Double Construction

Even though Blathers didn’t mention it yesterday, the museum was indeed closed for construction today. Ditto for the Nooklings’ shop, although that one I already knew about. At any rate, it will be nice to have both buildings expanded and reopened tomorrow.

Nook's Cranny and the museum, both closed for renovation.

Tia surprised me by saying that days like today were just made for break dancing! Hey, if Nintendo can program villagers to do aerobics and yoga, why not break dancing? I mean, who wouldn’t want to see a break dancing teapot elephant? Now that would be funny to see!

Tia: Oh banana... Days like today are just made for break dancing!

The campground was moved to its new location, and I found a camper inside: Cranston the ostrich. He’s okay, I guess, but I did not invite him into town. I typically only invite a camper (or mystery island animal) into my town if it’s someone I really, strongly like. It may be a risky move (especially with the possibility of getting someone’s reject after Friday Night Forest), but I’ll take the risk.

Cranston: It's a buncha fun camping on this island. The air smells good, like food. I wanna bite it, sweatband!

At Able Sisters, Sable told me she had a gift for me! It was some patterned fabric. I can now use her patterns when I customize furniture. Thanks, Sable!

Some patterned fabric from Sable.

While I was there, I also bought a paintball mask. I thought it looked like the helmet that the Doom guy wears. 😛

I bought another Nook Miles Ticket, and Deli the monkey was at the mystery island. I’m generally not a fan of the monkeys in this game, other than Champ and Porter. I’ll admit Deli isn’t as ugly as most monkeys, but I still was not interested in adopting him. But he did fall for me. 😛

Deli falls into a pitfall in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Shortly after 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Timo, Jesse, Patrick, Ryan, and Ros joined in…and then we all disconnected. So I opened again. This time, Vinnie, Jesse, Marlie, Timo, and Ros joined…and then again, we disconnected.

Fortunately, the third time was the charm. Patrick, Timo, Jesse, James, Marlie, Vinnie, and Geoff came to visit. The bad news is that it was already 10:35 by the time town filled up. The good news is that we didn’t have any further disconnections the rest of the night. A little lag, sure, but no disconnections.

After we beat up the raccoon figurine for Nook’s Cranny being closed, we headed over to my obstacle course for a tournament. In the first round, Patrick defeated a very laggy Jesse, Vinnie beat Geoff, Timo beat James, and I beat Marlie. Maybe it’s a bit unfair for me to compete, but we would’ve had an odd number of people if I sat out. Still, it was actually my first time racing on my own course, and I enjoyed it! 😛 And Marlie was a good sport about it. 🙂

In the semifinals, Timo beat Vinnie and I beat Patrick. That meant Timo and I would be competing in the finals! It was a close match, but Timo beat me! Congrats, Timo!

Timo and Jeff compete in an obstacle course race.

Patrick suggested that we should take a picture, so I thought near the finish line of the obstacle course would be a good place.

Friday Night Forest visitors pose for a picture on the obstacle course.

We went to my house next, and I was disappointed to learn that the colorful wheel suffered from the same problem it had in New Leaf: Everyone sees a different number.

Everyone sees different numbers on the colorful wheel.

We had some net fights, some emotion spamming, and then we went over to my western rocky beach. I put my cherry-blossom petal stuff here, and I wanted everyone to see it. Except Vinnie looked like he was going to get sick in my cherry-blossom pond stone!

Vinnie: I don't feel so good.

We later made our way back around to my (lower) pond, where we vaulted across the water. (I later dug holes for the others to fall into).

Animal Crossing players pole vault across a pond.

Around 12:20 a.m., I ended the session for the night. Thanks to everyone who came, and to those who tried to come as well! Even though I didn’t really have anything planned other than the obstacle course tournament, I still had a good time! I hope you all did too! 🙂

See you tomorrow with another entry!

Leif and Redd

One day after Earth Day, New Horizons starts celebrating the Animal Crossing equivalent, Nature Day. Special Nook Miles+ activities will be available (such as planting shrubs for Nook Miles). Leif has a stand set up at the plaza, and he sells shrubs and flower seeds. He also offers to buy weeds at a better price than the Nooklings.

Leif: Heya, heya! And welcome. What should I call you, friend?
So Marcel moves out and another clown shows up.

The Nature Day celebration continues through May 4th. That’s interesting that even minor holidays seem to be stretched out to nearly two weeks in New Horizons. But at least this one doesn’t seem obtrusive like that awful Bunny Day event with eggs everywhere you look.

I went to check out my private, northern beach, and Crazy Redd’s ship was there!

Redd's ship in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to enter the ship. But I spotted Redd elsewhere in town, on the western beach. And he had a serene painting with him!

Redd: And speakin' of instinct, I just had this I bought a serene painting with me!

He initially offered to sell it for 498,000 bells, but that was a ploy to make his real price of 4,980 bells sound like he’s giving me a deep discount. For being his “cousin,” you know. I bought the painting at the dangerous cousin discount price, and quickly took it over to Blathers at the museum. It is apparently real, and Blathers informed me that it will allow him to add an art exhibit to the museum. 🙂

Blathers: Your generosity would enable us to add an art exhibit to our beloved museum.

