I got a letter from Mom today, talking about the arrival of autumn. She sent me an acorn; I put it in storage for a future acorn festival (if I remember to use it).
Rosie was talking about how big my house is now (even though it’s been fully expanded for quite a while now). Still, she asked if she should bring some mocha java as a housewarming gift. Uhh… obviously. Yes!
In my flower garden, I found my very first black rose! Woohoo! I picked it up and put it in my house for safekeeping.
The latest Message of the Week on the bulletin board advised people to keep a positive attitude…and ignore the “horror of it all.” Is being positive really that horrible? Hmm, this sounds like Phyllis struggling to be nice.
In front of the museum, Margie and Rosie had a very interesting conversation. Margie asked Rosie if she had seen Margie’s new mop yet…
Rosie was not excited to hear about it; she prefers her candy. She even told Margie to go scrub something.
The conversation then got weird(er). Margie said that the mop isn’t for scrubbing…its name is Moppina and “she” is Margie’s best friend!
Margie tries out hairstyles on Moppina, lets her model clothes, and they even dance together!
I was expecting Rosie to call Margie crazy, but she didn’t. Instead, Rosie said that Moppina sounds pretty nice, and she wants to meet her! This has got to be one of the most bizarre conversations I’ve listened in on.
I went to visit Rocco, and he made me quite happy…by telling me he was moving away! So long, jerk!
I’ve finally saved up enough money for another 300,000 bell donation to Boondox. Pelly told me that the average household there has two cars now. Wow, they’ve really come a long way.
Crazy Redd was in town, but I didn’t need what he was selling (the quaint painting). See you next time!
I was wondering when you’d get the Moppina conversation. I remember that happening with Daisy (I forget who the other person involved was) in my Wild World town. It left me wondering what the heck that was and if Daisy really had recovered from her recent illness at the time.
Well now you have no enemies in your town Jeff?
I’m not very fond of Bree, so I could always give her a promotion to enemy.
But who knows, the next villager to move in could be bad too.
Let’s hope it’s not Limberg. Having two Tabby’s was bad enough.