I started up the game tonight shortly before 11:00. So I tried to collect (and sell) as much fruit as I could before Nook’s closed for the night.
Once I got inside Nook’s shop, he had some dialogue for me. He was talking about all he seems to care about it money. And that he feels it’s his job to show young people how hard life is.
This text seemed familiar, and indeed, it was. He said the same things a year ago (almost to the day). I wonder if the dialogue repeats at the same time each year?
Crazy Redd was in town tonight, and he had a common painting up for sale. Since I already have that one in the museum, there was no reason to buy it again.

The latest Message of the Week is really just song lyrics. Bird is the word.
Since the winter season in Animal Crossing has less than two weeks left, I decided to build a snowman tonight. I won’t have many more chances, considering I only play twice a week. But this snowman was happy about his appearance, and I should get a reward from him in the mail next time.
I listened in on a conversation between Big Top and Curly, and it was an odd one. Big Top was telling Curly that he looked dreamy when he laughs.

Over at town hall, I made a 35,000 bell mortgage payment before wrapping up my night. See you next time!