Coach’s Sweaty Gym

Yesterday, I received my latest Nooklink reward, a Nook Inc. balloon. It’s in the shape of Nook’s leaf logo.

Holding the Nook Inc. balloon.

Even though you can carry it around, I decided to display it next to Nook’s Cranny.

Tonight, I went out to Lottie’s Island to work. Coach was looking for a vacation house, and he said it would be fun to roll a giant ball around!

Coach: You know what'd be fun? Rolling a giant ball around!
Are you a giant dung beetle?

That certainly piqued my curiosity, and I imagined something like Katamari Damacy. But in actuality, Coach just wanted a “track-meet training grounds.” One of the items he wanted to use was an exercise ball. Somehow, that’s not what I thought he meant by a giant ball. 😞

Anyway, I wanted to make a track for him to run around on. But that was easier said than done, especially without the ability to use paths. So I just set up a bunch of cones that he can run circles around. I did use a checkered flag pattern as the finish line, but this was a pretty low-effort attempt…even by my designing standards. 😂

Coach's running track in Happy Home Paradise.

Indoors, I was sure there would be a sporty floor to use for this project…or some other flooring with a running track on it. It just seems so mind-numbingly obvious. However, I was wrong…so I just used a backyard lawn. At least the stadium wall was available. Since the indoors couldn’t be the running track either, I just filled it with a variety of exercise equipment. (I also gave him a bed and a trophy case.)

Coach's indoor gym.

But as I was about to finish up the job, Niko barged in. I wondered if I forgot to use one of the suggested items. But Niko just wanted to tell me a new feature related to polishing furniture. He told me that I can now use different effects, not just sparkly things.

The polishing effects I can use now.

I used the “dripdrip” feature to make all of the exercise equipment drip with Coach’s sweat. 😂😂😂 It’s really disgusting now. I think Niko may regret giving me this much power. 😛

Sweat drips off of Coach's equipment.

Lottie paid me 12,000 Poki for my work. I’ll see you all again soon! 🙂

Traffic Accidents

On Sunday, Wardell (from Paradise Planning) sent me a large Paradise Planning rug in the mail.

Yesterday, C.J. was in town and I sold him about 185,000 bells worth of fish. Wisp was also hanging around. After I collected his spirits for him, he gave me an EKG machine!

Wisp: Here, have... an EKG machine!
How to tell a ghost feels guilty about giving you a heart attack.

Last night, I bought a gallant statue from Redd’s stand on Harv’s Island.

Out on Lottie’s Island, Sheldon wanted a vacation home where he can teach everyone traffic safety. He insisted on a minicar, a crosswalk signal, and a small mannequin. Since I can’t use the island designer app to add paths, I just placed down some gray pattern tiles for a street, and I made some crosswalk patterns. I also added in some other vehicles. I made a scene where a boy is ignoring the “don’t walk” sign, and he walks out into traffic. 😛

A boy walks into traffic outside of Sheldon's vacation home in Happy Home Paradise.
Moments before disaster.

For the inside of Sheldon’s house, I used a crosswalk flooring and a tree-lined wall. But this time, I used a rescue mannequin…and Sheldon himself as the driver! Don’t sleep and drive!

Sheldon drives into a pedestrian.
Moments after disaster.

Lottie upgraded my title, calling me a “Breakout Designer” now. She must like seeing me recreate traffic accidents. 😛 A pay raise came with the promotion, and I earned 12,000 Poki for this job.

Today, I gave Admiral an elegant dresser. In return, he gave me his photo!

Admiral: Ain't nothin' free in this world. So, as a thank-you, have Admiral's photo!

His favorite quote is “Only quitters give up.”

Quote on Admiral's photo: Only quitters give up.

I hung it up on my wall, and I now have 17 villager photos (not counting duplicates or special characters’ pics). That also means that I now have photos of all my current villagers. I guess I’ll need some new villagers now. 😛

Lately, I’ve also done some redecorating in the main room of my house. I finally took down the Christmas/winter stuff. 😛

The main room of my house as of March 8, 2022.

The gallant statue I received in the mail was authentic, and I was about to put it into storage. But I tried donating it to the museum…and Blathers accepted it! I had seen that statue so many times at Redd’s shop on Harvey’s Island (usually the fake one) that I had forgotten that I never donated the real one! I now only need three works of art: two paintings and one statue. 🙂

See you all next time!

Paradise Party

With my latest Nooklink points, I got Timmy and Tommy’s photo yesterday. Even though they share the photo, they each have different favorite quotes on the back. Timmy’s quote is “Experience is the best teacher” and Tommy’s quote is “Nothing succeeds like success.”

This is a photo of Timmy and Tommy.

My old ally Alli was camping at the campsite. Even though I like her, I don’t like her enough that I would go out of my way to invite her into town. 😛

Alli: I wasn't sure what I thought at first, but I tell you...I've really grown to like this place, graaagh.

Over at the plaza today, Sasha was talking about all the apples he ate lately. He particularly loves how it made his burps taste like apples. Strange guy…

Sasha: I don't know how many apples I ate, but now all my burps taste like apples! It's the best!

As you can see in that last picture, K.K. Slider was in town. He performed Rockin’ K.K. for me, Sasha, Bones, Hornsby, and Marina. After the show, I earned 3,000 Nook Miles for attending my 100th K.K. show! I’ve now completed the “K.K. Mania” achievement.

All K.K. Mania goals completed.

Later, I headed out to Lottie’s Island to work a shift at Paradise Planning. Azalea wanted a home filled with green furniture.

I picked out an island where her house will be surrounded by a forest of bamboo trees. The property has a pond, and a bridge that goes over it. I was informed that I can change the look of bridges and inclines, so I changed the log bridge into a zen bridge. I also gave Azalea a bunch of bamboo furniture for the yard, along with a couple of pear trees.

Azalea's green yard in Happy Home Paradise.

Indoors, I went with a green molded-panel wall and green rubber flooring. She insisted on some iron garden furniture, and I also added a wooden double bed (customized to be green, of course), and several green plants.

The inside of Azalea's green vacation home in HHP.

Lottie paid me 9,000 Poki for completing the job, and then she informed me that it was my 10th vacation home designed. She actually put together a small party to celebrate the occasion!

Celebrating ten houses designed at Paradise Planning.

Lottie hinted that I’ll be working on another facility soon. That will be cool!

See you all next time!