Small Improvements

Yesterday, Hornsby wrote me a letter, saying letters remind him of his grandma. At least, before she…. stopped writing letters. And at the end, he said his grandma smelled good (past tense). Is this his way of saying his grandma died? 🙁

Cupcake, the Letter Writer, I like writing letters because it makes me think about how my grandma wrote letters before people quit writing letters. Write a letter, cupcake! Be like my grandma! She smelled good! -Hornsby

Speaking of death, Rizzo referred to his own body as a carcass! He was itching from fleas, and he made a big deal out of it right in front of Leif. Well, I guess he knows Leif isn’t going to tell anyone. I helped the rat carcass out by catching his flea; Leif applauded me like he was relieved to not be standing next to an infested rat any more. 😛

Rizzo: My whole carcass itches! What in tarnation is goin' on? Nnargh! I can't stand it, itch itch!

While I was at the plaza, I bought some more pink-azalea starts from Leif. I used them to replace the generic shrubs I had been using in my park (which I’m now calling Peach Park). It will take a few days for them to grow, but it certainly is a satisfying feeling to keep improving my island. Even if most of the daily improvements are small, it’s all a step in the right direction. 🙂

Later, I used the island designer app to widen my new waterfall (the one that empties near the sumo ring). I think it looks a lot better now.

My new widened waterfall near the sumo ring.

Just a few other quick notes about yesterday:

  • I re-routed part of the new creek, so that my two fake bridges look better.
  • I received my tailors ticket from Label in the mail.
  • I noticed several pink cosmos on the cliffs, so I planted them near Hornsby’s house.
  • Two new black roses sprouted up in my flower garden.

Saharah was in town today, and I bought some cloud flooring and a dig-site wall from her. I like them both, but the cloud flooring was particularly cool because it’s animated! It’s like you’re walking through a cloud! While this would be great for a cloud/sky/heaven themed room, it would also work well as fog for a Halloween room!

The cloud flooring and dig-site wall from Saharah in Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch.

Apple was sick with a cold, so I fetched some medicine for her. She’s now on the road to no nose gunk, and she gave me a career jacket as thanks.

Apple: Thanks to you, Jeff, I'm on the road to no nose gunk.

I started up the island designer app and put in a new path in the western part of my town. I’ve been reluctant to make this path, because this area is a tight squeeze (thanks to my obstacle course). But I made a path connecting my northwest bridge (near the campsite) down past Tia’s house, and to my southwest bridge. I bought a bunch of orange windflower seeds and lined the path with them.

Forest's new western path that goes past Tia's house.

As an experiment, I took the rock-head statue I got from Keaton, and put it on an island in the river. An odd choice, sure. And I probably won’t keep it this way, but here’s a look anyway. 😂

A rock-head statue on an island in the river in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

That’s all for now, but I’ll be back again tomorrow with another entry. See you then! 🙂

Double Disappointment

I received my amazing painting in the mail from Redd today. To my surprise, Keaton also sent me a work of art…a rock-head statue! And it’s huge!

The rock-head statue in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I took them over to the museum, and Blathers informed me that they’re fake. Both of them. It was doubly disappointing. 😞😞

I put the fakes in my house for now, although the rock-head statue might be fun to decorate outdoors with. If I can find a suitable use for it, of course.

The Nooklings were selling cardboard boxes at Nook’s Cranny, so I bought several of them for crafting. I made the “small cardboard boxes” as well as a cardboard sofa. I put both of them in my upstairs room. I later got a bathroom sink from a balloon present, and I added it to my upstairs room as well. (The bathroom is on the right, the cardboard box furniture is on the left).

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me wearing a party outfit. She gave me a comedian’s outfit. I put it on, took off the denim cap I was wearing, and spoke with her again. She was happy with the outfit, and she gave me some Labelle sunglasses. She’s also going to send me another tailors ticket in the mail.

Label: It's another design from my label... some Labelle sunglasses. I hope you like the style.

When I visited Hornsby, he really liked the comedian’s outfit on me. He gave me a zap helpmet that he said was the same color as my outfit. I tried it on, and it was a pink zap helmet! This is NOT the same color as my outfit at all! Hornsby must be more colorblind than I am! 😛

Jeff tries on the pink zap helmet from Hornsby.

After making my rounds, I put on my island designer hat and continued working on the new creek/mini-river I started on Monday. It now flows past the sumo ring, and turns west just before Agent S’s house. While I didn’t remove my path for it, I did switch to a wood pattern there to resemble a small bridge that goes over the creek as it empties into the river.

Here’s an updated look at my town map.

The Forest town map as of May 20, 2020.

Shortly after that, Keaton taught me the heartbreak reaction. That seemed appropriate, since that’s about how I felt when I learned the painting he sent me was a forgery. 😛

I learned the heartbreak reaction! Oh, the heartache!

Remember the path I put in where Louie’s house used to be? I’m thinking about calling it D.K. Drive. Well, at the corner of D.K. Drive and Apple Lane, Rizzo and Tia were both sitting under the same tree!

Rizzo and Tia sit under the same tree in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

That’s all for now, but I’ll see you all next time! 🙂 I hope you’re all still enjoying the game two months in, like I am.

Reminder for people on my friend roster: There’s no Friday Night Forest this week.

Super Chef RPG IV

Last night I ordered an elephant slide from the Nook Stop, and it arrived today. I put it right outside of Tia’s house. I like putting something species-related outside the house of many of my villagers, such as the paper tiger outside of Claudia’s house, and the birdcage outside of Midge’s house. It’s helpful for remembering which house belongs to which villager.

An elephant slide is placed outside the home of Tia the elephant.

Astrid the kangaroo (and her joey) were camping at the campsite today. But I did not invite her to move in; she can bounce right out of town for all I care. 😛

Astrid: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Astrid. How kind of you to stop by.

When I ran into Hornsby, he said he might copy me today! He talked about being Jeff Jr. for the day! I think one of me is more than enough already. 😛

Hornsby: What ya doing? I might copy you. I could be Jeff Jr. for the day.

Crazy Redd’s ship was docked at the north beach, so I went inside to check out his art. I looked at them all, but I ultimately decided to buy this amazing painting. He will send it to me in the mail tomorrow.

Redd: My offer's still good, y'know. For only 4,980 bells, this magnificent amazing painting is yours!

I also bought a rattan table lamp while I was there.

At the museum, Blathers was again hosting a Stamp Rally. You can participate as many days as you like (through May 31st), and the stamp stations may be in different locations. But the prizes will be the same each day.

Stamp Spot: The Lab

In case you’re wondering (like I was), the reward plaques can be sold for 300 bells each. That’s less than I was expecting. So unless you have a certain design idea that uses multiple plaques, it’s probably not worth it to complete the Stamp Rally more than once.

Apple read in a magazine that cooking is great for “leveling up” your mind. But since she can’t cook, she just played Super Chef RPG IV instead. 😂

Apple: Since I can't cook, I just played Super Chef RPG IV for 24 hours...

Since it was raining, I did a little fishing…and it paid off. I caught another coelacanth tonight! 😀 I also earned Nook Miles for catching my 500th fish.

Rizzo asked me for a new catchphrase, so I told him to say “I’m a rat.” He seemed to enjoy that.

Rizzo: I'm a rat! Yep, that works for me. Gahaha!

See you next time!