Stretching Reactions Unlocked

Yesterday, Gullivarrr was in town, washed up on the beach. I helped out the fellow pirate by diving to retrieve his communicator.

Jeff the pirate speaks with Gullivarrr the pirate.

When I visited Admiral, I saw that he was wearing head bandages again! So apparently the bandages he gave me (back?) weren’t the only ones he had. Maybe he flies into windows so frequently that he keeps injuring his head.

Admiral: Careful where you're goin', OK?
You should take your own advice, Admiral Head Injury.

I made a snowman, and he warned me that even though it’s his birthday, he didn’t want any candles. Well… I didn’t exactly comply with his request. 😛

Snowboy, surrounded by flames: It's my birthday today! Cake sounds yummy, candles, please.

I’ve earned enough NookLink points for another reward, and I chose to get Tom Nook’s photo. His favorite quote is “I’ll be there with bells on! Ho ho!” To me, it sounds like something Santa (or Jingle) would say.

Quote on Tom Nook's pic: I'll be there with bells on! Ho ho!

This morning, I saw some mist forming just above the rivers! I don’t think I’ve noticed that before, but then again, I generally don’t play early in the morning.

Mist appears above the water of Forest's rivers.

Today, I participated in group stretching for the 50th time. Well, not the 50th time, but for the 50th day. That earned me 3,000 Nook Miles for completing the Stretch to Refresh achievement. But more importantly, I learned seven new reactions!

I could probably use these moves whenever I want... Yeah, I learned stretching reactions!

They are based on the stretches that you do during group stretching sessions. Here’s the list:

  • posture warm-up
  • arm circles
  • side bends
  • body twists
  • wide arm stretch
  • upper-body circles
  • jump
Four of the new seven stretching reactions.

Pretty cool! But I’m probably not going to participate in group stretches very often any more. After doing them over 50+ times in the last three and a half months, I’m a bit tired of them. And I don’t like how that once you start a session, you’re stuck in it for the full two minutes or so.

In the mail today, I received a sea captain’s coat from Gullivarrr and some ice flooring from the snowboy.

Admiral asked if he should change up his catchphrase, but I told him to stick with it…and let it linger.

Admiral: Is if I fart right for me, or do I need to change it up?

That’s all for today. Have you all unlocked the stretching reactions already? I know I could have done it weeks ago, but I haven’t done the stretching every day…even though I’ve been much better about drinking the coffee at the Roost. 😛

Sasha’s Photo

Yesterday, I bought 1,800 turnips from Daisy Mae, at a price of 91 bells each.

I gave Sasha a (giftwrapped) tablet device, and he really seemed to love it. In return, he gave me his photo!

Sasha: I wanna thank you! Here, man! Sasha's photo! I hope ya like it, while I hop!

I took it home and displayed it in my bedroom, with my other villager photos. His favorite quote is “Timing is everything.”

Quote on Sasha's photo: Timing is everything.

Sasha has lived in Forest for over two months, so this is not one of my quickest photos earned. But it’s definitely not the slowest, either. Regardless, I’m glad to have it! 🙂

Today, I tried to repeat the feat with Admiral. I gave him a giftwrapped bathroom stall that I bought at Nook’s Cranny.

Admiral: No way! You're givin' me... a bathroom stall?!

But he didn’t give me his photo; he gave me some head bandages instead. These are probably the same bandages that I gave him for his birthday. 😂 Oh well. I’ll get his photo sooner or later.

At the plaza, Static was walking around mad. Apparently, he just had an argument with Louie.

Static: Bah! That Louie has me mad enough to eat nails! He's got a lot of growin' up to do!

Seeing two animals stomping around mad like this is something that reminds me of the older Animal Crossing games. I don’t see it happen very much in New Horizons, but it’s good to see it’s not completely gone.

As you can see in that last screenshot, Label was in town today. She wanted to see me wearing something theatrical once again. So I dressed up as a pirate, and she rewarded me with a Labelle dress.

As I was enjoying some coffee at the Roost, Timmy came in and got some coffee to go. Isn’t he a little young to be drinking coffee? 😛

Timmy: Once I get a whiff of that coffee, the wait gets so much harder. Mmm!

A few other quick notes about today:

  • Daisy Mae sent me a recipe for kabu ankake in the mail. I just hate having to use turnips to make her recipes.
  • Wisp was in town tonight, and he gave me an extinguisher.
  • On the bulletin board, I saw that Festivale is coming up on February 28th. That’s one week from today!

See you all next time!

Isabelle’s Photo

I know I’m late to the party, but I recently started collecting Nook Points in the NookLink part of the Nintendo Switch Online app. I redeemed my first 100 points for Isabelle’s photo. Her favorite quote is “A good attitude will always take you further than a bad habit.”

Quote on Isabelle's photo: A good attitude will always take you further than a bad habit.

Don’t mind the elephant in the room. She barged in as soon as I put the photo down. Because of course she did. 😛

C.J. was in town yesterday, but he was standing up on a cliff by my arches. There’s not much space to walk around up there, so I don’t know what he was doing.

C.J. stands up on a small cliff.

Meanwhile, Admiral was under a tree, sitting in his own…uh, scent. 😛

Admiral, sitting under a tree: I felt like comin' out and soakin' it in. Seemed as good a spot as any, if I fart.

I hope Static doesn’t open his window!

This morning, I did some morning aerobics group stretching when only one of my villagers was awake. So it was just a partial group. 😉

Jeff, Admiral, and five special characters participate in group stretching.

Today, I plucked two purple hyacinths and I had enough to make my first hyacinth lamp.

The hyacinth lamp in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

K.K. Slider was in town, and he performed K.K. Hop for me and Bones.

K.K. Slider performs for Jeff and Bones.

Kapp’n took me out to a star fragment mysterious island tonight.

A star fragment island in ACNH.

These islands are always so pretty, but the the color especially pops when I’ve been seeing nothing but the white snow cover of winter for the past 2+ months. But on the bright side, Animal Crossing winter ends in less than a week. Spring is coming!