He said he needed to prepare for construction, but I’m not sure how long that will take. I tried exiting and re-entering the museum just in case it was an immediate thing, but no such luck. 😂 He didn’t mention the museum being closed tomorrow or anything, so hopefully it’ll be done tomorrow.

That’s not the only news in town, though. Nook’s Cranny is going to be expanding!

Timmy: We're expanding the shop again!

Nook’s Cranny will be closed tomorrow, so I won’t be able to sell anything. Even the drop-off box will be unavailable. But the Nooklings will be back on Saturday, bigger and better than ever.

At town hall, Tom Nook gave me a DIY recipe for hedges. While I was there, I decided to move my campsite. I moved it north of Tia’s house, so that I’ll have more room to expand my obstacle course at some point.

With all that stuff going on today, I didn’t even realize (until now) that Marcel did not send me a goodbye letter! Villagers always sent goodbye letters in previous games. So Nintendo apparently made a curious change to villager etiquette.

I bought a baseball uniform at Able Sisters, and I (later) noticed that it is represented with a dress icon! It is certainly not a dress, though. As great as New Horizons is, there sure seems to be a number of odd, head-scratching decisions Nintendo made with this game.

A baseball uniform appears as a dress in my pockets.

Since Marcel’s plot is now vacant, I decided to take a trip to mystery island to possibly find a new villager. But my plans quickly changed when I saw Violet the purple gorilla there. I had no interest in asking her to move in.

Violet: Well, we may only be here a short time, but I do hope we get to know each better.
After this, we never spoke again.

The island was filled with bamboo, so I chopped it all down. I’ve had a number of bamboo-related DIY recipes, and now I’ll be able to make some of them.

When I returned to Forest, I spotted Wisp up on the cliff. I began searching for his spirits, and I actually found one of them by my private beach. When I caught it, the camera shifted to angle you can’t normally see…and it showed me that I still had a few weeds on my backside. Uhh, the backside of my mountain, that is.

I caught a Wisp spirit piece! Whew... One more to go!

Midge taught me the “pleased emotion,” and I eventually found all of Wisp’s spirits. When I returned to Wisp, he gave me a mobile.

Friday Night Forest will be held tomorrow at the usual time (10 pm Eastern/7 pm Pacific). We can do an obstacle course tournament, but that’s really all I have planned this time. So I probably won’t keep my gate open as long as usual.

Have a good day, and I’ll be back late tomorrow night with another entry!

First Major Update Arrives

The very next day after deciding to move out, Marcel was all packed up and ready to go today. In previous Animal Crossing games, villagers still stuck around for about a week (or up to ten days in New Leaf) after deciding to move, so I’m not sure why Nintendo made such a dramatic change in New Horizons. Regardless, I made sure to say goodbye to the moving mime Marcel.

Marcel: I hope the new island as a buncha yummy foods too! I'm gonna put everything I find in my mouth!

Nook’s Cranny had a paper tiger for sale, so I bought it and placed it in front of Claudia’s house. I think I may do something similar for many of my villagers, at least once my catalog of items has grown enough to the point where I have more animal-themed furniture items.

Able Sisters had a jester’s cap for sale, so I decided to use my tailor’s ticket for it. Now I can be Jeff the jester…or Jeffster, for short.

Saharah was in town, and I bought some wallpaper from her for 3,000 bells. She gave me the “kisses wall,” which is just a bunch of lips. I promptly gave the wallpaper a kiss goodbye and sold it to the Nooklings.

The kisses wall in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Apparently Jambette has a new job, making wallpaper.

Midge taught me the “fearful” reaction, and it seemed fitting considering that a scary creature was walking by, right behind her!

Midge: My point is, don't be Fearful to shake things up if you're scared!

Cat from Outset came over to adopt Marcel…or at least that was the plan. But it turned out Cat had a full town of villagers, so Marcel wouldn’t move to Outset. As of this entry being posted, Cat is still trying to move someone out, so I’ll update this entry later.

Later on, the new update for the game arrived (a day early). After installing the update, I received a letter from the Bank of Nook stating that the interest rate on savings accounts has been reduced. And I didn’t even have a chance to take advantage of the previous rate since I’m still in debt. 😛 Greedy Tom Nook! But as a consolation, he sent a bell-bag rug. Exciting.

There was also a new letter from Nintendo, thanking me for downloading the update. A world map was attached to this letter. Here is a look at both items.

The bell-bag rug and world map in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

More importantly, Blathers announced that he will now accept works of art for display in the museum. Yay for art! 😛

Blathers: Thus, I am considering adding fine works of art to this fine institution's repertoire.

I also noticed that the infamous “kindess” typo has been fixed.

The previous 'kindess' typo has been corrected to 'kindness.'

Louie asked if I was interested in a treasure hunt, and I said yes. He gave me six minutes to find the buried item, but I found it in just 35 seconds. The gift was some cyber shades, which I put on…for now, at least.

By the way, I have posted my obstacle course video that I recorded yesterday. Enjoy!

Have a great day, and I’ll see you all next time! 🙂

Update: It took all evening, all night, and into the wee hours of the morning 😂, but Cat finally made room for Marcel. So Marcel is on his way to the island of Outset. Good luck in your new town, Marcel!