Mad Scientist Gaston

Crazy Redd was in town today, and he had a worthy painting for sale. I didn’t need it. But you may notice the item next to it also looks like a work of art if you’ve played New Leaf. The spaceman is known as the ancient statue in New Leaf, and it can be donated to the museum. But in Wild World, it’s just a piece of furniture.

Redd: Ah! I see you've noticed the worthy painting! That's a very nice item!

When I ran into Curly outside, he asked which of his bulging, burly muscles I thought were his favorites. Umm, this is how awkward conversations start.

Curly: Which of my many bulging, burly muscles do you think are my absolute favorites?

I guessed his arms, and he said I was wrong because they’re all his favorites.

Curly: WRONG! Man, too bad! The correct answer was... Each and every one of 'em!

He conceded that it wasn’t a fair question, so he gave me a prize: a rose shirt. Not the best prize, but that reminded me that I had to water all of Curly’s wilted flowers in his garden! It’s bad enough that I have to water my own, but I ended up watering his as well. Of course I’m going to steal any hybrids that pop up, but at least I’m helping. 😛

Jeremiah was all packed up and ready to move out of town, but that was not acceptable. I got him to reconsider. Or at least, I think I did…

Jeremiah: Is that so? Well, if that's how you're going to react, I'll sleep on it for a while.

I got to see inside of Gaston’s house, and it’s a bit creepy. Not only does he have some mad scientist furniture, but he also has K.K. Dirge playing. And then of course, there’s also that mustache…

Inside Gaston's house.

Bree informed me that she was giving me a new nickname: Petite J. Ugh. Even though I didn’t do anything mean to her for coming up with that, karma caught up to her a few minutes later. She walked into the random pitfall of the day!

Bree struggles to get out of a pitfall in Animal Crossing: Wild World (ACWW).

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