Dressing Sporty

On Tuesday, Flick was in town and I sold him 40k worth of bugs that I had in storage.

Yesterday, I received a letter from Mom about the melting of snow and the arrival of spring. She also sent me Mom’s candle set, so that the candles can melt just like the snow. Odd analogy, but okay.

My dear Jeff, Like a cheap candle, the snow is melting fast, replaced by lovely flowers and plants. Spring sure knows how to make an entrance. Two can play the melting game! -Mom

I found Louie visiting Ketchup, but what on Earth was he wearing? 😆

Louie: Hey, neat! You came by to visit Ketchup too! Cool, oh banana.

Ankha gave me a D.I.Y. recipe, and it was actually something I needed: a small wooden partition! Finding new recipes is a rare occurrence, but it’s still nice to see that it still happens once in a while after nearly three years.

Gullivarrr was down on the beach, and I went diving to find his communicator. Today, he rewarded me for my efforts by sending me yet another pirate dress. 😞

Wisp was in town tonight, and I gathered up his spirits for him. In return, he gave me a red two-toned tile wall.

Label was also in Forest, and she wanted to see me in a sporty outfit. She gave me a fishing vest to use as an example.

Label: As you can see, it's a fishing vest with quite the sporty flair.

But I wanted to go in a different direction. So I went home and changed into a basketball top, basketball shorts, basketball shoes, and a skateboarding helmet.

My sporty basketball outfit.

But before I could get out of my house, Ketchup barged in and wanted to visit. Of course. This is why I don’t like going into my house any more. 😛 She gave me an orange, and then she wanted to play a card game. The first card was a seven, so I guessed that the next card would be smaller. I was wrong; it was a 9.

Ketchup: I hate to say lose, but...you lose.

After the game, she decided to stare at my music player for a while. Then she sat down to read a book. It took a full five minutes for her to leave.

I returned to Label, and she was happy about my sporty outfit. She rewarded me with a Labelle coat, and she’ll be sending me some tailors tickets in the mail too.

No Snow!

Yesterday, Punchy had his net out, and he was chasing a butterfly. I just thought it looked so cute. 🦋😸

Punchy chases a butterfly in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

This morning, the snow all melted…so we have grass once again! Yay! 😁 Even though this isn’t the official (or even meteorological) start of spring in real life, this is the first step towards breaking out of the winter doldrums.

Happy at the snow being gone for spring.

I’m glad I got that nice photo in the morning, because it was raining the rest of the day (and night). Agent S even suggested a rainy-day party, saying we could all come dressed as our favorite clouds.

Agent S: I should throw a rainy-day party sometime. We could all come dressed as our favorite clouds.

Ooh, which cloud should I be? Ooh, I got dibs on Puffy the Campfire Slayer! 😉

I asked K.K. slider for a random song, and he performed K.K. Faire for me, Agent S, and Louie–the only remaining villagers from March 2020!

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Faire?

If you’re wondering, Bones is the only other 2020 villager I still have around. But he moved in on October 15th of that year.

When I visited Rio after the show, I noticed that she had her confetti machine turned off. So I turned it on for her. She should keep it on all the time! 🙂

Rio: Oh, did something catch your eye? My Festivale confetti machine?

The colorful confetti was quite a contrast to the dreary rain outside. But Ankha made things interesting when I found her studying Marina’s octopus! She even had a reference book open as she studied it! 🐙

Ankha studies an octopus in Forest.

I guess she’s not used to seeing many octopi where she’s from. 😉

I recently posted New Horizons Moments #19, and it features a lot of Ankha. Please give it a watch if you’re interested. 🙂

See you next time! 🙂 Never Stop Crossing!

Festivale, Punching Punchy?

Festivale took place on Monday, and many of my villagers were hanging out at the plaza for the occasion. Rio said that she’s all about dancing and sparkling, so she felt that Festivale is basically made for her.

Rio: I'm all ABOUT dancing and sparkling and all that. This holiday is basically made for me, viva!

Even though other peppy villagers will repeat this dialogue as well, I feel like it’s especially true with Rio.

And of course, Pavé the dancing peacock was also there. Viva Festivale!


He wanted me to bring him feathers, three of a color at a time. I quickly caught three purple feathers, and I gave them to Pavé in exchange for a Festivale balloon lamp. I continued to catch feathers as I made my rounds, and I caught a couple of rainbow feathers as well. I ended up with about nine Festivale items, but I did not collect enough rainbow feathers to earn any additional Festivale floats this year.

My bank account balance reached 52 million bells, even though I did not sell my Festivale stuff. (I just put it into storage.)

Today, Ankha told me that she’d like to play in the snow like she did when she was young. She questioned why she should have to act her age now.

Ankha: Ooh, I want to play in the snow like I did when I was a little cat! Bah! Who says I have to act my age?!

Aren’t you like 3,000 years old, though? If you acted your age, you’d be dead.

Louie told me he had a fight with Punchy, which made me wonder if he punched Punchy or if Punchy punched him. 😉 But he asked me to deliver a gift to Punchy to smooth things over, and I agreed to help out. The gift was a jockey uniform, and he put it on right away. For a reward, he gave me the athletic jacket he was already wearing; he even said it was still warm.

Punchy: I bet it's still warm, oh banana!

I’m putting together a new New Horizons Moments video; look for it soon! 🙂