My town’s squirrels seem to be getting along very well. Nibbles even suggested that she may stay over at Static’s house for dinner. I guess they can nibble acorns together.
When I visited Big Top, he surprised me with a reference to the GameCube version of Animal Crossing. He asked if I liked steam engines, and then he told me that the town he grew up in had a train stop. He even mentioned the monkey (Porter) that worked at the train station!
Rod asked me for a new catchphrase, so I told him to say “in my ears.” I then spoke to him several more times to see how he would use it. Ultimately, he told me he works out so much because he wants more muscles, in his ears.
Crazy Redd was in town, so I used the password (which I received in the mail) to get into his tent. I bought a scary painting from him.
Unfortunately, Blathers soon informed me that the painting was a fake.
Hopper challenged me to a crawfish catching competition. So I caught one in a nearby pond, and took it back to him. He wasn’t happy that I beat him so quickly, and he had trouble accepting my win. But ultimately, he rewarded me with 510 bells for my win.

Once I was done making my rounds, I did some fishing. I caught my first koi, and the accompanying text is so bad that the game groans at its own pun.
I donated the koi to my museum and then ended my game for the night. See you next time!
Haha there are some really bad puns in AC
You can just imagine them all groaning at the puns as they program them in haha
If only forged paintings had always been as obvious as they are in New Leaf