Two Moons

On Tuesday, Gullivarrr the pirate was on the beach. I went diving for his communicator, and I found it on my first dive. He sent me a pirate eye patch in the mail.

I also sold my 30 turnips for 117 bells a pop…only to find the Nooklings were offering 477 bells yesterday. Oof. Of course, when I had such a small quantity, it doesn’t make a huge difference anyway.

Today, Marina told me she had a fight with Bones over something unimportant. She wanted me to deliver a gift, and I agreed to help out.

Marina: I know this is a lot to ask, but could you deliver it today, eight times?
I’ll deliver it once, and that’s it!

I’m getting a lot of mileage out of Marina’s catchphrase lately. πŸ˜‚ That’s the beauty of a good catchphrase. I need to stop turning down other villagers’ requests for new phrases!

Anyway, Bones really liked the gift (a plasma ball), and he rewarded me with a retro gas pump.

At Forest Fit, I bought this conductor’s cap. It reminded me of Porter.

Olivia: Let's see... It's 1,500 Poki for a conductor's cap.
I’ve been training for this moment.

Back in town, I did a bit of redecorating where I have my hyacinth lamps on the cliff. I made a bit of a moon-viewing area, where you can see the moon and…another moon. Yes, two moons.

My new moon-viewing area.

I like it, but I’m not done with it yet. I think it needs some bamboo trees, because I think it would look great with the moonlight shining through the bamboo. I also want to get rid of the rest of those yellow roses. Those yellow roses were actually leftover from Spectacle Rock two years ago! I just kept them there during (and after) my Animal Crossing cemetery. πŸ˜›

As for opening my gate for fireworks, I think I might do that a week from Sunday (on August 21st). It’s not set in stone yet, but that’s the plan so far. The time is to-be-determined, but it will almost definitely be earlier than Friday Night Forest. It may also be the last time I hold Space Race races too, because I may work on something different for September.

In the meantime, I’m working on a new New Horizons Moments video. I’m hoping to post that over the weekend early next week.

Fireworks, Mini Metroid

The first fireworks festival of the year was held last night. I was a bit surprised to hear that the fireworks made Louie (of all people) a bit jumpy!

Louie: Each firework sounds like the BANG at the start of a road race. So excuse me if I'm a little jumpy!

Over at the plaza, Isabelle gave me a star bopper. I put it on and watched the fireworks for a bit.

A K.K. Slider firework appears in the sky during the fireworks festival.

I also added my little froggy dude design to the fireworks rotation. This is the frog face I used on my Frog Pond sign, as well as my Froggy Diner clock.

A froggy dude and shine sprite (from Super Mario Sunshine) appear as fireworks.

Today (Monday), Marina gave me a recipe for some apple jam. I already knew how to make it, so she asked if there was someone else I could give it to…eight times. Considering how often we get duplicate recipes, that’s actually pretty accurate. πŸ˜›

Marina: Oh, so you already know this recipe, huh? Is there someone else you could give it to, eight times?

Flick was in town, so I grabbed a few bugs out of storage (but not as many as I expected to find in there). He paid me 47k for the seven bugs.

While doing some diving, I caught a moon jellyfish. I tried to put it in my science pod, but unfortunately, it still has its container with it. Otherwise, it would look like a small (or baby) Metroid floating around!

A moon jellyfish in a science pod.

I also made my usual Monday trip to the hospital to pick up 30 “somethings” from an old friend. (I’m trying to keep this spoiler-free lately, even though I know I’ve mentioned it in the past.) πŸ˜›

Burying a Bothersome Beardo

Bones sent me a letter in the mail today, thanking me for attending his party and giving him a gift. He sent me another copy of his photo with the letter. πŸ™‚

Pierce the eagle was camping at the campsite today. He seems alright, but I did not invite him to perch in town.

Pierce: I just got here today, and I gotta say this island's really nice! Feels perfect for roller skating, hawkeye.

Beardo got in the way when I was trying to catch a bug, and I ended up scaring it away. Beardo then got in the way again while I was hitting the money rock, and I only got two coins out of it! πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ

Beardo: Whoa! What was that?
I want to set your sideburns on fire.

I hit him with a net, and then I pitfalled him. He’s really getting on my nerves today!

Beardo struggles in a pitfall.
This is your captain speaking. Your flight has been grounded.

At Resident Services, I spoke with Isabelle about Louie. I finally forced him to change his house up, so that he no longer has a “starter” house. He has a proper gym now. You’re welcome, Donkey Kong.

Louie's redecorated house gym.

K.K. Slider was in town, and I asked him for a random song. He played K.K. Groove for me, Hornsby, and Ketchup.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Groove?

Some of my villagers were looking forward to the fireworks show tomorrow. It should be fun!

Marina: I'm nearly busting at the seams with excitement! I can't stop thinking about tomorrow's fireworks show.

I’m a bit disappointed that we only get four fireworks festivals this year, since there are only four Sundays in August. The past two years, we had five festivals! Oh well, it’ll still be fun. πŸ™‚

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I’ll see you all next time!