Art, Photo, Coasters

Yesterday, I got a very nice surprise in the mail: Static sent me a great statue! That is the only piece of art that I haven’t yet seen at Redd’s shop, not even once! I rushed it up to the museum, and Blathers confirmed that it was authentic! Awesome!

Great Statue - May 6th, 2022 - Donated by Jeff

I now only need two more paintings to complete my museum! 😀

My good luck continued when I went to visit Ketchup. I gave her another bottle of tomato puree, and she rewarded me with her photo!!

Ketchup: Hey! I wanted to say thanks, but with, like, an object? It's Ketchup's photo! Enjoy!

I took it home and I learned something horrifying about Ketchup: She’s a cannibal! 😂

Quote on Ketchup's photo: When in doubt, eat a tomato!

That’s my 18th villager photo, and when I moved it, it filled up my wall. So I can’t keep furniture too close to the wall without blocking some photos. I may consider moving my villager photos to my room on the left, which hardly has anything in it right now.

Wisp was in town, and he gave me a square bathtub for returning his spirits to him. Gullivarrr was also around, and I went diving to retrieve his communicator. I received my reward today: some pirate flooring.

My good luck from yesterday did not carry over to today. At Nook’s Cranny, the Nooklings were only paying 42 bells for turnips (and this was the last day to sell them). So again, I took a big loss on them. This marks two weeks in a row that the prices didn’t rise a single time! It went down every single day without even a small spike, both weeks!

K.K. Slider was hanging out at the plaza for his Saturday night show, and he performed K.K. Country for me and Beardo. That’s not my favorite song, and it’s definitely not my favorite villager.

K.K. Slider performs for Jeff and Beardo.

I recently got some Roost coasters that I ordered from My Nintendo for 700 platinum points (plus $6.99 for shipping). They came in a nice tin. Pretty cool!

Animal Crossing Roost coasters from My Nintendo.

My collection of Animal Crossing merch has been growing over the past few months, and it includes several things I haven’t mentioned in the blog (or anywhere else, for that matter). I may need to make a video of it all at some point. Probably not anytime soon, but we’ll see!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! See you next time! Until then, enjoy a donut! 😉🍩

Awake Like a Fox

C.J. was in town today, and he had a freestyle seasports challenge for me. I caught a loach, a red snapper, a dace, a barred knifejaw, and an olive flounder to complete the challenge. I grabbed some fish out of storage, and I sold him over 220,000 bells worth. 💰💰

C.J.: Way to wreck that seasports challenge! What a haul!
Pose for the fans!

Beardo was inside his house, sleeping standing up…while successfully holding a cup of coffee. I woke him up, and he told me his ability to nap (and wake up instantly) is his secret to success.

Beardo: That's the secret to my success, actually. Asleep like THIS. And then--BAM! Awake like a fox.
Please don’t look at me like that.
You’re creeping me out.

Out on Harv’s Island, Redd had yet another fake ancient statue. I bought it, because I’m going to use it in my obstacle course. And speaking of the obstacle course, I’ve been working on it a lot lately. In fact, I’d estimate it’s about 90% done. So it’s getting close!

I’ve finally uploaded a few of my favorite Happy Home Paradise designs if you’d like to check them out. My Happy Home Network ID is RA-2621-3459-0928.

My Happy Home Network showcase.

See you all next time!

Hospital Opens

On Sunday morning, I bought some turnips from Daisy Mae. She was selling them for 108 bells apiece, and I bought 1,700 of them.

Rover sent me his briefcase in the mail for completing the May Day maze. But that’s the same reward he gave me the first time I completed it 2020.

Bones was talking about things that are fun to ride, and he seems to prefer boat rides. He particularly likes the sea shamblies shanties you can sing. 😛

Bones: Boats are fun to ride! You can sing sea shamblies like Boat boat, lookit my boat, maaaaaaan!

He also likes screaming “Look out! There’s pirates!” …And that’s why he’s not allowed to ride on boats any more. 😂 I’ve seen lazy villagers’ dialogue about why they’re not allowed on planes, but I didn’t realize there was a similar story about boats.

On Sunday night, Wisp gave me a stack of clothes for recovering his spirits.

On Harv’s Island, I bought a graceful painting from Jolly Redd. The woman in the painting was facing the opposite direction as the fake one I previously bought…so I was sure that this one was real. But as it turns out, this one was fake too! Some works of art have more than one fake version, so this threw me for a not-so-graceful loop.

Yesterday, I went to work a shift at Paradise Planning. Lottie told me it was time to make another facility: a hospital!

The hospital exterior.

I started off by designing the waiting room. I added plenty of seating, a magazine rack, a water cooler, and a small play area for any sick kids that find themselves here.

The hospital waiting room in Happy Home Paradise.

Next up, I had to design an examination room. I put in an exam table, medicine chest, sink, EKG machine, stadiometer, lab chair, and other appropriate furniture. Here’s the final result:

The hospital examination room in HHP.

I was able to choose the staff, and I chose Octavian to be the doctor. That’s mainly because he looks a bit like Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama. 😛 Skye is my receptionist.

Hospital staff - Doctor: Octavian. Receptionist: Skye.

Lottie told me to choose a name for the hospital, and I decided to call it Quack Doctors.

Today, Saharah was in town. I bought some mysterious wallpaper and flooring from her. They turned out to be a kisses wall and field flooring.

I went out to Lottie’s island to shop (not to work). I’ve been using Wardell’s catalog to order some safety railings that I needed. Another good thing about his catalog is that his five-item-per-day limit is separate from Nook’s limit. So you can order a total of ten items per day if you use both catalogs. 👍

I saw Cephalobot out on the beach there, and he said he was going to do something worth blogging about. Just don’t go swimming unless you wear some rust-screen! 😉

Cephalobot: I just KNOW I was brought here for a reason. I'm gonna do something worth blogging about!

See you all next time!