While watering the many wilted flowers around my house tonight, I spotted something new. Something bright and purple…purple pansies, hiding right behind my house!
I should be able to catch the peacock butterfly now! Well, aside from the fact that it won’t be back in season until March. But I have what I need to do it, although I’d still like to grow more hybrids over the winter. For now, I put the purple pansies in my house so there’s no risk of them dying.
It seems like I’ve been wearing the BB shirt forever, and I was getting quite tired of it. So I went into Able Sisters and bought a one-way tee to wear instead. While I was there, I noticed that Sable is sew ready for Halloween.
The latest Message of the Week on the bulletin board was about being as old as you feel.
Right after I got done reading that, Margie approached me and wanted to buy my BB shirt. I was happy to sell it, and she gave me 100 bells for it.