3rd Anniversary

Yesterday morning, I went to buy some turnips from Daisy Mae. It took me a while to find her though, probably because she was hiding up on a cliff that I just use for waterfalls.

Daisy Mae standing up on a cliff.

She was selling turnips for 95 bells apiece this week, and I bought 2,000 of them.

Last night, Logan had a party in his town of Moonscar, to celebrate three years of New Horizons. I was the first one to arrive, but we were soon joined by Matthew.

Logan turned one of his houses into a police station for Copper and Booker. He even had a town map outside the building, just like in the GameCube game. Logan has some really good ideas.

Logan's police station.

After a bit, Alex (from Pawnee) and Nicky joined in. Logan said that Bob was the king of the neighborhood, and he wasn’t kidding! The inside of his house was all gold, and sparkling!

Bob's golden house.

Logan has Tia in his town now, and she remembered me! Logan wasn’t sure if she came from Alex’s town or my town, but she remembered us both.

Tia: I'm actually a resident of Moonscar now!

Over by Logan’s recreation of GracieGrace, four ocean sunfish appeared. They all failed their fashion checks. πŸ˜‰

Four ocean sunfish in Moonscar.

Nami and Jesse also joined in. Nami performed a magic show (turning into a horrible creature), Alex pitfall’d Logan, and Logan once thought I was Nami (when I was dressed as King Tut), only for Nami to instantly appear out of nowhere. πŸ˜† You can look forward to seeing those clips (and more) in my next Wi-Fi Moments video. πŸ™‚

At one point, someone started a timer, for no apparent reason. Everyone just ignored it for the ten-minute duration…except for the fact that I snuck off to catch a single fish (a sea bass). So when the timer went off later, I got myself an easy win. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†

After that, Logan wanted to have a real fishing competition. But he has a lot of decorated areas on the beach, so there’s not easy access to fishing spots…so I mostly stuck to the river. After the ten minute timer was up, I finished with eight fishβ€”tied for third place. Matthew caught 12 fish, and Nami had ten. Congrats, Matt! 🐟

We grabbed some coffee at the Roost, and then we took some group photos outside of Resident Services.

Group photo from Logan's party on March 19, 2023.

Shortly after that, Logan ended the session. Back in my town, I found Wisp and helped him out; he rewarded me with a floor monitor.

I recently bought a water bird at Nook’s Cranny, and I paid Cyrus to customize it to be red. Today, I placed it outside of Rio’s house. πŸ˜›

A red water bird outside of Rio's house.

I went diving to catch three sea creatures for a Nook Miles+ goal, and I caught three whelks, back-to-back-to-back!

Three whelks I caught in a row.
Whelk, whelk, whelk, what do we have here?

Of course, today (March 20th) is the third anniversary of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Even though the game doesn’t recognize the anniversary, I decided to change out of my Mohawk McClover get-up, and put on a No. 3 shirt to represent three years of ACNH. It could also represent March being the third month, and it’s green to boot. So it all works out. πŸ‘

Jeff puts on a No. 3 shirt.

Of course today is also the third anniversary of me and Louie moving to this island. Speaking of my starter, Louie gave me a new nickname today: Blaster. He said he may even call me “Champion Blaster.”

Louie: Oh! Or maybe even Champion Blaster!

I decided to make some minor changes to one small area of my town, but it won’t be done until next week.

If you’d like to take a look back at the first day of Forest (from three years ago today), you can read that blog entry, or watch the video:

Speaking of videos, I have a couple new ones coming soon. Look for Wi-Fi Moments #27 in the next day or two, and my annual slideshow will follow a few days after that. See you all soon, and Happy Anniversary! πŸ™‚

Artsy Street Sign?

Yesterday, Static questioned why someone would put a plain wooden shop sign next to his house. (Never mind the fact that it already there before he moved in.)

Static: Not sure why someone set up a plain wooden shop sign here, so I bolted...
You bolted the name plate onto the sign? πŸ˜‰

He guessed that it must be a “modern art thing.” No, genius, it’s a street sign. πŸ˜›

Static: Maybe it's some modern art thing?

Later on, Static asked me to deliver something to Rio. So I took it over to Rio’s place, and it was an outfit. Rio was thrilled because it was a “total pop star” look.

Rio: I love this style! TOTAL. POP STAR. Should I try it on right now?!

So she puts it on, and it’s… a doctor’s coat! This is a pop star look?! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Rio changes into a doctor's coat.

Flick was in town, and I sold him 50k worth of bugs.

Today, Marina told me about a dream she had last night. She said that she and I were about to go on a trip, perhaps on a boat, but she forgot the details. She pointed out how memories of dreams can just vanish in an instant.

Marina: I've completely forgotten! Isn't it funny how the memory of a dream can just vanish in an instant?

I was just talking with a friend about this very subject earlier today. Sometimes you wake up and you know you were just dreaming, because it feels like your brain was just…somewhere else. πŸ˜› But you can’t remember a thing about it. πŸ˜›

Ketchup, Punchy, Static, and Rio joined me for K.K. Slider’s concert tonight. I asked for a random song, and he performed K.K. Groove for us.

K.K. Slider performs for residents of Forest.

After the show, I went to sell some stuff in my pockets. I found Ankha in there, and she said something quite odd: She confused me with Timmy! Me, the guy in a green mohawk, looks like a little kid raccoon? …Really, Ankha? Maybe you’ve been inhaling too much of that ancient air in your tomb.

Ankha: You know, it's funny--I thought you were Timmy at first. Silly me.
And I thought you were Cleo-cat-ra.

I’ll be back with another entry soon, probably on Monday. Hope to see you then! πŸ™‚

Turnip Spike

On Sunday morning, I decided to buy some turnips from Daisy Mae. But since she was charging more than usual (107 bells), I only bought about 1,200 of them. I also got another 30 turnips at the hospital on Monday.

By Tuesday afternoon, turnip prices had skyrocketed up to 457 bells apiece! Woohoo!

Timmy: The current price for turnips is 457 bells per turnip!

I sold my 1,230 turnips for a total of 562,110 bells. The bad news is that I’m still only 18.5% of the way to my Nook Miles turnip goal. πŸ˜›

Xavier came over to sell some turnips, and I found him talking to Bones from half a screen away. πŸ˜† I wonder if he has to pay long-distance charges on that call. πŸ˜‰

Xavier talks to Bones from a long distance.

Today, Rudy the jock cat was camping at the campsite. He’s a cute little guy, although his design is quite simple. However, I was not interested in adopting him at this time.

Rudy: Heya! You live here? My friends call me Rudy, mush.

Punchy told me that you can never run from your troubles, so he…ran from his troubles? πŸ€”

Punchy: But you can never run away from your troubles, so I bolted!

That’s actually a catchphrase he learned from Static, but that’s the best use of it I’ve seen so far. πŸ˜›

A few other quick notes about this week so far:

  • I helped Gulliver on Monday, and he sent me a geisha wig yesterday. πŸ™„
  • I bought a study carrel and a milk can from Redd’s ship today. They were both color variations I needed. πŸ‘
  • I helped Wisp tonight, and he gave me some inspection equipment.
The inspection equipment item.
I’m guessing it’s not measuring Wisp’s heart rate. You know, since he’s dead.

See you all again soon! Never Stop Crossing! πŸ™‚