Forced to Redecorate

The July Bug-Off was held today, and I just barely had enough time to play one round of competition. This horned elephant was my most notable (and valuable) catch of the round.

I caught a horned elephant! Gotta keep this up!

I ended up with 7 bugs, which equated to 9 points after the bonus was added.

Flick: Well done. You earned 9 points.

I sold my bugs to Flick for a total of 13,305 bells. However, I forgot to redeem my points for a prize. Oh well. They’ll keep until next time.

I neglected to include this in last night’s entry, but Alex drew this picture of Beardo on my bulletin board. You know, since he’s my “favorite” villager. 😂

Alex from Pawnee drew Beardo on my ACNH bulletin board.

Inside Resident Services, I complained about Agent S to Isabelle…to reset her house so that it no longer looks like a “starter” house. That’s right, Isabelle and I are forcing Agent S to redecorate. 😂

Isabelle: I'll see what I can do about reverting the exterior. For the interior, we'll need to talk to Agent S.

Even though Isabelle’s comment about the exterior scared me for a second, the only change I noticed on the outside is that her doorplate/wreath has been removed. But the inside was changed dramatically. First, this is what it looked like before:

The old design of Agent S's house.

Lots of wood furniture, without much color or personality. And now?

The new look of Agent S's house.

Completely different! More variety and more color! Although the boxing/wrestling items seem a bit odd for a peppy villager, I still think this is a huge improvement! She’s like a brand new Agent. 😉 Thanks to Xavier for the tip/reminder. 🙂

I just wonder what Isabelle did with Agent S’s pet bugs. 😛

See you all next time!

July FNF

I opened my gate tonight at about 10:02 for Friday Night Forest. Alec, Wiicked (formerly Sacky), Bran, and Alex (from Pawnee) were the first few people to show up. They raided my area of free D.I.Y. recipes, and I was happy to see that most of them got used up.

We then held some space races: Alec beat Bran, and then Alex beat Wiicked. As Alec and Alex started a head-to-head battle for the title, Xavier came in. 😛 We re-started the race, and Alex won the grand prize: The universe. Well, that and 99k. 😛

Alec vs. Alex in the space race.

We then held a few bonus races just for fun. Bran beat Xavier, and then Wiicked also beat Xavier. (Sorry, Xavier!) 😛 But everybody got to play two matches, so we ended our space mission for the night.

Logan joined in, and we all hung out in my house for a while. This was my first Friday Night Forest since I’ve redecorated my house at the end of May. After a while, we all went to annoy Beardo. I used some party poppers to blow his brains out. 😛

Blowing Beardo's brains out with a party popper.

We hung out in the Animal Crossing museum/castle for a bit, and then we took a group photo on the Wordle lights.

Logan, Alec, Jeff, Wiicked, Bran, Xavier, and Alex on the Wordle lights.

Somehow, we ended up near Resident Services. I mentioned that next year will be New Leaf’s 10th anniversary, which seems insane. In fact, the 10th anniversary of the American release date will be on a Friday, which has me toying with the idea of having a New Leaf Friday Night Forest for the occasion. Of course, that’s still 11 months away, but it’s an idea.

Around 11:40, Wiicked left for home. Shortly after, Alex turned into Papa Smurf! He always has the most unique, creative costume ideas. Then we all went up to the Roost for some late-night coffee.

Enjoying some coffee at the Roost.

We then had some deep, serious, philosophical discussions.

Why isn't the plural of Smurf, Smurves?

We then enjoyed some of the arts. In particular, my newly-completed art gallery.

A whale shark pokes through both halves of the wild painting.

Bran left around 12:20, Logan left around 12:30, and I ended the session at nearly 12:45. Thanks to all who came, I had fun!

I’ll be back with another blog entry tomorrow.

Keep Believing!

I helped out Wisp twice recently: He gave me a heart apron on Sunday and a cool chair on Monday.

Yesterday (Tuesday), C.J. was in town with a seasports challenge for me: He wanted me to catch three small-fry fish in a row. So I caught a pale chub, a butterfly fish, and a horse mackerel to complete the challenge. I then grabbed some fish from storage, and sold C.J. 130,000 bells worth.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 130,440 bells. Deal?

I shot down a balloon present that contained a sky-high total of 30,000 bells!

Today, Flick was in town…so I had another large payday. I sold him a bunch of bugs for 162,000 bells even.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 162,000 bells for the bunch of them?

(I later sold him two more bugs for 15,000 bells.)

When I visited Agent S, she was talking about rock music. She mentioned that I (and a “person I like”) could rock all day, and “keep believing.” I’m pretty sure she’s actually referencing “Don’t Stop Believing.” 😂

Agent S: You two could rock all day for free! Party for nothing! And keep believing!

She even admitted to getting the lyrics mixed up a bit. 😛

Agent S: I've listened to a lot of old rock albums and I love them all. I just confuse the lyrics sometimes!

Several of my villagers commented on the upcoming Bug-Off this weekend. Apollo talked about pulling out his lucky net. But he said this as he held his broom up in the air; I thought it looked funny. 😛

Apollo: But fair warning... If you're jumpin' in the fray, I'm pulling out my lucky bug-huntin' net. It never fails me!

I am still planning on having Friday Night Forest this Friday night at 10 p.m. Eastern time, for people already on my Switch friend roster. So I may seem some of you then…and Friday night’s blog entry is likely be posted very late. 😛