Bones for Bones

On Monday, I found a lost item on the ground and I returned it to Sasha. He rewarded me with an instant-muscles suit.

Sasha: My favorite bag! I've been looking everywhere for him! I can't believe you found him!
Your bag is a him?

I got 30 turnips from Lottie’s Island, and I sold them on Tuesday for 134 bells apiece (4,020 bells in total).

Yesterday, C.J. was in town with another seasports challenge: He wanted me to catch three small-fry fish in a row. I caught a crucian carp and two horse mackerels to complete the challenge. I then grabbed 22 fish (mostly sharks) out of my storage and sold them for 373k.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 373,500 bells. Deal?
That’s a nice chunk of change.

Beardo was picturing himself giving Bones his birthday present, and he could see Bones saying “ack!”

Beardo: I've got the whole scene mapped. I'll hand over my gift and Bones will be like...ack!

Sure, he claimed it was a “good” ack, but I know better. πŸ˜› The only good thing you can get from Beardo is a goodbye letter.

Wisp was in town last night, and I gathered up his spirits for him. In return, he gave me an ornithopter.

Today, Bones was having his birthday party. (The summer birthday season continues!) And what do dogs like? Bones! So I gave Bones some bones. Big bones. A whole megacero torso, in fact. He can gnaw on that for a while. πŸ™‚

Bones: Oh wow, like... Whaa?! This is a megacero torso, right?!

Sasha was also at the party to celebrate. πŸ™‚ Happy birthday, Bones!

Sasha: A huh huh huh, I sure do love birthday parties.

Label was in town today, and she wanted to see me in some work clothes. She gave me a samurai shirt as an example, although I pictured that as being more of a theatrical outfit myself. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

But I went home and changed into a pilot’s uniform, captain’s hat, and loafers. Label was impressed with the outfit, and she’s going to send me some tailors tickets in the mail. She also handed me some Labelle pumps. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go apply to work at Dodo Airlines. ✈

Label: I am sooo impressed. Thank you for putting it together for me!

This is your captain speaking. This blog entry has ended, so you may now unfasten your seat belts and exit the plane. Or if you’d rather, you can wait until we land. πŸ˜›

See you all next time!

Birthday Party

Today was my character’s birthday, and Marina dragged me over to her house for my party. Ketchup and Bones were also there. Marina told me to blow out my birthday candles.

Marina: Just stand in front of your cake and press A, eight times.

I forgot that was Marina’s catchphrase though, so I really thought I had to press A eight times. And I did! πŸ˜‚

She gave me a present, which was a birthday hat. Next up on the agenda was beating a piΓ±ata. They encouraged me to go crazy until cupcakes spilled out of it.

Jeff bashes his birthday pinata until cupcakes fall out.

After the party, I gave some cupcakes to some of the villagers who weren’t at the party.

Agent S: Yay! A cupcake! This looks le super nom nom! Thanks a bunch of bunches, glitter!

In return, they gave me additional gifts, including a birthday cake from Agent S, some birthday candles from Hornsby, birthday shades from Apollo, and a birthday table from Louie.

Louie: YOU'RE giving ME a present? That's an awfully nice thing to do for your greatest rival!

K.K. Slider was in town for the second night in a row, and he played K.K. Birthday for me. During the song, several birthday notes appeared on-screen from some of my villagers and special characters. That was nice. πŸ™‚

A birthday message addressed to "Super Birthdayer tater tot" from Sasha.

Static and Beardo were also at the show, so I couldn’t give them cupcakes. Well I didn’t really care about Beardo anyway, but I would have at least given one to Static. πŸ˜›

One other note: Mom sent me her homemade cake in the mail.

See you all next time!

Ketchup on Everything

While enjoying some coffee in the Roost on Thursday, Blathers came in. He made the long walk (from the next room over) to get some coffee for himself. πŸ˜›

Blathers: This cafe has been a boon to our museum. It tickles my talons to see so many visitors among our exhibits!

I imagine he needs a lot of coffee, considering he works 24/7. β˜•

Yesterday, Beardo told me that when he was a child, he used to put ketchup on everything. Literally everything, even popcorn! Yuck!

Beardo: I used to put ketchup on everything. I mean EVERYTHING.
I’m just wondering if he had the same mustache and sideburns when he was a child. πŸ˜›

Gulliver was in town, so I collected his communicator parts for him. In return, he sent me a tubeteika (hat) in the mail today. I didn’t care for it, so I just sold it.

I also sold my 30 turnips for just 47 bells apiece today, for a total of 1,410 bells. That’s almost nothing, but I didn’t pay a cent for them anyway, so it’s no big deal.

K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and he performed in the rain. He played K.K. Rally for me, Louie, Agent S, and Sasha.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Rally?

My friend Beth recently drew me and all of my Forest villagers, except for Beardo (leaving him out was my request, haha). I think she did an amazing job, and I love the watercolor-style sky! Maybe Nintendo should make a special sky like that in future games. πŸ™‚ Watercolor Wednesdays or something. πŸ˜‚

Beth's art. Welcome to Forest.

Thank you very much, Beth! πŸ™‚ For those of you who have been around a while, you may remember she also drew my New Leaf villagers back in 2016.

See you all next time!