On Sunday, I noticed some Halloween programming on the TV in my house. There were four different scenes, three of which were just static screens.

The other one showed some Halloween candy jiggling around. 😛 But after a minute or so, the TV switched to a talk show. So I think it was just a brief seasonal commercial, and not a full program. But still, it was nice to see another sign of Halloween! 🎃

Tuesday, C.J. was in town, and he wanted me to catch three big-time fish. I quickly caught a zebra turkeyfish and two black bass to complete the challenge. I unloaded a ton of fish from my storage, and I sold a total of 575,000 bells worth of fish! That helped boost my savings up to 70 million bells.

Yesterday, I was up on the cliff when I saw Ketchup seemingly walking to Redd’s ship. No, Ketchup! Don’t shop there! 😛

But of course, she didn’t actually go up the ramp. She was just walking near the anchor there.
I ran into Pascal in the sea, and he told me that the sun never really sets. It just stands there while we run around it.

Today, it was raining and sunny as I started up the game. I was thinking maybe this would be my chance to finally see a rainbow in Forest. But no such luck. Maybe someday.
I crafted a suspicious cauldron and put it by Ankha’s house. Ankha can be the town witch for Halloween, whether she knows it or not. 😆

Wisp was in town tonight, and I recovered his spirits for him. In return, he gave me a puffy vest.
I’m thinking about having Friday Night Forest in two weeks (on October 27th). It’s not set in stone yet, but that’s what I’m aiming for. I’ll post an update when it gets closer.