Matt’s Party, Bug-Off

On Wednesday night, Matthew invited me over to a party he was hosting. Nicky, Jesse, and Jac were there initially, and we were later joined by Logan, Nami, and Sam.

What Matthew didn’t tell me, but told everyone else, was that it was a Splatoon-themed birthday party! Just about everyone else had a superhero mask to look like an Inkling, or in Jesse’s case, a soft-serve hat in reference to a recent Splatfest. The best I could do was to change into my frog outfit, so at least I was semi-aquatic. 😛

Squids...and a frog.

Over by the beach, we spotted a couple of ocean sunfish, apparently squishing a whale shark. 😛

A whale shark sandwiched in between two ocean sunfish.

We hung out with some of the villagers, including Chai. She balanced a tea cup on her head for us. 😉

Visiting Chai.
It was a good par-tea trick.

I turned myself into a Korok, and Nami did as well. Then she fell into one of the many pits that were buried around town. 😛

Nami falls into a pitfall.

Before the party ended, we took a group photo. Thanks for the good time, everyone! And happy birthday, Matt! 🎂

A group photo from Matthew's party.

Back in my town, I helped out Gullivarrr. On Thursday, he sent me another pirate bandanna in the mail.

Yesterday, Ankha gave me a new nickname, and it’s one I don’t think I’ve seen before: Gold star! Seems appropriate, given her apparent love of gold. 😛

When I visited Static, I found my two favorite purple villagers hanging out together. 🙂

Static: Thanks for stoppin' by. I've got someone else over, but make yourself at home.

C.J. was in town, and I sold him 258,000 bells worth of fish. That included three Napoleonfish, which I’ve been seeing a lot of lately. (And I still have one in storage.)

Today, Beth invited me over to compete in the Bug-Off in her town, Cassia. Maple was there, and she said she was on fire…referring to her bug-catching skills.

Maple: Notice anything different about me today? Really? That's strange, 'cause I'm on fire, little bear!

Beth’s town is so heavily decorated that there didn’t seem to be many bugs spawning! Or at least, that’s my excuse for losing two out of our three battles (with the other one being a tie). 😛

I also sold the rest of my turnips in Cassia for 91 bells apiece, which was much higher than my own price.

Later on, I returned the favor and invited Beth over to Forest for the Bug-Off in my town. She again won two out of three rounds, but at least I won once. 😛

Bug-Off is over! Jeff: 4. Beth: 1.

At the end of the day, I checked with Flick to redeem my points. I had 66 points, and I used them to obtain a termite mound, a toy centipede, a bug wand, two spider doorplates, and an artisanal bug cage.

Due to the Bug-Off, there was no K.K. Slider concert tonight.

Gassy Bob

Over the weekend, I got to see Bob’s house now that he’s all unpacked. Of course, it wasn’t really a surprise what his house looked like. I’ve seen him in other towns, after all…not to mention every other Animal Crossing game. 😆

The inside of Bob's Bob works out.

He was working out, perhaps trying to show off for me. 😛

I went diving and caught a scallop. Of course, that caused Pascal to pop up and ask for it. His words of wisdom were about tuna this time. 😛

Pascal: People compare tuna to chicken, but that's so unfair, maaan. Some of the bravest folks I know are tuna.
He gave me a pearl for the scallop.

I love that I’m still getting new Pascal dialogue 3+ years into the game. Even if it’s only because I haven’t done tons of diving after earning all of the diving achievements.

I found Bob sitting on the bench outside of his house on Sunday night. He told me he was feeling creeped out, or maybe gassy. 😆 I’m glad he’s already comfortable enough with me to say things like that already. 😛

Bob: I dunno what's happening, but I feel kinda creeped out. Or maybe gassy... But I think I'm kinda scared!

He was really just scared because Wisp was in town, though. (Wisp gave me a zen low table after I helped him out.)

But then Bob said he was also smelling things that he doesn’t normally smell. Hmm, I don’t think ghosts have any odor, do they? Maybe Bob really was gassy, after all. 😆

Bob: I'm smelling things! And they're not the smells I usually smell when I smell stuff!

Yesterday, Flick was in town, and I sold him 24 bugs for 164,000 bells.

The Nooklings’ price for turnips has been going up and down this week (I bought them for 95 bells apiece on Sunday.) So when they hit 133 bells today, I decided to sell 1,700 of them…enough to ensure I wouldn’t lose money this week. And I still have 730 (including 30 from the hospital) to sell if the price jumps up more.

As for my next obstacle course (where the vaulting course was), I have some ideas in mind. But I haven’t really started on it yet. So it probably won’t be done in July, to be honest. But maybe in August, in time for a Sunday Night Fireworks one week? We’ll see. 🙂


Yesterday morning, the Nooklings were paying 172 bells for turnips. I sold all of mine for a total of 400,760 bells. I’m now 28% of the way to earning the final Nook Miles turnip achievement. So this is still going to take years, most likely. 😛

Here’s a few quick notes about yesterday:

  • Gulliver sent me a sombrero in the mail.
  • I broke four tools. 😮 It’s rare for me to break more than three in a day.
  • I sold C.J. a nice selection of fish for 367,500 bells.
The 22 fish I sold to C.J.

After I was done with all that, I redeemed some Nook Miles for some Nook Miles Tickets. So I started visiting some mystery islands to look for a new villager. Tipper the cow was on the first one, and she did nothing to tip the scales in her favor. I simply was not interested.

Speaking to Tipper on a mystery island.

Of course I tried to earn some of my Nook Miles back while on the islands, cutting trees and catching bugs. While going for a diving one, I caught a sea pineapple…while I was wearing a pineapple cap I bought at Able Sisters. 🍍

I got a sea pineapple! Your move, sea pizzas.

The second island I visited was even worse than the first. It had Rodeo; what a bunch of bull!

Rodeo: Oh, hey! Nice to meet you! I'm Rodeo!

He couldn’t last eight seconds on my island. I left this island rather quickly. 😛

I was already getting pessimistic, and I was mentally preparing myself for a random move-in. That is, until I saw who was on the third island: IT WAS BOB!!!

Bob: AH! There's someone on this island!

Bob is one of my favorite villagers in the entire series, so I couldn’t possibly say no to him! I asked him to move to Forest, and he agreed. 🙂

He moved in this morning, and I couldn’t wait to greet him. Welcome to Forest, Bob! 🙂

Bob: We live on the same island now, so we'll be able to play every day! I'm so excited, pthhpth!

I believe has now become just the 2nd villager that I’ve had in all five main Animal Crossing games. (Bones was the first one, and that happened last year.) I’m glad to have Bob around in New Horizons now (if you couldn’t tell). 🙂

Charlise was camping over at the campsite, but even she couldn’t bring me down today. 😆

Charlise, at the campsite: So you live here, right? It's really nice! I'm kinda jealous, urgh.

Later, I put some money into the bank, and my account balance reached 62 million bells. That’s approximately half of my New Leaf total. Eventually it will overtake my New Leaf total, but that will probably be a few years still.

See you next time! By the way, I’ll be posting a new Wi-Fi Moments video by the weekend. 🙂