Static was still sick with a cold tonight, so I gave him some medicine once again.
Crazy Redd was in town again, but he wasn’t of much help to me. That’s because he had the same art (the lovely painting) that he had last week! Since I already have the real one in the museum, I had no need for this one.

Outside of the museum, I listened in on a conversation between Kiki and Baabara. Kiki performed her impression of Baabara…to Baabara! She made fun of how insulting Baabara can be. It was pretty funny.
But then Baabara wanted to do her impression of Kiki. In her mind, Kiki apparently wants to be a “pretty princess” like Baabara! Ha!
Kiki didn’t understand, so Baabara said it was her impression of the “inner” Kiki.
This angered Kiki, and she stormed off, ending the conversation.
After making a 40,000 bell mortgage payment, I headed down to the beach for some fishing and bug-catching. I managed to find one new bug, the giant beetle.
After donating it to the museum, I wrapped up my game for the night.