Bones on the Floor

On Monday, I helped Gullivarrr retrieve his phone. To thank me, he sent me a sea captain’s coat in the mail Tuesday.

I found a new D.I.Y. recipe on the beach, for an iron ladder set-up kit. This is one I would’ve liked to use for my space race last year. (By the way, how has that been a whole year already? It doesn’t even seem possible.) But regardless, I’m glad to have it now.

The iron ladder set-up kit.

Tuesday, C.J. was in town with a seasports challenge for me. I caught three big-time fish in a row: a zebra turkeyfish, a sea bass, and a barred knifejaw. That completed the challenge, and I sold them to C.J. for 8,850 bells. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any good fish in storage to sell him.

Last night, I helped out Wisp and he gave me a rolling cart.

Tonight, right as I was about to hit the money rock, Static plopped down on the ground where my hole was supposed to go. So I just dug one hole and banged the rock. Fortunately, I still got the maximum amount of bells.

Banging the money rock with Static in the way.

Label was in the plaza today, and she wanted to see me wearing an outdoorsy outfit. She gave me a shirt with camera to use as an example, and I put it on. I also went home and added some outdoor shorts, an outback hat, some sporty shades, and some trekking shoes.

My outdoorsy outfit.

Before I could take a breath, Bones barged into my house. Of course. I talked to him a couple of times, and he gave me an orange. After a bit, he sat down on my floor…so I joined him.

Sitting with Bones in my house.

He left after a couple of minutes, and I headed back to Label. She loved my outfit, and she gave me a Labelle hat.

Label: ...A Labelle hat, you see. It's from my brand.

Rio’s Night at the Museum

On Thursday, Pecan was camping over at the campsite. This town already has two squirrels though, so I don’t think we need any more.

Pecan: well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Pecan. How kind of you to stop by.

Tonight, I found a lost bag that was covered with buttons and pins of pop stars. I knew it belonged to a peppy villager, so I asked Ketchup about it…but she said it was Rio’s.

Ketchup: Sorry, lucky, this isn't mine. It's pretty cool and I'd REALLY like to keep it, but--yeah, not mine.

Unfortunately, Rio was a bit hard to track down. She wasn’t home or anywhere outdoors. But I eventually found her in the art gallery, at the museum. She rewarded me with a jester costume.

Rio: Aaaaand check it out! It's a jester costume! I hope you like it!
She dressed up for her night at the museum.

K.K. Slider was in town, and I told him I was feeling a bit blue. So he performed K.K. Chorale for me, Punchy, Agent S, and Midge.

K.K. Slider performs for Punchy, Agent S, Jeff, and Midge.

Here are a few other quick notes about the last few days:

  • I sold Flick 37k worth of bugs on Thursday.
  • Celeste gave me a Taurus fragment.
  • My savings balance reached 57 million bells yesterday (5/5).
Savings Balance: 57,000,000 bells

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I’ll see you next time! Keep an eye out for my latest video, New Horizons Moments #20, coming soon!

In Bra?

On Sunday, Dodo Airlines sent me the bell vouchers I earned during the maze. Rover also mailed me another copy of his photo.

Rio asked me for a new catchphrase, and I thought I would tell her to say “in Brazil.” However, when I was trying to move the cursor to the Z key, it wrapped around to the other side of the keyboard to “Confirm!” So she was saying “in Bra!” 😆

Rio: In Bra!

Fortunately, villagers give you a chance to correct it when something like this happens, so she is now saying “in Brazil.”

Today, I returned a lost item to Midge. It was her lost journal, and she rewarded me with a thread-worn sweater.

Midge: My lost journal!

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a work outfit. She gave me a diner apron as an example of what to wear. But when I checked my clothing in storage, it looked like my best fit was a pilot’s uniform, captain’s hat, and pilot shades.

Dressing up as a pilot.
Oops, my socks didn’t match. I didn’t notice, but neither did Label.

Before I could escape out of my own house, Punchy barged in. Why does this always happen every time I want to change my clothes? Ugh. He gave me an orange, and I just waited for him to leave.

Once he left, I headed back to Label. She loved my outfit, and she rewarded me with a Labelle skirt. She’ll also be sending me two tailors tickets in the mail, even though I still haven’t used the ones she gave me last time. 😛

Label: ...A Labelle skirt, you see.

As for other visitors this week, Wisp gave me a large magazine rack on Sunday, and Gulliver sent me another geisha wig on Tuesday.

See you all next time!