Apparel Shop Opens

The Bug-Off was held today, and my villagers were all prepared with their cute bug-catching hats. πŸ˜‚

Ketchup, Marina, and Bones wearing hats for the Bug-Off.

I participated in the event twice, scoring 11 points on my first attempt, and 12 points on my second run.

Flick: Well done. You earned 12 points!

I redeemed 20 of my 23 points for a bug cage and a spider web.

Later, I went out to Lottie’s Island to work on the final facility. Lottie told me I’d be designing an apparel shop; she had me start off by customizing the shop exterior.

The exterior design of the apparel shop in Happy Home Paradise.

Inside, Lottie told me I can use up to six special mannequins, which will have different items for sale each day (once the shop opens up). I didn’t want to make the shop too similar to GracieGrace, which I’ve already designed for Label(le). So I made the inside of the shop red, with a red art-deco wall and simple red flooring.

I added a cash register, a glass showcase, some counters, a couple of (regular) mannequins, a changing room, and some umbrellas. I decided to hire Olivia as the shop manager, and I gave a name to the shop: Forest Fit.

My new apparel shop.
Is Winnie thinking about shoplifting?
Or is she just horsing around?

With all the facilities done, it was finally time for the special event that has been in the works. Since the DLC has been out for nearly eight months, I’m sure most of you already know what the event is all about. But for those of you who don’t, you may want to stop reading this entry now if you want the special event to be a surprise.


Turn back now to avoid spoiling the Happy Home Paradise special event upon completion of 30 vacation homes and all facilities!

Okay, you’re still here. πŸ˜› We went out to the north beach, where DJ K.K. came floating by on a barge. He started playing music, and we all began to dance. It’s like an outdoor version of Club LOL!

DJ K.K. hosts a music festival on Lottie's Island.

It continued to show us all dancing as it showed screenshots of each vacation home and facility I’ve designed. It’s like watching the credits roll, but without the credits. Pretty cool!

Dancing to screenshots of my clients' vacation homes.

When we headed back to the office, Lottie paid me 25,000 Poki for my work. Wardell said he left some products for the music festival at the apparel shop. I then learned some new dancing reactions!

I learned a few dance Reactions! I can't wait to bust out these moves!

After checking out the shop and buying a couple items, I wrapped up my game for the night. It’s nice to finally “beat” the DLC, even though there are still vacation homes left to design. I may do some more of them from time to time, but don’t expect that to happen very often. πŸ˜›

See you all next time!

A Fish Called Jeff

Yesterday, Gullivarrr sent me another sea captain’s coat in the mail.

Beardo was interested in the dace in my pockets today, and he offered me 480 bells for it. I agreed to sell it, and Beardo said it would be his new roommate. The worst part is that he’s considering naming it Jeff!

Beardo: I think I'm gonna name it Jeff. Or would that be weird?

Yeah, please don’t do that. Why not call it Weirdo? Then you can be Beardo and Weirdo.

Nibbles was camping at the campsite today. Forest doesn’t need any more squirrels, but thanks for stopping by, Nibbles. πŸ˜›

Nibbles: Hi there! I'm Nibbles! I'm here on a camping trip! You live on this island? Tres cool.

I saw that Flick was in town, so I grabbed about a dozen bugs out of storage. Flick paid me 100k for them.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 100,500 bells for the bunch of them?

Apollo said he likes to have a nice grape soda after a walk. I don’t drink grape soda very often, but it sure does sound good on a hot day like this! πŸ™‚

Apollo: After a walk, I like to throw back a nice grape soda, on a cliff! Let's get one together sometime!

The Bug-Off is coming up tomorrow, so I may try to participate in that. I might also design that last facility in Happy Home Paradise tomorrow, too. Check back tomorrow night for the blog entry.

Ice Cream Buddies

On Sunday, Wardell sent me a Paradise Planning hammock in the mail, along with a nice letter. I guess this is my reward for completing 30 vacation homes.

My dear friend Jeff, Everyone seems happy since you've arrived. Lottie, Niko, the customers...all happy. Thank you. Very much. -Wardell

I visited the hospital on Monday, and Joan gave me another 30 turnips for free. While I was there, I also donated 40,000 Poki towards the hospital expansion.

Skye: Did I hear you right? You'd like to make a donation of 40,000 Poki to the hospital?

Back in town, the Nooklings were paying 144 bells for turnips. So I sold mine immediately, for a total of 4,320 bells.

I’ve found Wisp twice in the past few days; he gave me a trumpet on Sunday night and a round pillow yesterday. That’s one item that will wake me up, and one item that will help me sleep. 🎺😴

Today, Gullivarrr was in town. I went diving and retrieved his communicator for him. He’ll send me a reward tomorrow. πŸ“±

Ketchup was sick with a cold, so I crafted some medicine for her. She started to feel better almost immediately, and she gave me a simple-dots tee for helping out.

Ketchup shines as she takes her cold medicine.

An unlikely trio of friends were sitting together in the plaza: Sasha, Static, and Beardo were enjoying some ice cream there.

Static, sitting between Sasha and Beardo: Weather's downright pleasant... Like my sunny disposition! Gahaha!

Well, if anything can make it tolerable to sit next to Beardo, I guess ice cream is it. πŸ˜‚ And ice cream sure sounds good on hot summer days like this. 🍦

See you all next time!