the ceremony was over, Reese only had one complaint. Not that she married Zipper, and not that Cyrus slept through the whole thing. She only complained that I didn’t match up the colors better.

Reese: If there was one tiny thing I could change about it...I'd try to match up the colors a little better.

She gave me a wedding flower stand, and also some more heart crystals. And of course, she wants me to come back again tomorrow. I feel like I’m being forced to play Happy Home Designer with this event, and I really don’t like it. I just want to unlock all the wedding furniture for my catalog and be done with it. We’ll see how many days that takes.

Perfect Painting

Redd sent me my perfect painting in the mail, so I rushed it over to the museum. Blathers informed me that it was real! 🙂 From its spot in the art gallery, you can actually see all three of my paintings so far.

Perfect painting: Apples and Oranges, Paul Cezanne, circa 1899, oil on canvas.

Just a heads-up about seashells: New (blue) summer shells can now be found on the beach. And of course, there are new recipes that require them. So pick them up and save them if you see them!

A summer shell in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Agent S talked about the idea of frosting a cupcake with toothpaste and watching someone take a bite. A cruel prank perhaps, but she just used it as an example to teach me the mischief reaction. She better watch out for toothpaste-frosted acorns now! 😉

I learned the mischief reaction! Heh heh heh heh heh...

Saharah was in town, and I bought an exquisite wall and flowing-river flooring from her. I already had the flowing-river flooring, but I think I’ll hang onto it and use it as a prize for Friday Night Forest. I think I’ll have another obstacle course tournament, if people are interested. That’s because I think I’ll be removing my obstacle course soon. I have a new idea for something else I want to make in Forest, and I’ll need that space to make it.

At town hall, I used the Nook Stop to check out the new seasonal items. They include a handmade cape and handmade crown (both for International Children’s Day), and a thank-you Dad mug (for Father’s Day).

Celeste was in town tonight. I talked to her repeatedly, but she didn’t have any new recipes for me. So why even visit? 🤷

Celeste: Well, have a splendid rest of the night! I know I shall.

Apple gave me a free viking helmet, so I put it on for the time being.

Out on Harv’s island, Reese wanted to take some photos of a wedding reception.

Reese: So, we've already done the ceremony photos... I think it would be fun to recreate the reception this time!

Some new items were available, including a wedding table, wedding chair, and wedding-party wall. I don’t particularly enjoy designing rooms, especially when it’s just a temporary thing and not part of my house. I wasn’t a big fan of Happy Home Designer either. But I quickly threw a room together using just the supplied items. 😛

Photo of Reese & Cyrus' wedding reception.

Reese gave me a wedding table for my help, along with some more heart crystals as well.

As I was leaving the island, Wilbur informed me that Dodo Airlines now dabbles in item delivery and liquidation. So apparently you can ship some of your pocket items home through the mail, or sell them to Wilbur at 80% value (just like you’d get from the drop box at Nook’s Cranny).

Back at home, my black rose count is up to eleven, and my flower garden was filling up. So I decided to line the path in front of my house with them.

Black roses outside of Jeff's house.

Even though I really like red hyacinths, I kinda went overboard with them at the beginning. So I’m (slowly) trying to replace some of them with other flowers, so there’s a bit more variety around town.

I caught a few new fish for the museum today, including the gar, ribbon eel, tilapia, and hammerhead shark.