Toilet Island

Last night, my bank account balance reached 35 million bells. Honestly, I’ve been close to that figure for a few months…but I kept spending bells before I hit the milestone. A lot of bells went to Version 2.0 update-related features (like the storage upgrades) and items (like the castle towers/gates/walls–those things are expensive!).

Savings Balance: 35,031,131 bells.

Today, I found some more purple hyacinth flowers budding. This is my 2nd time finding some…at least as far as I’m aware. Considering I almost sold the one I dug up today because it looked blue to my colorblind eyes, it’s certainly possible that I’ve had purple ones before last week, and just didn’t notice. I had this same problem in New Leaf, with the purple and blue varieties of some flowers looking almost indistinguishable to me.

There was a tent at the campsite, so I went inside and saw this.

Paula holds a cup of coffee at the campsite.

Paula the bear. No thank you.

I flew out to Lottie’s island to work a shift at Paradise Planning. I tried to use the amiibo machine to call up Tom Nook, but I was told I can’t connect with VIP clients yet. Apparently that means no special characters until I get further in the game.

So I went out to the beach, and I saw that Zelda’s father (Lionel) had a very unusual request. He wants a vacation home that features lots of toilets?!

Lionel: You can never have too many toilets when company's over.
Really? That is your #1 priority?

He called it a “Restroom Refuge.” So I picked out an island for him that looked like a toilet seat. 😂

A toilet-shaped island in Happy Home Paradise.

Since Lionel said you can never have too many toilets, I tested out that theory. I filled his front yard with toilets, and I added a couple of fountains (even though I couldn’t use the regular fountain yet). I also added a backlit sign to welcome visitors to Toilet Island. It was customized to say VIP. The “I.P.” sounds like “I pee,” so I thought it was kind of funny. I’m not sure what the V stands for, though. “Verily, I pee?” 😂

Lots of toilets on Lionel's vacation home island.
Toilet Island. You’ve simply got to go!

When I went inside, Niko told me that I can now use partition walls to separate rooms. That could be useful for separating a bathroom from a living space.

Niko: This room is divided by an original Paradise Planning partition wall!

I initially had the idea of placing a golden toilet atop a forbidden altar. But I couldn’t do that, because the toilet can’t be placed on other furniture. Oh well, at least I gave it a try. 😛

Instead, I filled the left side of the room with more toilets (including a litter box in case some of his friends are cats), and a couple of sinks as well. The other part of the room is a small living space, with a bed, lamp, and tables with lots of liquids to drink. 😛 I just went with the flow, using an abstract wall and gray argyle-tile flooring.

The inside of Lionel's restroom refuge.

Lionel was satisfied (and presumably, relieved) to have so many toilets at his disposal. Lottie gave me 9,000 Poki for completing the task. Niko then sent me a DIY recipe for a partition wall to use in my own house.

See you next time!

Hot Chocolate

Wisp was in town last night, and I gathered up his five spirits for him. In return, he gave me some patterned stockings.

Today, Sasha was visiting Marina. After speaking to them both, I left out the door… Seeing both of them wave goodbye at the same time just struck me as adorably cute. 😛

Marina and Sasha both wave goodbye.

When I checked my mail, I found 11 valentines with gifts! All ten of my villagers sent me one, as did Isabelle. Each one came with either a heart-shaped bouquet or a chocolate heart.

A valentine from Marina.

Another small feature of Valentine’s Day, which was first introduced in City Folk, is the ability to drink hot chocolate at the Roost. Even though Brewster pretends to serve you coffee initially, you get a sweet surprise once you taste the hot beverage.

This hot chocolate is warming my heart...

I’m glad to see that this feature has returned. Happy Valentine’s Day! ♥

Brewster: Happy Valentine's Day.

Agent S told me about a comic book called Mr. Beard’s Hairventure. She told me that the first issue came with a beard trimmer…but she can’t grow a beard. 🧔 Maybe she could trim her tail with it instead?

Agent S: If you pre-ordered the first issue, you got a Legendary Beard Trimmer, but...I can't grow a beard.

Jolly Redd’s ship was in town again…just three days after his last visit! Unfortunately, he didn’t have any art that I needed this time. But I did buy a few of his wall-mounted neon lights! They were purple, but I paid Cyrus to customize them and turn them blue. I’m not sure how I’ll use them yet, but they are pretty cool.

Redd: Like the best power pop albums, it's impossible to get enough of some wall-mounted neon lamps.

Nook’s Cranny also had a really cool item for sale, a siren. It would be a good thing to use in an obstacle course or race, perhaps as the final goal. Maybe whoever lights up the siren first wins?

I’ll see you all next time. Happy Valentine’s Day, and Never Stop Crossing!

A Different Sport

Yesterday, Jolly Redd was in town (on his ship). He had three paintings that I see fairly often, and one that I hadn’t seen yet: the warm painting. So it was a no-brainer to buy that one. I also bought the small vase and simple chair that Redd had for sale.

For the first time, I tried group stretching with Joy-Con motion controls. For most of the stretches, the controls worked fine. But a couple of them caused some problems, and I was doing the wrong stretch. 😂

Jeff stretches as everyone else does the T-pose.
It’s like I’m playing a different sport.

The worst exercise was the jumping part near the end. The game didn’t recognize my jumps at all and my character just stood there the whole time. 😛

Louie was sick with a cold, so I crafted some medicine for him. In return, he gave me a track jacket. That was my 275th favor I’ve done for villagers, so I just need 25 more to complete the “Smile Isle” achievement.

Today, the warm painting from Redd arrived in the mail. It was the real deal, and I promptly donated it to the museum.

Warm Painting - February 12th, 2022 - Donated by Jeff

I took a look around my art gallery, and I noticed something interesting. Previously, when I tried to count how many pieces of art I needed, I was overcounting. There are a couple of places where the display card for the painting isn’t directly under the piece of art, and that threw me off. But after a careful look, I believe I only need four more pieces of art!

Back outside, there was another pleasant discovery: My orange hyacinths have finally produced my first purple hyacinth! I’ll need to pluck it five times so I can craft that hyacinth lamp that looks so cool.

A purple hyacinth starts to bud.

When I visited Admiral, he taught me how to make some cookies. You gotta love that fresh-from-the-oven scent! 🍪

Admiral: You can have the recipe. I've made this so many times I could do it with my eyes closed, if I fart.

K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and he performed a song called Chillwave. Marina, Louie, Bones, and Sasha joined me in the plaza to enjoy the concert.

K.K. Slider performs for Marina, Louie, Bones, Jeff, and Sasha.

Today, I posted New Horizons Moments #13. I hope you’ll check it out. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 🙂