Open, Says Me

Last Saturday, I sold some turnips in Xavier’s town for 142 bells each. It had been looking like I was going to have to take a loss on them for the week, so that really helped out. Thanks, Xavier! I’m now over halfway to my turnip goal (5.27 million out of 10 million). 🙂

Xavier got Rolf recently, and he let me visit my favorite white tiger. I really like his mountainous home, and I can already picture him living up on my former Eagle Mountain (now Bird’s Nest), even though he’s not a bird. 😛

Rolf's house in Xavier's town.

Yesterday, Louie asked if I was interested in a treasure hunt game, and I agreed to play. He gave me six minutes to find the buried item, and I found it with plenty of time (4:43) remaining. But as he was about to open the gift, he said “Open, says me.”

Louie: Open, says me.

He was apparently confusing the phrase “Open Sesame” with “open, says me.” 😆 The treasure turned out to be some rhinestone shades.

Charlise the green bear was camping at the campsite today. This was her 2nd visit as a camper; she also camped here last July 13th–the same day Bob moved in.

Charlise, at the campsite: Oh! Hope I'm not interrupting you or nothin'.
Nah, I just wish I got better campers. 😛

Here are a few other quick notes about the past week or so:

  • K.K. performed K.K. Waltz for me last Saturday.
  • Wisp gave me a ranch bed on Sunday.
  • I helped out Gullivarrr on Wednesday, and he sent me a pirate’s hat yesterday.
  • My savings balance reached 79 million bells today.

As a reminder, Festivale is coming up on Monday. I’ll be posting a new Festivale Guide over the weekend. Update: Here it is: ACNH Festivale Guide.

Screaming in Circles

Last Saturday, I found Bones taking a nap up on Rainbow Road! How cute! 🥺

Bones sleeping on Rainbow Road.

On Monday, I found Faith camping at the campsite. This is the 2nd time she has camped here! She’s not the first one to do that, though: Rocket camped here twice too, with her 2nd visit coming just about five weeks ago.

Faith, camping at the campsite: Oh! Hope I'm not interrupting you or nothi'. I'm just out here campin'!

Even though Faith is my favorite koala, I didn’t ask her to move in.

Tuesday, Rio told me of her unusual morning routine. When she has trouble waking up, she screams and runs in circles for a few minutes! 😆

Rio: Sometimes, when I can't wake up in the morning, I run in circles and scream really loud for a few minutes!
That would be hilarious to see.

Yesterday, Bob was sick with a cold. I bought some medicine for him and took it over to him. He thanked me by giving me a desert outfit.

Bob: Huh... That doesn't taste like snacks, but it doesn't taste bad either!

Gulliver was in town, and I helped him out by retrieving his phone parts. In return, he sent me a Stonehenge today.

I found a lost item (a bag) on the ground today. The description sounded like it belonged to a lazy villager, so I tried giving it to Punchy. I was right! He thanked me for returning it, and he gave me another copy of his photo. Thanks, Punchy!

Punchy: Ya like it?! It's Punchy's photo!

A message bottle on the beach surprised me by giving me a food recipe I didn’t have yet! Tomato juice!

YUM! Now I can make some tomato juice!

So of course I just had to give it to Ketchup. 😆

Ketchup: Yummy times comin' my way! Thanks so much, catch up!

She was looking forward to eating it, and she thanked me with a plain do-rag.

Have a great weekend!

What Are You Wearing?!

On Monday, Static asked me to deliver a gift to Rio. It was a kung-fu tee, which Rio didn’t think was much of a “pop-star” look. Still, she tried it on and asked my opinion. But there was one small problem…

Rio, standing behind a workbench: What do you think?

I couldn’t see it! And since I was mid-conversation, I couldn’t rotate the camera. 😛 I told her it looked great though, just in case it did. 😆 Rio gave me a hanten jacket to thank me.

Yesterday, Annalisa the anteater was camping at the campsite. She seemed nice, but I wasn’t interested in having her move in.

Annalisa camping at the campsite and holding a donut.

She would’ve loved the steady stream of ants at my rotten turnip, though. (I keep it just outside my house most of the time. The ants help with the Nook Miles+ goals for catching bugs.)

Today, I ran into Bob on the beach, and I couldn’t help but wonder what on Earth he was wearing!

Bob: I always dig running into you, cupcake! How's things?
Maybe he works at an Elf-serve diner.

It was an aquamarine diner apron with a green Buddy the Elf hat. It’s just a weird combination. And even though they’re both green, they’re completely different shades that don’t match at all. 😛

C.J. was in town today, and I caught three big-time fish in a row to complete his seasports challenge. I then grabbed ten fish from storage and sold them to him for 95k.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 95,250 bells. Deal?

Here are a few other quick notes about the past week:

  • Last Friday, Wisp gave me some frilly socks.
  • Last Saturday, K.K. performed K.K. Waltz for me.
  • I bought a bunch of turnips Sunday, and I sold them for a small profit on Tuesday.
  • On Monday, I sold 29 bugs to Flick for 127,500 bells.
  • On Wednesday, Gullivarrr sent me a pirate eye patch.
  • My savings balance reached 78 million bells Wednesday.