You Can’t Fish There

Last weekend, I gave Sam some materials he needed to make his latest obstacle course. And he beat me both times when we gave it a test run.

Racing on Sam's space-themed obstacle course.

On Saturday night, I joined the girls for a K.K. Slider concert. K.K. performed K.K. Milonga for me, Midge, Marina, Ketchup, and Ankha.

Midge, Jeff, Marina, Ketchup, and Ankha enjoy a K.K. show.

That’s not all of my female villagers though; Agent S and Rio weren’t at the show. Since Midge moved in, I now have six girls and four guys. Usually it’s the other way around. 😛

On Monday, I visited Static while he also had Ankha over. He said she showed up, so he bolted. 😆

Static: This is turnin' into a regular party! Ankha just showed up too, so I bolted.

Flick was in town, and I sold him 90k worth of bugs.

Tuesday, the Nooklings were paying 321 bells for turnips. Unfortunately, I didn’t buy any turnips this week. But I did get my free ones from the hospital, so I turned them into an easy 32k! Xavier came over to sell turnips, and he became the first person to see my hyacinth pond in person. I haven’t had visitors in quite a while. 😛

Xavier checks out my hyacinth pond.

Ankha was trying to fish in the tiny stream that’s only one space wide. Fish never show up there! She was getting frustrated, but it was her own fault. 😛

Ankha tries to fish in a tiny stream.

Today, Midge told me that she never really liked Thursdays. It’s because she had gym class every Thursday when she was back in school, and she hated gym.

Midge: I've never really liked Thursdays...

She must not like to exercise; maybe that’s why we never see her flying. 😉

Wisp was in town tonight, and I gathered up his spirits for him. In return, he gave me a windbreaker.

Midge’s House, Punchy’s Burp

On Tuesday, I got a look at the inside of Midge’s house now that she’s unpacked. It looks nice, although it’s surprisingly yellow.

Midge: I've been having trouble deciding what book I should read from the growing pile that I keep adding to.

The interior sure looks a lot different than it did before.

Ankha mentioned that I found a lot of fossils the previous day, and she asked if I took them to Blathers. She said Blathers likes to ramble on about musty old things. Hmm, I wonder what Blathers would say about Ankha? 😉

Ankha: He does have a tendency to ramble... Still, it's exciting to hear what he has to say about the musty old things.

Rio told me about a prize she got in a box of crackers. She said it was a miniature soccer rule book, which she didn’t want to open because it would lose its value. 😛 And also, because she doesn’t “do” soccer. âš½

Rio: Plus, I don't do soccer.
Aren’t you from Brazil though?

On Wednesday, Static started working at Able Sisters! Or at least, that’s what it looked like. 😉

Mable and Static greet me at Able Sisters.

Label was in town today, and Punchy said he was too shy to say anything to her, because he was afraid he might burp. But that seemingly silly fear wasn’t as unfounded as it sounded…

Punchy: I was right too! I burped so loud, I scared myself!

Speaking of Label, she wanted to see me in a party outfit. She gave me a space parka as an example of what to wear. A space parka? 🤔

Label: As you can see, it's a space parka with quite the party flair.

But I put it on and added some spangle shorts, a birthday hat, and some birthday shades.

My party outfit.

It wasn’t my finest fashion moment, but it did the trick. Label was very happy with the outfit, and she rewarded me with some Labelle tights (that I’ll never wear.) 😛

A few other quick notes about this week:

  • On Tuesday, Wisp gave me some camo pants.
  • My savings balance reached 56 million bells on Wednesday.
  • Gullivarrr sent me a pirate-treasure robe yesterday.

Have a good weekend, everyone! 🙂

Former Villager Returns!

On Friday, Ankha asked me if the weather was gorgeous, in a pyramid.

Ankha: Isn't this weather gorgeous, in a pyramid?

I don’t know, it might be a little dusty, dry, and dark in there.

I grabbed five Nook Miles Tickets and headed off to some mystery islands to hunt for a possible new villager. Pango the anteater greeted me on the first one, and she was standing on one foot. 😛

Pango: Great to meet you! How are you? I'm Pango! Welcome to my hype-tastic island getaway!

My options were not looking very enticing, especially when Walt and Biff were on the next two islands. However, I was a bit surprised to find my buddy Hornsby on the 4th island!

Hornsby: Hey, nice to meet ya! I'm Hornsby. I'm visiting this island today.

I like Hornsby a lot, but I just had him and let him go. He only moved out in January, after all…so I left him there and continued on. The 5th (and final) island had Alice the koala. Even though she’s cute, I chose not to adopt her (sorry, Xavier). 😛

At this point, I decided to just roll the dice on a random villager. I checked the plot yesterday, and I was quite surprised to see who was moving in! It was a villager I’ve already had before: Midge!

This spot reserved for Midge's new home. -Nook Inc.

Midge moved out in 2021, and it feels so weird to have someone move back in again so soon. I haven’t even had any former New Leaf villagers move back in, and that town is almost ten years old!

K.K. Slider was in town last night, and he performed K.K. Fusion for me, Bones, Ankha, and Punchy.

Today, I went in to meet Midge. She did not seem to remember me. But welcome back, Midge! 🙂

Midge: I don't think we've met yet. You're Jeff, right?

She came from J.C. Island, which is Jac’s town. I kinda wish villagers didn’t move back in so soon like this (unless it was intentional, from using an amiibo, of course). This didn’t happen in the older games; whenever a villager returns in GameCube or City Folk, I find it’s usually at least 7-10 years from their first stint in town. (Unless it was a result of train travel on GameCube.)

But at least Midge is a character that I know and like. I just hope it isn’t awkward between her and Marina, though. Marina is the other pink normal animal in town…the one who took Midge’s original house plot. 😛

I found a lost item on the beach today, and it turned out to be Louie’s workout journal. He thanked me for returning it, and he gave me some simple sunglasses.

Louie: I hope I'm not being too generous! I'm giving you some simple sunglasses.
Don’t worry. You’re not.

See you all next time! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