Today was La-Di-Day, and many of my villagers were talking about how great their songs would be. But none of them ever sang one for me, so no changes were made to the town tune.
I didn’t mention it last week, but I got a letter inviting me to Puddles’ birthday party today (January 13th). But when I went into her house tonight, there was no birthday party. Instead, she was moving out of town. I like Puddles, but I decided to let her go.

For no apparent reason, Bud was throwing some shade at Sable. He called her lazy! How rude! Sable’s probably the hardest working animal in town!
Back outside, Kiki showed me a letter that someone sent her. It says “I’m not fat! I’m just fluffy!” There wasn’t a name on the letter, but I’m guessing it’s from Baabara.
After speaking with everyone, I went to the museum. Blathers identified three fossils for me, and then I went downstairs to the Roost. K.K. Slider performed K.K. Mambo for me. It actually sounds pretty good performed live.
I did some fishing in the river, and twice I saw a large fish shadow. Maybe a stringfish, I thought. But instead, I just caught two tires.

No luck so far, but I’ll keep trying.
I bumped into Big Top, and he wanted to buy a barbel steed off of me. But when he made his offer, the line was blank where the name of the fish should be. Oops.
I made a 50,000 bell mortgage payment before returning home for the night. That’s all I have for tonight, but I’ll back again on Tuesday (probably) with another entry. And also, I’ll be posting my full Animal Crossing: Wild World review soon.