Hamster Cage for a Hamster

Today, Louie told me to watch closely…and then he sneezed in my face! Wow, that’s really rude!

Louie: Watch this...HIYAAACHOOO!
If he shoots ya, it’s gonna hurt.

It was his way of teaching me the sneezing reaction, although he could have been less gross about it. 😉

In front of town hall, Apple was singing for Shari. It was cute. 🙂

Apple sings at the plaza as a seated Shari looks on.

Midge was also nearby, so I had a chat with her too. She wondered why someone left the fountain out, which seems like an extremely odd question.

Midge: I wonder why someone left the fountain out?

Aren’t fountains normally outdoors? At least ones this large. What was she thinking?

The other day I mentioned catching a pondskater and not being able to donate it because of full pockets. Just in case anyone was dying in suspense (lol, yeah right), I caught one today and donated it to the museum. 😛

I shook a tree, and a hamster cage fell out of it! Who put that up there? 🐹 So I decided to put its little hamster life into the safe care of…a hamster! That’s right, I gave it to Apple.

Apple: Ohmigosh! Is this...a hamster cage?!

She was excited about it, and she said she was going to show it off in her house. But when I left and re-entered her house, she didn’t have it displayed anywhere.

Back outside, I saw Claudia dancing from across the river. Well, it was more like bobbing from side to side…all while making an ugly face with her eyes. Claudia actually doesn’t look bad when her eyes are open, but sometimes she just makes this face…

Claudia makes an unpleasant face while dancing in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I made a minor decorative change to my sumo ring. We haven’t played sumo at Friday Night Forest the past couple weeks, but I think we can this week. Perhaps even another tournament, if people are interested.

Even though it was raining tonight, I didn’t catch any coelacanths. But I did catch two oarfish and several red snappers, so I can’t complain too much.

Have a great day, and I’ll see you next time! 🙂

First Scorpion

I know it’s not a big deal, but it always seems weird to see fish in my obstacle course. Like how did this koi get in there? Did it climb the wall first? 😉

Jeff catches a koi in the pond that makes up part of an obstacle course.
Today I learned you can fish over fences, too.

The same also applies to villagers hanging out here. I’ve been lucky they haven’t been on the course during any races yet. At least not anywhere that they’d be blocking the path. But Keaton was sure enjoying this bench today.

Keaton sits on a bench in the obstacle course.

Midge taught me a DIY recipe for a western-style stone, and it’s not just a stone, it’s a gravestone. I guess if I end up burying any of my villagers, I could always use one of these.

The western-style stone in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

When I visited Hornsby, he hopped onto his stack of cushions. He told me that snack time is five of the most important meals of the day! 😀

Hornsby: Why not?! Snack time's five of the most important meals in the day!

As I walked past Nook’s Cranny, I spotted a scorpion! I caught it and donated it to the museum. I went into the bug wing to check it out, and I was disappointed to find that the scorpion and tarantula were kept in separate displays. That’s because in some previous games, you could watch them fight with each other!

The tarantula and scorpion in the museum.

Leif had a stand set up in the plaza, but I wasn’t interested. All I could do was shrub my shoulders. 😛

I posted Wi-Fi Moments #4 today; here it is!

Bag of Apple’s

I found a lost item (a bag) on the ground today, and I began asking around about it. Agent S was insulted that I even asked, saying it wasn’t her style. But she said it did seem like Apple’s style. I wonder if there were apples inside.

So I made my way to Apple’s orchard house to ask her about it, and the bag was indeed hers. However, she said it was missing “forever,” which didn’t seem likely considering she just moved into town yesterday. 😉

Apple: Thank you SO much! This thing's been missing for forever!
“For forever?” Isn’t that redundant? 😛
BTW, this is what Apple’s house looks like.

She gave me a jockey uniform as my reward. It sounds like something that would fit her, not me. I’m not a pre-New Leaf villager any more, I’m tall now! 😉

I met up with Agent S near the Bunny Day arches, and I didn’t understand a word she was saying. 😛 Is she speaking in code?

Agent S: You are way beyond-the-moon cool. Straight full zappo, thought dog! I'm talking full-on piano farm, boop!
Piano farm? I’ll have to make a note of that.

She then admitted she was trying to start some new slang trends. Well, good luck to her, but I don’t plan on using those expressions anytime soon. 😛

It’s Saturday night, so K.K. was hanging out in front of town hall. I asked him for a random song, and he played Forest Life. Tia and I were so excited that we practically bounced up out of our chairs. 😉

Jeff and Tia hop out of their chairs as K.K. Slider starts to perform.

My new bridge was completed, so I attended the opening ceremony. All my villagers were there, although Agent S was partially hidden. She is a secret agent, after all. 😉

Forest's residents gather for the completion ceremony of the northeast bridge.
This bridge is so helpful that I’ll never stop crossing it. 😉

I have fixed the problems with my obstacle course that I encountered last night. So it’ll be good to go for next time. 🙂

Have a great weekend, everyone! I’ll be working on Wi-Fi Moments #4 tonight, and I’m hoping to have it up tomorrow if possible. 🙂