Lopez Moves In

C.J. was in town today with a fishing challenge for me: I had to catch three large fish in a row without letting one get away. That was easy enough: I caught a squid, a barred knifejaw, and an oarfish to complete the challenge.

That's 3 big-time fish! Which means...you just completed the challenge! Go tell C.J.!

I returned to C.J., and he gave me 23,250 bells for those fish plus a cherry salmon I caught earlier. Not bad!

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 23,250 bells. Deal?

Rizzo is apparently going senile. He didn’t know how it got so late (it was only about 4 p.m.), and he didn’t even know how he got outdoors! Yikes, that’s bad.

Rizzo: And, uh...how did I get out here?

I then went to meet my new neighbor, Lopez the deer gazelle. He said he moved from Solstice, which is Timo’s town.

Lopez: Well, good to meet you! I'm Lopez, a fresh new face from Solstice.

Midge was reading a book on the bench near the sumo ring, and I thought she looked cute there. 😛

I was playing before 5 p.m. for a change, so I actually caught two new bugs, a mantis and a Raja Brooke’s birdwing.

I caught a Rajah Brooke's birdwing! Nothing else I'd rajah be doing!

While fishing, I caught a couple pieces of garbage. I ended up using them to craft some trash bags, which I placed outside of Rizzo’s house.

Rizzo's house, with trash, a campfire, and a canister of gasoline nearby.
Can you tell I don’t like the guy?

Before wrapping up my game for the day, I paid off my debt to Tom Nook. He will be adding a basement to my house tomorrow! The bad news is that I will owe him 2,498,000 bells for the project. Ouch.

See you late tomorrow night Saturday with another entry!

Update: Sorry, change of plans. No Friday Night Forest this week.

Apple’s Pet Beetle?

One of today’s fossils was buried right next to my house. And then two more were right in front of Nook’s Cranny, which is essentially next door! So I basically found three out of four fossils within a 4-second walk from my house. 😀

Two fossils buried right in front of Nook's Cranny.
As you can see, Flick was in town.

Nook’s Cranny was selling magazines today, so I bought a bunch of them so that I could craft a magazine rack and the manga-library wall. I then customized the magazine rack to put bananas on the cover, and I gave it to Louie. 🍌

The empty house plot already had a sign on it; it’s reserved for Lopez the deer. I guess he’s okay, but I would have preferred Cheri. 😛 Oh deer. 🦌

This spot reserved for Lopez's new home. -Nook Inc.

I visited Hornsby’s house to see if he put up the fossil plaque I gave him yesterday. But it was nowhere to be found.

When I visited Apple, she informed me that she had a pet. I figured she was talking about her pet hamster that I gave her, but no. She was talking about a horned dynastid beetle, which she also named Apple.

Apple: Oh, I never told you? Her name is Apple and she's a horned dynastid!

I didn’t see any horned dynastid in her house though, so either she’s lying or she has a large beetle in her pockets. 😛

Celeste was in town, and she gave me a DIY recipe for a Gemini closet.

Celeste: Hootie-toot, I almost forgot! I came across a recipe for an astronomical project in a book and jotted it down.

I made some changes to my amusement park tonight. I put in a new iron fence right along the edge of the lower path/midway, and I removed the simple wooden fence I was using in the backyards of Apple Lane residents. And after I shot down a balloon present containing a plasma ball, I thought that would look cool as an additional prize.

An updated look at my amusement park in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I later spent some Nook Miles to order more public benches, because the park needs more seating.

There was a meteor shower going on, so I wished on several shooting stars. But I spent the rest of my night catching bugs and selling them to Flick. And shortly before I ended my game for the night, Midge taught me the daydreaming reaction.

That’s all for today, but I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow. Hope to see you then. 🙂

Simmer Down, Kiddo

Today, Cheri the bear cub was hanging out at the campsite. Cheri is certainly cute, and she would make a good villager… but after considering it briefly, I did not invite her to move in. I may not have empty spots in town very often, so I only want to use them if it’s for one of my absolute favorite villagers.

Cheri: It's legit fantastic here! I'm going to be camping for a bit, so let's hang out, tralala!

Besides, it might be a bit confusing having Cheri and Shari both in town, since I would pronounce them both the same in my head. 😛 But if she ended up being a random move-in, I wouldn’t complain.

When I tried to speak with Rizzo, he basically shushed me.

Rizzo: Simmer down for a second, kiddo.

He had his eye on a bug, so I watched him try (and fail) to catch it. So that was amusing. 😛 That’s what he gets for telling me to simmer down. 😛

Leif was in town, and I bought a couple dozen white pansies from him, for some of my eastern paths. I also bought a few shrubs for my amusement park, since the tree I planted wasn’t growing.

By the way, I originally thought Leif was only going to appear during the Nature Day (Earth Day) event, so I’m glad that’s not the case. Even though I generally don’t use a lot of shrubs, it is nice to have extra variety in the types of flowers seeds available.

I completed a Stamp Rally at the museum (just the fossil one), and I decided to give the fossil plaque to Hornsby. However, he seemed a bit confused by what it was. First, he said there are lots of things like it, and then he wondered what his “bug friends” would think of it? Does he think it’s a bug? Or does he mean that some of his friends are bugs, and they would enjoy it? I don’t quite understand. 😀

Hornsby: Once I've cleaned up my house, I'll set this out! I can't wait to hear what all my bug friends think about it!

He gave me 450 bells for it, which is actually more than the Nooklings pay.

Louie had a treasure hunt for me, and he gave me six minutes to find the buried item. I had trouble finding it, and I used up five minutes and 16 seconds before I finally spotted the item near my bamboo waterslide noodle slide.

I found treasure!

I took it back to Louie, and he opened it up for me. There was a stache & glasses inside. I tried it on, and hopefully, this will be the only time I ever wear it.

The stache & glasses in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Just a heads-up that I do plan on having Friday Night Forest this week, for people on my roster.