I had a chat with Hopper this afternoon, and he was quite annoyed by the snow that was falling. He said he wished he could be collecting shells on a warm summer day. Okay, sure, but he’s a penguin! He should like the cold weather!
Big Top was finally over his cold, and he thanked me for all the medicine by giving me a modern wall.
I visited Puddles, and she told me how she enjoys to sit at home and pig out on dark chocolate. Sounds good to me!

Rhonda was all set to move out of town, but I got her to reconsider. I might as well try to get her picture before I let her go.
I noticed two snowballs were fairly close together behind Nookington’s, so I rolled them up into a snowman. It wasn’t my first snowman of the season, but it was my first snowman of 2018. And it was my first perfect snowman of the season. He should be sending me a gift in the mail.

At town hall, I made a 35,000 bell mortgage payment.
I ended my game for the moment, but I started it back up around 9 p.m. I had some new mail, and it was a letter from the snowman. He sent me a snowman TV; I put it in my house.
I went over to the Roost to check out some music from K.K. Slider. He played K.K. Rockabilly for me.
After that, I visited Hopper. He told me a bit about Pascal’s past. Apparently he was hit in the head with a soccer ball when he was young. That was apparently the cause of his philosophical ways.
I did a little fishing, but I didn’t catch anything good. So I ended my game shortly thereafter.
I’ll be posting my next Wild World video within a couple days…and possibly by tomorrow. Check here to see my latest videos: jvgsjeff videos.