900k Fish Haul

On Sunday, Isabelle gave me another bulb bobber, and I bought a tweeter from Redd. And I spent a few moments enjoying the 2nd fireworks festival of the year.

Jeff blows a tweeter during the fireworks festival. Ankha, Isabelle, Bob, Midge, Redd, Louie, and Agent S are nearby.

Today, I went diving and caught a scallop. Pascal popped up and told me that the ocean is the best part of Earth. I’m not surprised at all to hear that he feels that way. 😛

Pascal: The ocean covers most of the earth, but that's good, because it's the best part.

C.J. was in town, and he wanted me to catch three small-fry fish for his seasports challenge. But more than once, I sacrificed my streak when I saw shark fins in the water.

This isn't a small fry, though... Just reel it in and try again!
Do I look disappointed? I don’t think so. 😛

Unfortunately, one of those was actually a suckerfish. But eventually, I did catch three small fish in a row to complete the challenge. I then went to my storage to grab some fish to sell (including a bunch of sharks)…but I had too many to sell at once. So I made three trips back to C.J….

404,250 bells. Deal?
474,000 bells. Deal?
58,500 bells. Deal?

That’s 936,750 bells in total! One of my biggest hauls ever! I must have ignored C.J. the last couple times he’s been in town. 😛

When I put the bells into the bank, that pushed my balance over 65 million. By a wide margin.

Savings Balance: 65,810,000 bells.

I’ve been invited to two different islands the next two Sundays, so it looks like I won’t be having Sunday Night Fireworks in Forest this year. But I’m not finished with my next obstacle course anyway, and I wanted to complete that before opening my gate again. It’s too bad there are only four Sundays in August again this year.

Anyway, I’ll be back with another entry later this week! Never Stop Crossing!

Non-Crunchy Litter Box

On Wednesday, I gave Bob a kitty litter box as a gift…

Bob: Is this...for real? Am I really getting a kitty litter box?!

He said it has that “new furniture” smell and it isn’t crunchy. I’m not sure I want to question that statement, but I’m sure he’ll break it in soon enough. 😛 He rewarded me with some fragrance sticks, which I think he might need for himself, once he starts using the box. 😛

On Friday, Ankha asked if I was surprised to see a pyramid in her home. (No, I’m not surprised.) But she told me she has a deep attachment to her pyramid…and that didn’t surprise me either. 😛

Ankha: There's a story, of course, but suffice to say I have a deep attachment to my pyramid.

Cherry the dog was camping at the campsite; I like her a lot! And it’s nice to see her in New Horizons, even though I didn’t try to kick anyone out for her. I do have her in New Leaf, at least.

Cherry, at the campsite: Oh! Hope I'm not interrupting you or nothin'. I'm just out here campin'!

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town, and he played K.K. Mariachi for me. No villagers were seated, but Rio was starting to walk over to the plaza as the song began. Once the song was over, she was standing there, applauding the show.

Rio applauds K.K. Slider even though she wasn't seated for the show.

She then took a seat, and so did Ketchup. But I wasn’t going to start another song; one is enough for me. They should’ve came over when I started the first show. 😛

Here are a few other notes about the past few days:

  • I helped Gulliver out on Wednesday, and he sent me another pagoda.
  • Wisp gave me an unfolded reference sheet on Thursday.
  • I sold Flick 18 bugs for a total of 134,025 bells.

See you next time!

Fireworks, Unknown Machine

Last night (Sunday night) was the first fireworks festival of the summer. Louie gave me a free sparkler, and then he kept smacking Isabelle as she gave me a bulb bopper. 😛 Okay, maybe he was just clapping for the fireworks, but he did it right in front of Isabelle’s face. 😛

Isabelle: You'll shine as bright as the fireworks in the sky while wearing your bulb bopper.

Midge was telling me to look up the fireworks, and her catchphrase blended in perfectly.

Midge: No, not at me. Look up at the sky. It's simply dazzling, in the sky.

And my newest buddy Bob asked if we could watch the fireworks together. Awww…

Bob: Tonight's fireworks show just started. Wanna watch it together?

I hung out at the plaza for a few moments to enjoy the atmosphere. 🙂

Watching the fireworks. Punchy, Isabelle, Midge, Bones, Bob, Redd, and Louie were also at the plaza.

Today, Katt the ugly vampire cat was at the campsite. I had no interest in letting her move in and drain this island’s resources…or blood.

Katt: Hey, thanks for stoppin' by. So...is everyone here, like, SUPER friendly?

Nook’s Cranny was selling an unknown machine, and I bought it for my catalog (even though it cost me 25,000 bells). I ended up wrapping it and giving it to Bob as a gift. But it was kinda funny… Bob was mostly hidden behind Rio, and Rio was in a conversation with Ankha. Right as Bob unwrapped the gift and saw what it was, Rio and Ankha both did exclamation marks of their own.

Bob: An unknown machine!

The timing of it made it look like Rio (and Ankha) were eavesdropping, and they were shocked to hear what item I gave Bob. 😆 Well, it was a pretty expensive gift, after all.

I forgot to buy turnips this week, but I did pick up my weekly free ones at the hospital. I only got 30 of them this week, and I already sold them. 😛