The snowman I built last time sent me a snowman wardrobe in the mail today. I put it in my main room.
When I visited my favorite villager Kiki, I saw that she put up the gift I sent her in the mail. You’ve heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get ready for Kiki with a Tiki.
When I visited the town pig Curly, he told me his schedule for today: Regular training for twelve hours, rugby for eight hours, five hours for gardening, and then eight hours to sleep. Hmm, that would be a total of 33 hours. Curly realized his mistake, but he didn’t explain how he was off by so much.
Tom Nook had more dialogue for me tonight, but again, it was the same stuff as last year. He warned me about “easy” money-making schemes and told me that he lost his passion, as well as his friend. (Even though he never said who the friend was). From now on, I may not point out the non-playable characters’ dialogue in the blog, unless I’m sure it’s something new I haven’t seen yet.
Upstairs at Nookington’s, I was looking at the carpets and wallpapers available. But as Tommy told me about them, Timmy started walking around a green lamp. Over and over and over again! Even after I stopped talking to Tommy, Timmy kept on walking in circles! Crazy kid.
After Blathers identified three fossils for me at the museum, I went downstairs to the Roost. I asked for a new song, and K.K. sang the blues.
At town hall, I made a 40,000 bell mortgage payment. I then returned home to put my new song in my stereo, and then I ended my game for the night.