Shirt Flavors

On Wednesday night, I went into my house to grab some bugs to sell to Flick. Unfortunately, I only had two bugs in storage. But as I tried to leave my house, Beardo barged in. I wasn’t about to entertain him, so I just walked right out the door anyway.

Beardo: Oh no! I've been keeping you from something. I hope it wasn't a movie premiere or a fashion show!

Yesterday, Forest Fit had two different cavalier hats. Except that one of them was just furniture that I used as a decoration when I designed the shop, and the other one was an actual inventory item you could buy.

Two cavalier hats at Forest Fit, the apparel shop in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Happy Home Paradise).
I call it macaroni.

Today, Sasha was telling me that if he spills food on his clothes, he can suck the flavor out later. That’s kinda gross. 😛

Sasha: If I drop food on my shirt? I can suck the flavor out later. SLUUURP!
What if it was pigeon droppings? 🤢

I found a lost item (a book) on the ground, and I eventually returned it to Beardo. He rewarded me with a dotted raincoat that I’m never going to wear.

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in an outdoorsy outfit. She gave me an anorak jacket as an example of what to try for. I put it on, and I also added some outdoor shorts, sporty shades, basketball shoes, and a bicycle helmet. Label thought it was perfect, and she rewarded me with a Labelle hat.

Label: ...A Labelle hat, you see. It's from my brand. I'd love for you to have it.

I went inside Resident Services to expand my storage for the final time. It cost a whopping 1.2 million bells!

Tom Nook: Quality requires an up-front payment of 1,200,000 bells. Would you like to pay that now so we can begin?

But this should increase my storage up to 5,000 items as of tomorrow. Pretty sweet. 😎

Just to confirm, I’m planning on hosting Sunday Night Fireworks on Sunday night right when the fireworks start: 7 p.m. Eastern time (4 p.m. Pacific). I should be open for at least an hour, and anyone on my friend roster is welcome.

I recently posted my latest New Horizons Moments video. Check it out if you’d like. 🙂

I’ll be back with another blog entry tomorrow. Hope to see you then!

Funky, Diaper

Yesterday, Tipper the cow was camping at the campsite. She may be nice, but I didn’t have the stomach to tell her I didn’t want her moving in.

Tipper: Well, you're not a shy one, are you? My name's Tipper. How kind of you to stop by.

When I visited Agent S, she told me she had something that would go perfect with my outfit:

Agent S: A diaper!

No offense, Agent S, but that’s a load of crap.

Static heard that people were calling me funky, so he wanted to call me funky too.

Static: I noticed that people 'round here call you funky. And I wanna call you that too.
Maybe I just need to take a shower.

Gulliver was in town, so I dug up his communicator parts for him. In return, he sent me a gift in the mail today: a tam-o’-shanter.

Beth sent me a crescent-moon chair to add to my moon-viewing area. It balances out the (regular) moon, and I like how this area is looking now! Thanks, Beth.

An updated look at my moon-viewing area.

See you all next time.

Senile Beardo

Beardo was sleeping under a tree on the beach yesterday. When I woke him up, he didn’t know who he was. He’s clearly senile and needs to be put in a nursing home. 😉

Beardo: Where am I? Who are you? WHAT'S GOING ON?!

K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and he performed K.K. Reggae. A larger-than-usual crowd showed up for the concert: Me, Apollo, Beardo, Marina, and Ketchup.

K.K. Slider performs for Ketchup, Marina, Beardo, Apollo, and Jeff.

Later on, I made some more changes to my moon-viewing area. I removed the cliffs in the middle, which unfortunately meant taking out a large chunk of the waterfall. But I made up for it by adding some waterfalls on the sides.

My updated moon-viewing area.

I like the changes, but I may not be done just yet.

I didn’t get my video done to post for this weekend, but it should be up in a few days.

See you all next time!