Louie’s Apron

On Tuesday, Ankha told me that my outfit (the red tuxedo and top hat) really shines. And I thought that was a compliment…until she gave me something else that she suggested I wear:

Ankha: A paper-bag hood! Yes, a little gift from me to you!

A paper-bag hood! Wow. I guess she’s calling me ugly.

I finished up my small obstacle course, and Beth came over Wednesday to test it out. I’m pretty happy with it overall.

My obstacle course at sunset.
I won. 😛

Note: I still have my vaulting pole race up too, and I’ll probably keep it up for one more Friday Night Forest. Not sure when that will be, though.

Beth also got to see my Hyacinth Pond; sunset is such a pretty time of day.

Sitting at Hyacinth Pond with Beth.

Louie was cooking some pickled veggies, and wow, what a lovely apron he wore while cooking. 😆

Louie: Yooo, Louie, you have outdone yourself! It looks good and it smells amazing, oh banana!

I saw this rainbow stag, and I couldn’t resist catching it. It’s just a teaser of the bugs to come in July and August. 🙂

I caught a rainbow stag! Its rainbow armor is so shiny!

Here are a few other quick notes from this week:

  • On Monday, Wisp gave me a plastic clothing organizer.
  • Gullivarrr sent me a pirate outfit Wednesday.
  • Celeste gave me a large star fragment Wednesday night.
  • I bought a retro TV from Redd’s ship tonight; I needed it for my catalog.

I should be back with another entry on Saturday night. See ya then!

June Changes

June has arrived, and there are lots of seasonal changes that come with this new month. Summer shells can now be found on the beach, you can take wedding pictures with Reese and Cyrus on Harv’s Island, and fireflies are in season…along with some of the valuable summer bugs. (Many of the best summer bugs don’t appear until July, though.)

Flick was in town on Thursday, and I sold him over 40k worth of bugs. But I’ll be having a lot more for him in the next few months.

Yesterday, Able Sisters had the red top hat I needed to match my tuxedo, so I used a tailor ticket to purchase it.

Buying a new red top hat at Able Sisters.

Punchy was telling me he likes to drag his feet on the carpet and then touch the doorknob, just to get shocked. Strange kitty.

Punchy: I always get ka-zapped when I touch the doorknob...and I'm starting to like that zappy feeling!
You should hang out with Static more.

Zell the deer/gazelle was camping at the campsite, so I said hello.

Zell: Heya! Are you from around here? I'm kinda on vacation, just relaxing and focus-grouping a few things...

I helped out Wisp last night, and he gave me some vivid tights.

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town, and he performed K.K. Lovers for me, Rio, Agent S, and Marina. It’s not a bad song.

K.K. Slider performs for Jeff, Rio, Agent S, and Marina.

Sharks are also in season now, and I caught my first one of the year tonight. Static didn’t seem impressed, however. 😆

Thar she blows!

I worked some more on my small obstacle course, and I have it mostly done now.

Kids Smock

On Monday, I noticed something interesting about the kids’ smock that was for sale at Able Sisters…

The kids' smock at Able Sisters.

Yes, it has a frog on it, and that’s cute. But more specifically, it has a wide, open area in the middle. That’s not the right shape for a frog’s mouth or the frog cap. I’m guessing it’s meant to be a name tag for kids…but to me, it looks like the town tune board.

The froggy town tune board.

Pretty interesting reference. And Animal Crossing games have been using frogs on town tune boards since the beginning. 🐸

Yesterday, I helped out Gulliver by digging up the parts of his communicator. Today, he rewarded me by sending me a Gala horse in the mail.

Label was in town tonight, and she wanted to see me in a formal outfit; that’s a pretty easy theme to nail. She gave me a rose-print jacket to use as an example, but I had something else in mind. I put on a vibrant tuxedo (a red one this time), a top hat, and some loafers. (I’ll need to buy a red top hat to match, although this one does have a red band and bow.)

Jeff wearing a red tuxedo.

Label said the look was perfect, and she rewarded me with some Labelle sneakers.

Label: And it all comes together in fashion perfection. Your taste is impeccable, Jeff.

I then started working on a small obstacle course for the little area just south of my castle. I’m trying some things out, but I haven’t decided on a final layout just yet. But I should have it done before I open my gate again…which may not be super soon.

That’s because I plan on opening my New Leaf gate next week (June 9th) for that game’s 10th anniversary. Hard to believe it’s been ten years since New Leaf came out. I’m glad New Leaf has had online play officially supported for ten years, though part of me is upset that City Folk didn’t have that same opportunity.

Anyway, I posted a new video today taking a look at 15 features that weren’t in New Horizons, but I hope return in the next game. You can check that out here if you’re interested.

See you next time!