Rio’s Night at the Museum

On Thursday, Pecan was camping over at the campsite. This town already has two squirrels though, so I don’t think we need any more.

Pecan: well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Pecan. How kind of you to stop by.

Tonight, I found a lost bag that was covered with buttons and pins of pop stars. I knew it belonged to a peppy villager, so I asked Ketchup about it…but she said it was Rio’s.

Ketchup: Sorry, lucky, this isn't mine. It's pretty cool and I'd REALLY like to keep it, but--yeah, not mine.

Unfortunately, Rio was a bit hard to track down. She wasn’t home or anywhere outdoors. But I eventually found her in the art gallery, at the museum. She rewarded me with a jester costume.

Rio: Aaaaand check it out! It's a jester costume! I hope you like it!
She dressed up for her night at the museum.

K.K. Slider was in town, and I told him I was feeling a bit blue. So he performed K.K. Chorale for me, Punchy, Agent S, and Midge.

K.K. Slider performs for Punchy, Agent S, Jeff, and Midge.

Here are a few other quick notes about the last few days:

  • I sold Flick 37k worth of bugs on Thursday.
  • Celeste gave me a Taurus fragment.
  • My savings balance reached 57 million bells yesterday (5/5).
Savings Balance: 57,000,000 bells

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I’ll see you next time! Keep an eye out for my latest video, New Horizons Moments #20, coming soon!

In Bra?

On Sunday, Dodo Airlines sent me the bell vouchers I earned during the maze. Rover also mailed me another copy of his photo.

Rio asked me for a new catchphrase, and I thought I would tell her to say “in Brazil.” However, when I was trying to move the cursor to the Z key, it wrapped around to the other side of the keyboard to “Confirm!” So she was saying “in Bra!” 😆

Rio: In Bra!

Fortunately, villagers give you a chance to correct it when something like this happens, so she is now saying “in Brazil.”

Today, I returned a lost item to Midge. It was her lost journal, and she rewarded me with a thread-worn sweater.

Midge: My lost journal!

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a work outfit. She gave me a diner apron as an example of what to wear. But when I checked my clothing in storage, it looked like my best fit was a pilot’s uniform, captain’s hat, and pilot shades.

Dressing up as a pilot.
Oops, my socks didn’t match. I didn’t notice, but neither did Label.

Before I could escape out of my own house, Punchy barged in. Why does this always happen every time I want to change my clothes? Ugh. He gave me an orange, and I just waited for him to leave.

Once he left, I headed back to Label. She loved my outfit, and she rewarded me with a Labelle skirt. She’ll also be sending me two tailors tickets in the mail, even though I still haven’t used the ones she gave me last time. 😛

Label: ...A Labelle skirt, you see.

As for other visitors this week, Wisp gave me a large magazine rack on Sunday, and Gulliver sent me another geisha wig on Tuesday.

See you all next time!

May Day Maze 2023

Yesterday, Tammy the bear cub was camping at the campsite. But I was not interested in the GameCub. (Sorry, that’s the catchphrase I gave her when I had her in New Leaf.) 😛

Tammy, at the campsite: I kinda came out here on a lark, but this place seriously rocks. I'm in love, ya heard!

Today, I found my two pink villagers hanging out together: Midge was visiting Marina’s house! In the spot where Midge’s house used to sit! I was afraid things might get awkward!

Midge and Marina hanging out together.

But fortunately, they’re getting along well. Probably because Midge’s memory has been wiped clean. Uh, I mean, because this is a different Midge. 😛

At the plaza, I told K.K. Slider I was feeling a little grumpy. He performed Surfin’ K.K. to try to cheer me up. Louie, Ankha, and Rio were also at the show.

K.K. Slider performs for Rio, Jeff, Ankha, and Louie.

After the show, I went to the airport to check out the May Day tour. It’s the same maze that we had in 2021, which is trickier than the 2020/2022 map.

The May Day maze for 2023.

I actually messed up two or three times and had to restart. There’s a lot of backtracking involved, and it’s easy to use up a fruit (or a worn axe) in the wrong place. But I eventually completed the maze, picked up all the bell vouchers, and met up with Rover.

Rover: And for what it's worth, you've made me happy. I'm glad we ran into each other like this.

Good luck with the maze, everyone! And enjoy the rest of your weekend! 🙂