Hyacinth Pond

Sunday (March 26th) was Louie’s birthday, so I headed over to his birthday party. Bones was also there to help him celebrate. I gave Louie an iron frame that I crafted as a gift, and he seemed to enjoy it.

Louie: Oh! Oh, wow. Did you really... An iron frame!

I also crafted the last items I needed for my newly-redecorated area that I mentioned last week. If you remember my Zelda-inspired pond, I removed the titan arum and replaced it with a bench. I also replaced the glowing moss with hyacinth lamps. I think it looks pretty at night.

My new park bench area.

Today, I was speaking to Static and I wasn’t really paying attention to the dialogue. So I was a bit surprised when the screen went black and we appeared in my house. I agreed to let him visit without realizing it! πŸ˜† To be fair, that’s about the only way I would let anyone visit now. πŸ˜›

Static: Thanks for lettin' me come over!
I didn’t mean to. Uh, I mean, you’re welcome.

But it wasn’t too bad, because he offered to leave after just 30 seconds! Okay, thirty seconds of me ignoring him, but still! I wouldn’t mind visits much if they were all like this. πŸ˜‰

Back outside, I listened in on a conversation between Static and Ankha. They were talking about commercials, and how the slogans and jingles can be so catchy sometimes.

Static: Gahaha! Those advertisin' types do tend to come up with some real earworms, so I bolted!

But unfortunately, the conversation ended with Ankha adopting Static’s catchphrase of “so I bolted.” That phrase is strictly intended for Static. πŸ˜›

Ankha: Earworms, what an awful image. But that thing you say, so I bolted...

A few other quick notes about the last few days:

  • I helped Gulliver on Monday, and he sent me a silk hat.
  • Wisp gave me a hanging monitor yesterday.
  • I bought a deep fryer and a lighted display stand from Redd yesterday.

Anyway, I have a new video coming up in the next day or two. It’s something unique, and I think it’s really funny. Stay tuned. πŸ™‚

Outsaving ACCF

On Wednesday, C.J. continued the recent trend of special visitors appearing up on small, isolated cliffs that I use just for waterfalls. πŸ˜›

C.J. appears up on a cliff.

After completing his seasports challenge, I sold him 127k worth of fish.

On Thursday, Xavier had a turnip price of 323 bells! He invited me over, and I sold all my turnips for a healthy profit. Thanks, Xavier! πŸ™‚ I hadn’t been to his town for a while, so I was catching up with his current villagers. But just before I was about to leave, my Switch overheated and shut off! Fortunately, it saved the turnip sales…but some of his villagers may not remember meeting me. πŸ˜› I don’t know when exactly the auto-save occurred.

When I put my earnings into my savings account, my balance topped 54.6 million bells. So it has now officially surpassed my City Folk savings balance (currently 54.2 million).

Savings balance: 54,660,000 bells.

Yesterday, Gullivarrr was in town, but it took me a whopping seven dives to find his communicator! It seems like I always find it by the 3rd or 4th dive, so this seemed unusual. But he sent me another pirate eye patch in the mail today.

Muffy the goth sheep was camping at the campsite today, but I did not ask her to move in.

Muffy, at the campsite: Hey, do you live out here? You do! What's up, temporary-neighbor!

K.K. Slider was at the plaza for his usual Saturday night performance. I asked for a random song, and he played Aloha K.K.; Bones, Punchy, Marina, and Louie also joined me for the show.

K.K. Slider performs for Bones, Jeff, Punchy, Marina, and Louie.

Ankha was at The Roost, enjoying some coffee. Quite a bit of coffee, from the sounds of it. πŸ˜›

Ankha: Ah, Saturday. I feel so light and free, almost like I'm floating. Have I had too much coffee? Why do you ask?

Rio was sick with a cold, so I caught a wasp and crafted some medicine for her. In return, she gave me a monstera.

I posted two new ACNH video this week, including The 3rd Year in Pictures, which went up earlier today.

And earlier in the week, I posted Wi-Fi Moments #27, with my latest online highlights. I hope you enjoy both videos! πŸ™‚

See you next time!

3rd Anniversary

Yesterday morning, I went to buy some turnips from Daisy Mae. It took me a while to find her though, probably because she was hiding up on a cliff that I just use for waterfalls.

Daisy Mae standing up on a cliff.

She was selling turnips for 95 bells apiece this week, and I bought 2,000 of them.

Last night, Logan had a party in his town of Moonscar, to celebrate three years of New Horizons. I was the first one to arrive, but we were soon joined by Matthew.

Logan turned one of his houses into a police station for Copper and Booker. He even had a town map outside the building, just like in the GameCube game. Logan has some really good ideas.

Logan's police station.

After a bit, Alex (from Pawnee) and Nicky joined in. Logan said that Bob was the king of the neighborhood, and he wasn’t kidding! The inside of his house was all gold, and sparkling!

Bob's golden house.

Logan has Tia in his town now, and she remembered me! Logan wasn’t sure if she came from Alex’s town or my town, but she remembered us both.

Tia: I'm actually a resident of Moonscar now!

Over by Logan’s recreation of GracieGrace, four ocean sunfish appeared. They all failed their fashion checks. πŸ˜‰

Four ocean sunfish in Moonscar.

Nami and Jesse also joined in. Nami performed a magic show (turning into a horrible creature), Alex pitfall’d Logan, and Logan once thought I was Nami (when I was dressed as King Tut), only for Nami to instantly appear out of nowhere. πŸ˜† You can look forward to seeing those clips (and more) in my next Wi-Fi Moments video. πŸ™‚

At one point, someone started a timer, for no apparent reason. Everyone just ignored it for the ten-minute duration…except for the fact that I snuck off to catch a single fish (a sea bass). So when the timer went off later, I got myself an easy win. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†

After that, Logan wanted to have a real fishing competition. But he has a lot of decorated areas on the beach, so there’s not easy access to fishing spots…so I mostly stuck to the river. After the ten minute timer was up, I finished with eight fishβ€”tied for third place. Matthew caught 12 fish, and Nami had ten. Congrats, Matt! 🐟

We grabbed some coffee at the Roost, and then we took some group photos outside of Resident Services.

Group photo from Logan's party on March 19, 2023.

Shortly after that, Logan ended the session. Back in my town, I found Wisp and helped him out; he rewarded me with a floor monitor.

I recently bought a water bird at Nook’s Cranny, and I paid Cyrus to customize it to be red. Today, I placed it outside of Rio’s house. πŸ˜›

A red water bird outside of Rio's house.

I went diving to catch three sea creatures for a Nook Miles+ goal, and I caught three whelks, back-to-back-to-back!

Three whelks I caught in a row.
Whelk, whelk, whelk, what do we have here?

Of course, today (March 20th) is the third anniversary of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Even though the game doesn’t recognize the anniversary, I decided to change out of my Mohawk McClover get-up, and put on a No. 3 shirt to represent three years of ACNH. It could also represent March being the third month, and it’s green to boot. So it all works out. πŸ‘

Jeff puts on a No. 3 shirt.

Of course today is also the third anniversary of me and Louie moving to this island. Speaking of my starter, Louie gave me a new nickname today: Blaster. He said he may even call me “Champion Blaster.”

Louie: Oh! Or maybe even Champion Blaster!

I decided to make some minor changes to one small area of my town, but it won’t be done until next week.

If you’d like to take a look back at the first day of Forest (from three years ago today), you can read that blog entry, or watch the video:

Speaking of videos, I have a couple new ones coming soon. Look for Wi-Fi Moments #27 in the next day or two, and my annual slideshow will follow a few days after that. See you all soon, and Happy Anniversary! πŸ™‚