Flowery Painting

Crazy Redd was in town today, and I used the password “be charged” to get inside his tent. He had a flowery painting for sale, just like he did two weeks ago. The last one was a fake, so I still needed one.

Redd: A flowery painting! Cousin, you've got incredible taste! Ol' Redd is in awe!

I shelled out 3,920 bells for the painting. Then outside, I found a four-leaf clover! Could this give me some good luck?

WAHOO! I got the four-leaf clover!

Over at the museum, Blathers told me that the painting was…real! I guess I actually was lucky today! 😉 So here is a look at the museum’s latest addition:

Flowery painting. Donor: Jeff.

A “Talking to Myself” message was posted to the bulletin board, and it was about delivering letters. Hmm, could Pete be the author of some of these messages? Or it could be Pelly or Phyllis just daydreaming about Pete.

-Talking to Myself- I loved homing pigeons as a kid. It would be fun to get paid for delivering letters to folks!

Still no hybrids, but I didn’t play any extra days since last week. I might check again this week, if I can. But even if I’m not able to catch the peacock butterfly before it goes away for the year, I can still try to breed the hybrids that I’ll need once it comes back into season next year.

First Arapaima

It was raining in town today, and that’s very helpful now that I have flower gardens. No watering required!

I saw a large fish shadow in the river, so I fished it out. Surprise, surprise: It was my first arapaima!

I caught an arapaima! It's big...and kinda gross!

Just two more fish to go now! I took it over to the museum to donate it, and Blathers told me how they used to be common, but now they’re rare.

Blathers: The arapaima used to be abundant, but overfishing has sadly made them rare.

Then he started getting deep…or overdramatic, depending on how you look at it.

Blathers: One has to wonder how many species must suffer to satiate the world...

When I visited Rocco, he complained that I haven’t been coming around like I used to. Oh, really? He said it has been two weeks since we talked…so apparently I missed talking to him last week. No big loss there.

Rocco: Whoa! What happened to you?! You don't come around like you used to...

Jeremiah had his furniture all packed up in boxes, and he was all set to move out of town. But after just one attempt, I got him to reconsider. He knows he didn’t really want to leave me.

Jeremiah: Huh huh huh! Maybe I'll stick around a little bit longer, in a pond!

Crazy Redd was in town, but I didn’t need what he was selling.

Redd: You like it? You like that quaint painting? Hee hee hee!
If your painting is quaint,
then shopping, I ain’t.

Rosie’s Plastic Fossil

Today, Crazy Redd had a flowery painting for sale. That’s one painting that I still need for the museum, so I quickly snapped it up.

Redd: Yes, yes. Now that there flowery painting is quite the little item.
“Yes, yes?” You’re not Tom Nook.

But my excitement quickly fizzled away when Blathers informed me that it was a forgery. I was quite disappointed.

When I visited Jeremiah, he told me that he was feeling better now. He thanked me for the medicine I took him last week, and he rewarded me with some cabana flooring.

Jeremiah: I can really count on you. Thanks for attending to me in my time of plague.

I found a dig spot, and I dug up a pitfall seed. But as I was holding it up, Bree came walking towards me. And that gave me an idea. 😛

Bree looks on as I dig up a pitfall seed in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

So I buried it near her…but then she started walking in a different direction. I tried pushing her, but I wasn’t getting anywhere. I moved the pitfall seed to another location, and again tried pushing her into it. But she went another way, and again, the pushing wasn’t helping. It seems more difficult to push animals around in Wild World compared to City Folk. This is why I may not ever make a Pitfall Pandemonium type video for Wild World.

So I gave up, and I went to go dig up the pitfall seed. But before I could, poor Rosie came by and walked right into it!

Rosie falls into a pitfall.

I spoke to her, and she didn’t seem mad about the pitfall. Instead, she told me how she was excited to find a fossil the other day.

Rosie: Just the other day, I found a fossil! Yes, A FOSSIL!!!

So she took it to Blathers, but he told her that it wasn’t a real fossil. It was made out of plastic!

Rosie: But that hypernerd Blathers told me it was just a piece of plastic, silly!

Rosie got angry, and she wondered who buried a plastic fossil just to trick her and break her heart.

Rosie: Who did it?! Who had to go and shatter my irresistibly adorable little heart?

The worst part is that she blamed me for it! It’s very uncharacteristic for Rosie to be so rude, angry, and…mean.

Rosie: You know what I think? I think it was YOU, you plastic-fossil SICKO!

At this point, I was glad she fell into the pitfall. She earned it.

Kiki asked me to catch a salmon for her. Even though it was an uphill battle, I caught one for her. She thanked me by giving me an exotic screen.

Kiki: Incredible! Are you serious? You caught one already?

Still no hybrids in my flower garden, but I’m not giving up. See you next time!