Mohawk Returns

Ankha was enjoying the sunset on Monday. She said it looked like Forest was wearing a tiara.

Ankha: Ah, sunset on Forest... It's as if this little island has put on a tiara.

On Tuesday, Crazy Redd had his ship at the north shore. He had a framed photo for sale, and it had a picture of a single flower. Interestingly enough, it was right next to the flowery painting. 💐🌻

Redd: Like the best fusion albums, it's impossible to get enough of a framed photo.
Many flowers or one? F.P. or F.P.? Hmmm…

On Wednesday, I saw that Label was in town. She wanted to see me in a formal outfit this time, and she gave me a graduation gown as an example of what she was looking for. I went home and changed into a vibrant tuxedo, top hat, and loafers. Label said she’s never seen an outfit so perfectly coordinated…even though she’s literally seen this exact outfit before. But she loved the look, and she rewarded me with a Labelle hat.

Label: ...A Labelle hat, you see.

Today, Alice the koala was camping at the campsite. I’m not a big fan of koala villagers in general, even though Alice is cuter than a lot of the others. But I was not interested in adopting her right now.

Alice, at the campsite: Hi there! Do you live here? You're so lucky--I'm just visiting, guvnor.

Ankha told me that she heard from a little bird that I was looking for an explorer shirt. That wasn’t really true, but she gave me the shirt anyway.

Ankha: Hmph! I shouldn't be so trusting. New motto: Don't believe everything little birds tell you.
That’s good advice.

Flick was in town, and I sold him about 35k worth of bugs.

And before I wrapped up my game for the night, I made my annual transformation into Mohawk McClover. I even bought some new green shoes at Able Sisters.

Wearing green as Mohawk McClover.

See you all next time.

Carrot Juice

Last night, Marina gave me a new recipe I didn’t have yet: Carrot juice! It’s hard to believe I didn’t know it already! But I made some up and I knew just who to give it to: Sasha!

Sasha: Wooow! You brought me some carrot juice! Mmm!

Forest’s resident rabbit loved it (despite not actually drinking it), and he gave me a zen uniform to say thanks.

At the campsite, I found Rod the mouse camping out. He’s cute, and he’s one of my favorite mice in the series (even if that’s not saying a whole lot). 😛 But I did not try to adopt him.

Rod, at the campsite: Do you live here? Awesome to meet you. I'm Rod.

Tonight, Ankha asked me how I was enjoying Forest life. She’s the one that just moved in recently; I should be asking her!

Ankha: How are you faring, me meow? I do hope Forest life is everything you hoped for.
Yes, it’s a really good song. 😉

Agent S was fishing right in a bottleneck near my vaulting pole race, and I couldn’t get by. So I had to vault around her. 😛

Vaulting around a fishing Agent S.

Even though it was raining later on during K.K. Slider’s show, a lot of people showed up! I enjoyed a performance of Steep Hill with Sasha, Marina, Louie, and Rio.

Sasha, Marina, Louie, Rio, and Jeff enjoy a K.K. Slider performance.

I hope you’re all enjoying your weekend. See you next time!

Dressing Sporty

On Tuesday, Flick was in town and I sold him 40k worth of bugs that I had in storage.

Yesterday, I received a letter from Mom about the melting of snow and the arrival of spring. She also sent me Mom’s candle set, so that the candles can melt just like the snow. Odd analogy, but okay.

My dear Jeff, Like a cheap candle, the snow is melting fast, replaced by lovely flowers and plants. Spring sure knows how to make an entrance. Two can play the melting game! -Mom

I found Louie visiting Ketchup, but what on Earth was he wearing? 😆

Louie: Hey, neat! You came by to visit Ketchup too! Cool, oh banana.

Ankha gave me a D.I.Y. recipe, and it was actually something I needed: a small wooden partition! Finding new recipes is a rare occurrence, but it’s still nice to see that it still happens once in a while after nearly three years.

Gullivarrr was down on the beach, and I went diving to find his communicator. Today, he rewarded me for my efforts by sending me yet another pirate dress. 😞

Wisp was in town tonight, and I gathered up his spirits for him. In return, he gave me a red two-toned tile wall.

Label was also in Forest, and she wanted to see me in a sporty outfit. She gave me a fishing vest to use as an example.

Label: As you can see, it's a fishing vest with quite the sporty flair.

But I wanted to go in a different direction. So I went home and changed into a basketball top, basketball shorts, basketball shoes, and a skateboarding helmet.

My sporty basketball outfit.

But before I could get out of my house, Ketchup barged in and wanted to visit. Of course. This is why I don’t like going into my house any more. 😛 She gave me an orange, and then she wanted to play a card game. The first card was a seven, so I guessed that the next card would be smaller. I was wrong; it was a 9.

Ketchup: I hate to say lose, lose.

After the game, she decided to stare at my music player for a while. Then she sat down to read a book. It took a full five minutes for her to leave.

I returned to Label, and she was happy about my sporty outfit. She rewarded me with a Labelle coat, and she’ll be sending me some tailors tickets in the mail too.